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English   Information   Debug  
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ZEC   4

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BLUEWAVE   0/2173
CBM   0/46
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COMICS   0/15
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COOKING   31539
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COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
DOORGAMES   0/2048
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GET_INFO   105
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IC   0/2851
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LINUX   0/22068
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MUSIC   0/321
N203_STAT   918
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NET204   69
NET_DEV   0/10
NORD.ADMIN   0/101
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OS2   0/4786
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PHP   0/45
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PSION   103
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SF   0/239
Tillbaka till text     (eller ange värde efter LIST= här ovanför)
Det finns 4530 texter i mötet TEAMOS2, 3541-4530 visas
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3541  2011-01-19 17:38:00 Holger Granholm                    Re: Test                                                                
  3542  2011-01-21 10:07:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, Feb 1                 
  3543  2011-01-23 09:49:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Update to USB host controller drivers: usbxhcd7.    
  3544  2011-01-23 21:40:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: 4OS2 version 3.06, Open Source Edition                   
  3545  2011-01-24 11:35:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: netlabs.org newsletter #131                         
  3546  2011-01-26 18:49:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Plug-ins for NetDrive                                    
  3547  2011-01-30 14:47:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Scribus port updated to v1.3.9                          
  3548  2011-02-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3549  2011-02-01 08:42:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Poll: What video driver do you use?                 
  3550  2011-02-01 11:29:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Introduction to BlueNexus and game(s) review is     
  3551  2011-02-03 11:15:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SW: PMMail for OS/2 version 3.09                         
  3552  2011-02-03 20:43:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: ACPI 3.19 CR4 on eComStation BetaZone                   
  3553  2011-02-07 07:13:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCo Market: Week of remote control tools                 
  3554  2011-02-07 19:44:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Postgresql port updated to v9.0.3                        
  3555  2011-02-07 20:17:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VLC media player v1.1.7 for OS/2                         
  3556  2011-02-11 01:28:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox v4.0b12pre (20110210) and Seamonkey v2.1b3pre    
  3557  2011-02-12 19:04:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Week of USB Touchscreen                             
  3558  2011-02-13 19:48:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: NDCrypt plugin updated                                   
  3559  2011-02-12 13:06:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New font release: Midori Sans                            
  3560  2011-02-13 19:49:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: WarpIn TOTAL - 7 programs re-packed to wpi          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3561  2011-02-15 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3562  2011-02-15 13:07:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New version SearchPlus 2.0 on Hobbes                     
  3563  2011-02-16 19:26:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Announcement Warpstock Europe 2011                    
  3564  2011-02-17 13:16:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, Feb 22                       
  3565  2011-02-17 22:43:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus port updated to v1.4.0.rc1                       
  3566  2011-02-17 22:46:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL v5.1 updated to v5.1.55                            
  3567  2011-02-17 22:48:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SC Bind updated to v9.7.3                                
  3568  2011-02-17 07:52:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Buy eCo Market share                                
  3569  2011-02-21 15:37:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 20110221                                            
  3570  2011-02-21 16:37:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Samba Server 3.0.37 for eComStation (OS/2) 1.0.6         
  3571  2011-02-21 17:37:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCo Software: 10 applications updated                    
  3572  2011-02-21 22:49:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OpenJDK 6 for OS/2 and eCS,Version 1.6.0 Build 19 RC     
  3573  2011-02-22 18:52:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New GBM (Generalised Bitmap Module) release              
  3574  2011-02-23 14:14:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Quickmotion released as Open Source.                     
  3575  2011-02-26 09:26:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Update on Warpstock Europe 2011!                      
  3576  2011-02-26 14:41:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Call for presentations at Warpstock Europe 2011       
  3577  2011-02-27 10:01:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Sane port updated to 1.0.22                              
  3578  2011-03-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3579  2011-02-27 10:33:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DBCSMAP Version 1.5                                      
  3580  2011-03-01 09:23:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [New] Exceptq v7.1 and MapXQS v1.0                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3581  2011-03-01 13:37:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: A new review on Blue Nexus: Entrepreneur for OS/    
  3582  2011-03-01 19:44:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Capabilities and restrictions of OpenGL for eCom    
  3583  2011-03-05 17:08:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Uniaud updated:  stable 1.9.25 and Beta 2.1.2       
  3584  2011-03-05 20:44:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Subversion updated to 1.6.16                             
  3585  2011-03-07 05:57:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: eCo Market: week of financial applications          
  3586  2011-03-07 13:04:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation Newsletter - March 2011                     
  3587  2011-03-07 13:58:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #132                             
  3588  2011-03-07 13:59:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #133                             
  3589  2011-03-07 14:00:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #134                             
  3590  2011-03-08 16:12:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Customer Reviews at forum.eracc.com                 
  3591  2011-03-08 21:07:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lucide 1.3.3 Beta refreshed Document Viewer Released     
  3592  2011-03-05 04:45:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: WDSibyl : New Online Help Text                      
  3593  2011-03-13 12:05:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Support Warpstock Europe 2011 and Spread the Word!    
  3594  2011-03-13 13:43:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Admin note: Submitting German news via ecomstationne    
  3595  2011-03-13 08:58:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PrettyPop Software now Open Source                       
  3596  2011-03-13 10:06:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMMailWEB - Web frontend for PMMail                      
  3597  2011-03-14 11:36:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New Version EasySync 1.12                                
  3598  2011-03-14 16:45:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus port updated to v1.4.0.rc2                       
  3599  2011-03-14 16:47:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL v5.1 updated to v5.1.56                            
  3600  2011-03-14 16:50:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GCC 4.5.2 bugfix added                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3601  2011-03-15 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3602  2011-03-14 20:02:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lightweight2 1.3 (with sources)                          
  3603  2011-03-16 00:23:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, Mar 22                       
  3604  2011-03-16 14:13:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2011 website updated with travel     
  3605  2011-03-19 19:34:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: News Harvest 1.7 - Now Freeware and Open Source          
  3606  2011-03-20 09:01:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World.com Bounty System News                         
  3607  2011-03-20 15:01:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Update to USB host controller drivers: usbxhcd8.    
  3608  2011-03-21 03:32:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #135                             
  3609  2011-03-21 09:48:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: usbdock 20110319  on eComStation BetaZone                
  3610  2011-03-23 15:40:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Exim4/Courier IMAP port needs testers                    
  3611  2011-03-26 14:33:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMMailWEB - Web Frontend forr PMMail New Version 1.00    
  3612  2011-03-27 12:50:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Security updates for Firefox 3.6.16, Firefox 3.5.18 a    
  3613  2011-03-27 22:13:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 4.0pre and Seamonkey 2.1b3pre - 20110327         
  3614  2011-03-28 08:37:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Downtime of ecomstationnews.com, warpstock.eu       
  3615  2011-03-30 06:11:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FreeType/2 version 1.3.2 released                        
  3616  2011-04-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3617  2011-04-01 02:42:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OpenJDK6 1.6.0-b22 RC2                                   
  3618  2011-04-02 06:23:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: High five for Warpstock Europe 2011                   
  3619  2011-04-02 10:09:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.6.21606 (2011-03-28)                              
  3620  2011-04-02 20:47:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus port updated to v1.4.0.rc3                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3621  2011-04-03 10:35:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lightweight2 1.7 (with sources)                          
  3622  2011-04-03 19:46:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Marvell Yukon 88E8056 NIC driver                    
  3623  2011-04-04 04:37:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #136                             
  3624  2011-04-04 08:52:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Qt Creator for OS/2 1.3.1 and Artistic Style Plugin 0    
  3625  2011-04-05 16:13:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Poll: Mobile eComStation users                          
  3626  2011-04-06 08:12:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Update: Marvell Yukon 88E8056 NIC driver uploade    
  3627  2011-04-06 16:37:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: How to support Warpstock Europe 2011 conference?      
  3628  2011-04-08 13:00:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lightweight2 1.8 (with sources)                          
  3629  2011-04-08 16:26:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCo Market: "I like it"                        
  3630  2011-04-10 06:48:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Qt Creator for OS/2 updated  to version 1.3.1            
  3631  2011-04-11 10:15:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation.TV: eSchemes installation                   
  3632  2011-04-11 23:56:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Quassel IRC client updated to v0.7.2                     
  3633  2011-04-11 23:57:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ISC Bind updated to v9.8.0                               
  3634  2011-04-12 23:41:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Ghostscript updated to v9.02                             
  3635  2011-04-13 15:50:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of i3/i5/i7 barebones, notebooks and server    
  3636  2011-04-15 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3637  2011-04-14 22:07:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHP v5.3.x updated to v5.3.6                             
  3638  2011-04-15 01:42:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 4.0 and SeaMonkey-2.1 Beta 3 for OS/2 release    
  3639  2011-04-15 14:39:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eCo Market: Week of scientific/educational applicati    
  3640  2011-04-15 22:34:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Archive Viewer  2.1 RC1 on BetaZone                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3641  2011-04-18 03:49:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #137                             
  3642  2011-04-18 10:44:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2011 Location and Date Announcement         
  3643  2011-04-18 18:43:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Join eCS-OS/2  Banner Networks                          
  3644  2011-04-20 06:44:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: FTPBrowser 1.71 Review is up (and full application d    
  3645  2011-04-23 16:39:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Subversion 1.6.16 port updated                           
  3646  2011-04-23 23:20:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New MultiMac network drivers on eCS Betazone        
  3647  2011-04-27 08:01:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 10.7 released                                      
  3648  2011-04-28 04:05:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: eCo Software is searching for sponsors              
  3649  2011-05-01 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3650  2011-05-01 03:07:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Offering for developers: develop small cheap sharewa    
  3651  2011-05-01 15:43:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Reaching Warpstock Europe, possible detour!           
  3652  2011-05-02 03:01:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #138                             
  3653  2011-05-02 04:18:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: IMAP for Weasel mail server updated                      
  3654  2011-05-02 14:57:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FireFox-4.01/3.6.17/3.5.19; SeaMonkey-2.0.14; Thunder    
  3655  2011-05-04 08:08:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lucide 1.3.3GA and 1.3.4 Beta on Netlabs                 
  3656  2011-05-05 04:46:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Intervew: Roderick Klein answers to your questions      
  3657  2011-05-06 07:26:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Poster Session at WSE2011                             
  3658  2011-05-06 16:56:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Some highlights from Warpstock Europe Day 1           
  3659  2011-05-07 05:40:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Pictures from WSE2011                               
  3660  2011-05-07 11:43:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: WSE2011: Mensys, history of OS/2 and eComStation      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3661  2011-05-07 20:05:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe Day 2.                               
  3662  2011-05-08 08:06:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: eCS 2.1 available now at Warpstock Europe             
  3663  2011-05-10 08:21:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: WSE2011: Send us your event pictures!                 
  3664  2011-05-11 08:47:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Alex Taylor answers to your questions                   
  3665  2011-05-12 20:06:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.6.21632 (2011-05-12)                              
  3666  2011-05-12 20:50:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Java 1.6.0-b22 WSE                                       
  3667  2011-05-14 13:18:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: ERACC On-line Shopping Updated with eCS 2.1         
  3668  2011-05-15 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3669  2011-05-14 20:26:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VLC media player v1.1.9 for OS/2                         
  3670  2011-05-15 07:09:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: The review for Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 is up      
  3671  2011-05-15 06:16:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.1 release candidate 1 available for OS/2     
  3672  2011-05-15 17:26:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: eComStation 2.1 is available for download.          
  3673  2011-05-16 03:28:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #139                             
  3674  2011-05-16 15:30:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Interview with Keith Merrington                         
  3675  2011-05-19 15:25:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation Artefacts (2011/05)                         
  3676  2011-05-19 20:43:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eComStation 2.1 available                                
  3677  2011-05-23 05:56:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 10.8 released                                      
  3678  2011-05-23 08:04:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Interview with Roderick Klein  (after WSE2011)          
  3679  2011-05-25 15:58:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Afteryour  eComStation 2.1 install                      
  3680  2011-05-28 10:45:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: PMMail for OS/2 version 3.10                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3681  2011-05-29 16:04:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Indelible Blue, Mensys BV OS/2  catalogues from     
  3682  2011-05-30 11:00:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Workplace Sans 0.81                                 
  3683  2011-05-30 03:44:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: netlabs.org newsletter #140                         
  3684  2011-05-29 16:27:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eComStation PC: Week of Mobile phones/communicat    
  3685  2011-05-31 16:51:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation Artefacts (2011/06)                         
  3686  2011-06-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3687  2011-05-31 18:26:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: 4os2 3.07beta                                            
  3688  2011-06-01 06:31:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: SearchPlus 2.0 Review is up at blueNexus                
  3689  2011-06-07 13:01:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Bingo! 3000 bug-reports in eCS bug-tracker          
  3690  2011-06-10 08:18:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 10.9 released; eCS AHCI related bugfix!            
  3691  2011-06-10 14:20:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New cheap application for eComStation: PMMaps            
  3692  2011-06-10 10:23:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.1 release candidate 2 available for OS/2     
  3693  2011-06-11 03:49:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation Turns Ten                                   
  3694  2011-06-12 09:31:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Bluegriffon uploaded to netlabs                          
  3695  2011-06-13 07:06:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #141                             
  3696  2011-06-13 19:18:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL v5.1 updated to v5.1.57                            
  3697  2011-06-13 19:20:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ISC Bind updated to v9.8.0-P2                            
  3698  2011-06-13 19:27:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: CUPS updated to v1.4.6 and Gutenprint to v5.2.7          
  3699  2011-06-14 05:59:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USB 1.1 Extended Control Driver for OS/2            
  3700  2011-06-14 06:32:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2011 - the flag of the conference    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3701  2011-06-15 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3702  2011-06-15 13:24:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2011 early registration special             
  3703  2011-06-21 06:06:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: PCI Dock - new utility for eComStation              
  3704  2011-06-22 10:27:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, June 28                      
  3705  2011-06-23 16:16:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Find an eCS neighbour with your language                
  3706  2011-06-27 03:10:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #142                             
  3707  2011-06-27 08:04:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox-3.6.18 and Thunderbird-3.1.11 for OS/2 releas    
  3708  2011-06-28 12:43:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OpenJDK 6 JRE and SK 1.6.0-b22 GA                        
  3709  2011-06-28 12:53:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ODIN 0.6.21659 (2011-06-27)                              
  3710  2011-07-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3711  2011-06-30 18:49:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FileManager/2 3.19                                       
  3712  2011-07-01 07:12:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: WarpNote (version 1.93) review is up at BlueNexus!      
  3713  2011-07-01 07:52:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: access easly eComStation irc network from WSIRC web     
  3714  2011-07-01 07:02:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Samba  for eCS-OS/2 Server 1.1.0 and Client 2.1.0 bas    
  3715  2011-07-02 19:55:29 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2011 Pricing Changes & Package Addit    
  3716  2011-07-02 20:11:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2011 Early registration ends soon           
  3717  2011-07-04 00:42:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FireFox v4.0.2pre and SeaMonkey v2.1with Native Print    
  3718  2011-07-04 17:47:05 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of inkjet printers                             
  3719  2011-07-04 17:53:55 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Run benchmarks on your eComStation PC               
  3720  2011-07-06 09:06:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: MultiMac Intel PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter &qu    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3721  2011-07-11 04:02:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #143                             
  3722  2011-07-10 10:06:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation: Question - answer                          
  3723  2011-07-11 12:09:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: CUPS updated to v1.4.7                                   
  3724  2011-07-11 12:12:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL v5.1 updated to v5.1.58                            
  3725  2011-07-11 12:14:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ISC Bind updated to v9.8.0-P4                            
  3726  2011-07-13 19:57:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.6.21668 (2011-07-10)                              
  3727  2011-07-15 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3728  2011-07-15 15:53:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbxhcd9.zip       
  3729  2011-07-16 18:16:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation Turns Ten                                   
  3730  2011-07-20 09:07:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, July 26                      
  3731  2011-07-22 23:00:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Updated Firefox v4.0.2pre/Seamonkey v2.1/Thunderbird     
  3732  2011-07-24 08:03:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Mensys acquires SNAP video for OS/2 and eComStation     
  3733  2011-07-24 09:01:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers:  New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd10.zip      
  3734  2011-07-25 04:16:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #144                             
  3735  2011-07-25 17:45:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PL/I beta for OS/2 version 0.9.2 released July 13, 20    
  3736  2011-07-27 08:09:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd11.zip       
  3737  2011-08-01 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3738  2011-07-31 23:19:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Beta] Firefox 6 / Seamonkey 2.3 / Thunderbird 6         
  3739  2011-08-01 19:33:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Trials of Battle review is now up at BlueNexus!         
  3740  2011-08-02 20:04:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Books about OS/2 and eComStation                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3741  2011-08-03 11:41:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation fans                                        
  3742  2011-08-04 09:01:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: comp.os.os2.announce is alive                       
  3743  2011-08-08 04:47:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #145                             
  3744  2011-08-09 17:57:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VLC media player v1.1.11 for OS/2                        
  3745  2011-08-11 23:57:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Admin: Posting to the News Service via comp.os.o    
  3746  2011-08-14 12:41:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: File Manager/2 v3.19.1 & FM2utils v1.1.1 released    
  3747  2011-08-15 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3748  2011-08-16 21:36:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Patched  tcpip32.dll                                     
  3749  2011-08-18 15:15:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd12.zip       
  3750  2011-08-19 11:55:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, August 23                    
  3751  2011-08-31 09:20:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eComStation PC: Week of Lenovo notebooks            
  3752  2011-09-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3753  2011-09-01 22:58:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: CUPS updated to v1.4.8                              
  3754  2011-09-01 23:01:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache2 updated to v2.2.20                               
  3755  2011-09-01 23:03:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ISC Bind updated to v9.8.1                               
  3756  2011-09-03 20:52:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Mozilla based Browser Security, fraudulent certifacte    
  3757  2011-09-03 20:32:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMMail for OS/2 version 3.11 has been released           
  3758  2011-09-05 13:41:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #146                             
  3759  2011-09-05 13:42:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #147                             
  3760  2011-09-07 07:37:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Update eComStation today                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3761  2011-09-07 14:49:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: new eCo Market: Updating eComStation                     
  3762  2011-09-09 18:06:05 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: ERACC On-Line Shopping has a New Look                   
  3763  2011-09-11 15:12:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock room availability                           
  3764  2011-09-15 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3765  2011-09-19 10:31:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Qt 4.7.3 and Qt Creator for OS/2 version 2.2.1           
  3766  2011-09-22 15:46:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHP v5.3.x updated to v5.3.8                             
  3767  2011-09-22 15:55:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache2 updated to v2.2.21                               
  3768  2011-09-22 15:57:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL v5.1 updated to v5.1.59                            
  3769  2011-09-22 15:58:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd13.zip       
  3770  2011-09-24 17:06:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Admin: Problem with VOICE News submission addres    
  3771  2011-09-24 22:31:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, September 27                 
  3772  2011-09-30 22:16:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ODIN 0.7.1  (2011-09-30) on Netlabs FTP server.          
  3773  2011-10-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3774  2011-10-08 06:53:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: RPL/2  4.1.4                                             
  3775  2011-10-08 09:21:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: e-ball Awards 2011                                      
  3776  2011-10-08 17:39:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: drman-1.0                                                
  3777  2011-10-09 11:33:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eCo-Books from eCo Software                         
  3778  2011-10-11 17:57:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Travel info updated                         
  3779  2011-10-13 08:50:55 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of Blu-ray burners                             
  3780  2011-10-15 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3781  2011-10-17 13:17:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #150                             
  3782  2011-10-18 22:34:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Admin: FIXED [Problem with VOICE News submission    
  3783  2011-10-19 18:12:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Offerings for standalone developers                     
  3784  2011-10-20 19:38:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Updated: Varenye backup, Virtual keyboard, PM123 play    
  3785  2011-10-21 16:28:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, October 25                   
  3786  2011-10-24 12:13:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus port updated to v1.4.0.rc6                       
  3787  2011-10-25 18:01:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation 2.1: share your experience                  
  3788  2011-10-31 06:36:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #151                             
  3789  2011-11-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3790  2011-11-02 11:48:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Bridge2-Hi Ver. 1.7                                      
  3791  2011-11-05 16:45:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Solutions based on eComStation                          
  3792  2011-11-05 15:26:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Suggestions for the 3rd generation of eComStation       
  3793  2011-11-10 23:16:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox-8.0b6, Thunderbird-8.0b5 and Seamonkey-2.5b3     
  3794  2011-11-11 10:06:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Admin: Problems with the News submission system     
  3795  2011-11-13 16:56:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of SATA controllers                            
  3796  2011-11-15 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3797  2011-11-14 12:45:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #152                             
  3798  2011-11-14 18:11:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Order Icons for your app                                 
  3799  2011-11-24 02:38:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW:  Firefox-8.0.1, Seamonkey-2.5 and Thunderbird-8.0 for    
  3800  2011-11-27 13:30:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Announcing Drman v 1.2                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3801  2011-11-27 14:55:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Mozilla Installer script                                 
  3802  2011-11-28 12:14:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #153                             
  3803  2011-11-29 21:27:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, Dec 6                        
  3804  2011-12-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3805  2011-12-02 07:23:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCo Market - more than 200 apps                          
  3806  2011-12-03 14:21:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Drawing new icons for eComStation                        
  3807  2011-12-03 23:16:05 madodel                            [VOICENWS] Samba  for eCS-OS/2 Server 1.2 beta9 and Client 2.2.0 bet    
  3808  2011-12-03 23:17:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Correction: Samba  for eCS-OS/2 Server 1.2 beta9 and     
  3809  2011-12-04 16:53:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Eugene Gorbunoff talks about eComStation                
  3810  2011-12-05 05:54:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PL/Java: considering dropping support for OS/2           
  3811  2011-12-08 11:16:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd176.zip      
  3812  2011-12-08 11:21:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Icon Theme Toolkit v2.1 (BetaZone)                       
  3813  2011-12-12 07:20:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation: the past, today and tomorrow               
  3814  2011-12-12 13:02:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #154                             
  3815  2011-12-15 11:13:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3816  2011-12-14 07:05:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd177.zip      
  3817  2011-12-14 22:35:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Question of the Week for OS/2 and eComStation.          
  3818  2011-12-14 22:42:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Drag and drop install script for firefox - v.005         
  3819  2011-12-16 20:24:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GCC 4.4.x port updated to 4.4.6 - many problems fixed    
  3820  2011-12-19 20:42:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Squid cache updated to 3.0.stable26 - recompiled with    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3821  2011-12-19 07:11:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: iii (Eye-Fi card client) port added                      
  3822  2011-12-19 07:15:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Squid cache updated to 3.0.stable26                      
  3823  2011-12-18 12:16:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Bubblepad v108.                                          
  3824  2011-12-18 09:11:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL v5.1 updated to v5.1.60                            
  3825  2011-12-19 20:39:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Quassel updated to v0.7.3                                
  3826  2011-12-20 10:15:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: xz archiver v5.0.3                                       
  3827  2011-12-20 10:18:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: cURL port updated to 7.23.1                              
  3828  2011-12-20 10:20:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: binutils port updated to v2.21.1a                        
  3829  2011-12-21 17:19:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: e-ball Awards 2011 competition                          
  3830  2011-12-21 13:58:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Ghostscript port updated to v9.04                        
  3831  2011-12-22 14:11:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ODIN 0.8.1  (2011-12-19) on Netlabs FTP server.          
  3832  2011-12-24 03:42:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 11.0 released                              
  3833  2011-12-24 15:07:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 11.0 availability from the webshop                 
  3834  2011-12-24 14:04:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd178.zip      
  3835  2011-12-24 20:25:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VLC media player v1.1.13 for OS/2                        
  3836  2011-12-25 07:17:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of i3/i5/i7 barebones, notebooks and server    
  3837  2011-12-26 01:05:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #155                             
  3838  2011-12-26 05:57:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PDF printer for eComStation                              
  3839  2011-12-26 21:30:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Ghostscript port updated to v9.04                        
  3840  2011-12-26 15:48:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.6 unofficial                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3841  2011-12-27 09:15:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache/2 v2.2.21 updated - authentication problems fi    
  3842  2011-12-28 05:31:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Christmas wallpaper for eComStation                      
  3843  2011-12-28 13:35:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 11, CDROMs available                       
  3844  2012-01-07 14:47:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus updated to 1.4.0GA code                          
  3845  2012-01-07 14:51:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: perl updated to v5.14.2                                  
  3846  2012-01-08 17:25:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: File Manager/2 v3.20 released                            
  3847  2012-01-09 06:21:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #156                             
  3848  2012-01-11 21:36:05 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lucide 1.3.4 beta2 Document Viewer Released              
  3849  2012-01-13 00:15:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: CORRECTION: Lucide 1.3.4 beta2  requirements             
  3850  2012-01-13 10:36:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org and its role in 2012                        
  3851  2012-01-14 06:46:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: TIMESET version 1.11 released on the BetaZone            
  3852  2012-01-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3853  2012-01-15 22:16:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Introduction to OS/2 Warp Programming - Courseware      
  3854  2012-01-15 22:32:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ScummVM v1.4.1 available                                 
  3855  2012-01-15 22:35:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Python 2.7.2 port available                              
  3856  2012-01-15 22:39:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Imagemagick updated to v6.7.4-6                          
  3857  2012-01-17 12:13:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Mjpegtools port updated to v2.0.0                        
  3858  2012-01-17 12:34:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: dvdauthor updated to v0.7.0                              
  3859  2012-01-18 10:17:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, January 24                   
  3860  2012-01-18 13:08:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of non-standard Thinkpad notebooks             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3861  2012-01-19 03:01:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd179.zip      
  3862  2012-01-20 11:19:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ClamAVGUI updated to v2.3.0                              
  3863  2012-01-23 18:39:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Some history and videos of Warpstock events past    
  3864  2012-01-24 01:09:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #157                             
  3865  2012-01-25 00:11:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Samba Client Plugin for eCS (OS/2) Version 2.1.1         
  3866  2012-01-26 10:15:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bootAble 6.7 released                                    
  3867  2012-01-28 14:40:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bootAble 6.8 released                                    
  3868  2012-01-28 20:30:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: SANE HPLIP - bounty request for support of HP sc    
  3869  2012-01-30 14:40:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Poll: What is the height of RPM barrier?                
  3870  2012-02-01 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3871  2012-02-01 11:37:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Clipview 3.4 released                                    
  3872  2012-02-03 16:19:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New ACPI driver - feedback                          
  3873  2012-02-03 16:03:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: BilliardGL game (OpenGL) for eComStation                 
  3874  2012-02-04 15:16:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: SANE HPLIP - bounty request for support of HP sc    
  3875  2012-02-04 15:18:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache/2 updated to v2.2.22                              
  3876  2012-02-04 15:20:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL updated to v5.1.61                                 
  3877  2012-02-04 15:22:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHP v5.3.x updated to v5.3.10                            
  3878  2012-02-06 03:29:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #158                             
  3879  2012-02-06 10:13:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI version 3.19.15 released...                    
  3880  2012-02-06 10:28:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: MultiMac Intel e1000e Driver on BetaZone            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3881  2012-02-06 12:00:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI 3.19.15 has possible regression with suspen    
  3882  2012-02-07 13:34:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Thunderbird 10 (Earlybird)                               
  3883  2012-02-09 20:56:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.8.3                                               
  3884  2012-02-12 22:13:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Sane 1.0.22 build                                        
  3885  2012-02-12 22:19:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: hpaio 3.11.12-os2-20120210                          
  3886  2012-02-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3887  2012-02-15 12:01:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation Beta 1 available    
  3888  2012-02-19 15:25:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eComStation PC: Week of Flashdisks and NAS          
  3889  2012-02-20 03:29:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #159                             
  3890  2012-02-21 10:13:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lightning 1.2.1 with all locales released                
  3891  2012-02-21 16:43:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.0.2                                           
  3892  2012-02-21 16:51:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Seamonkey 2.7.2                                          
  3893  2012-02-22 08:55:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GenINI package (generic INI file save/restore) update    
  3894  2012-02-22 10:35:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, February 28                  
  3895  2012-02-26 13:52:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Usage of eComStation / Solutions based on eComStatio    
  3896  2012-02-28 02:36:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: XWorkplace v1.0.9                                        
  3897  2012-03-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3898  2012-03-03 13:33:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GBM 1.75 (Generalised Bitmap Module) released            
  3899  2012-03-03 13:41:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OpenJPEG J2K codec command line tools for OS/2 (1.5.0    
  3900  2012-03-06 22:51:55 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 Wiki Updates                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3901  2012-03-10 19:14:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd182.zip      
  3902  2012-03-11 17:23:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Subversion port updated to v1.7.4                        
  3903  2012-03-12 06:34:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache2 updated to v2.4.1                                
  3904  2012-03-12 06:37:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHP updated to v5.4.0                                    
  3905  2012-03-12 06:43:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: AHCI driver Version 1.22 for eComStation            
  3906  2012-03-12 11:27:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation Beta 2 available    
  3907  2012-03-13 11:50:42 Robert Wolfe                       [VOICENWS] SW: Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation Beta 2 available    
  3908  2012-03-13 11:50:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lucide 1.3.4 GA                                          
  3909  2012-03-13 12:35:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: YAOS 1.9.0 released                                      
  3910  2012-03-13 15:39:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #160                             
  3911  2012-03-15 00:03:54 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3912  2012-03-15 17:37:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lucide 1.3.4 GA Correction                               
  3913  2012-03-16 01:22:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd183.zip      
  3914  2012-03-16 06:53:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Samba Client  Plugin for eCS (OS/2) Version 2.1.2        
  3915  2012-03-16 21:40:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMView Pro v3.65                                         
  3916  2012-03-17 06:27:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: warpevents.eu Steering Group Looking for new Blo    
  3917  2012-03-17 07:20:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2012: Current Status                 
  3918  2012-03-21 02:41:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 11.1 re-released                                   
  3919  2012-03-19 04:21:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #161                             
  3920  2012-03-19 17:51:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Java (OpenJDK) version 1.6.0-b24 GA2                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3921  2012-03-19 17:59:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.8.4                                               
  3922  2012-03-19 22:01:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: MultiMac ethernet drivers updated on BetaZone -     
  3923  2012-03-20 15:38:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 11.1 released                                      
  3924  2012-03-21 07:56:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, March 27                     
  3925  2012-03-23 07:09:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Re:                                                 
  3926  2012-03-23 17:56:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Apologize for the SPAM                              
  3927  2012-03-26 05:57:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW:  WarpCalc 2.0 is now freeware                            
  3928  2012-03-26 16:02:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World turns 12 - Happy Birthday                      
  3929  2012-03-29 10:24:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of laser printers                              
  3930  2012-03-30 10:56:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: How to migrate to eComStation 2.1?                      
  3931  2012-04-01 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3932  2012-04-02 02:34:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS/2 Book at Hobbes                                     
  3933  2012-04-02 04:45:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #162                             
  3934  2012-04-02 15:03:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Time.com article "25 Years of IBMâ€Ös OS/2"             
  3935  2012-04-02 23:21:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI 3.20.01                                        
  3936  2012-04-03 11:22:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Article: Esther Schindler's memories of OS/2            
  3937  2012-04-07 06:50:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation.RU - tons of joy                            
  3938  2012-04-08 10:24:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of motherboards                                
  3939  2012-04-09 20:05:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Seamonkey 2.7.2.en-US.os2.10.4espre                      
  3940  2012-04-09 20:59:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MultiMac ethernet drivers updated on BetaZone - Intel    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3941  2012-04-11 23:10:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, April 17                     
  3942  2012-04-13 03:12:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Thunderbird 10.03esr                                     
  3943  2012-04-14 01:54:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: SCOUG Meeting for Saturday, April 21, 2012            
  3944  2012-04-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3945  2012-04-16 09:22:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #163                             
  3946  2012-04-17 16:02:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Every Manager's Guide to OS/2                       
  3947  2012-04-20 13:53:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 Wiki Updates - April                              
  3948  2012-04-26 15:40:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMDLL Version 2.9                                        
  3949  2012-04-26 21:11:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Rsync v3.0.9                                             
  3950  2012-04-28 16:15:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New MultiMac drivers E1000E, NVETH, and R1869 re    
  3951  2012-04-29 20:14:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of checkprinters / POS printers                
  3952  2012-04-30 04:58:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #164                             
  3953  2012-04-30 15:41:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHP updated to v5.4.1                                    
  3954  2012-04-30 15:44:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: cmake updated to v2.8.8                                  
  3955  2012-05-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3956  2012-05-01 12:23:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL updated to v5.1.62                                 
  3957  2012-05-03 20:49:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Poll: MR2/ICE beta availability                         
  3958  2012-05-03 21:12:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus updated to 1.4.1GA code                          
  3959  2012-05-04 12:26:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: WARPSTOCK 2012                                        
  3960  2012-05-05 14:23:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: seamonkey-2.7.2.en-US.os2.10.4esr.zip                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3961  2012-05-05 14:24:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Thunderbird 10.0.4                                       
  3962  2012-05-07 15:46:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.0.4                                           
  3963  2012-05-07 15:52:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: jsshell-os2                                             
  3964  2012-05-09 11:21:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Java news, plugin and new JDK release schedule.          
  3965  2012-05-09 17:19:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ZipZap 1.27 open sourced                                 
  3966  2012-05-09 18:15:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MailRun 1.23 open sourced                                
  3967  2012-05-14 03:22:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #165                             
  3968  2012-05-15 00:00:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3969  2012-05-15 16:24:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, May 22                       
  3970  2012-05-15 22:01:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMDLL 2.10                                               
  3971  2012-05-15 22:21:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SMPlayer 0.8.0 build2                                    
  3972  2012-05-21 17:14:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: News about Warpstock Europe 2012...                   
  3973  2012-05-22 16:48:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org services down                               
  3974  2012-05-23 18:20:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New ACPI package 3.20.02 released                   
  3975  2012-05-24 14:40:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Suntan Special 0.63 released                             
  3976  2012-05-27 07:35:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eComStation and Home Automation                     
  3977  2012-05-27 11:27:55 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: What new applications do you need?                      
  3978  2012-05-29 12:51:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #166                             
  3979  2012-05-30 21:45:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Desktop Maintenance Tool (DMT) Version 0.90              
  3980  2012-06-01 00:12:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  3981  2012-06-07 08:30:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of ATOM CPU based computers                    
  3982  2012-06-08 10:06:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.0.5ESR                                        
  3983  2012-06-08 10:28:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.7.2                                          
  3984  2012-06-11 06:41:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #167                             
  3985  2012-06-11 10:57:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SC Bind updated to v9.9.1-P1                             
  3986  2012-06-11 11:22:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHP updated to v5.4.3                                    
  3987  2012-06-12 20:14:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Realtek r8169 Gigabit PCI-Express LAN driver 0.1    
  3988  2012-06-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  3989  2012-06-13 23:05:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 Wiki Updates - June                               
  3990  2012-06-15 06:40:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: bww bitwise takes over the InJoy Firewall T product     
  3991  2012-06-15 21:38:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: SCOUG meeting for Saturday, June 16, 2012             
  3992  2012-06-20 16:41:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, June 26                      
  3993  2012-06-22 09:07:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World Gamming Site - Back from the Dead              
  3994  2012-06-22 20:32:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI version 3.20.03 released                       
  3995  2012-06-24 17:09:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warptock 2012 Workshop/Presentation update            
  3996  2012-06-24 17:16:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2012 Drawing                                
  3997  2012-06-24 23:51:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMView 3.66                                              
  3998  2012-06-25 06:55:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #168                             
  3999  2012-06-25 13:04:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Java Plugin (Beta version) announcement                  
  4000  2012-06-25 16:25:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy to unpack / create archives                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4001  2012-06-26 09:28:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: eComStation is suitable for..                       
  4002  2012-06-26 20:27:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Thunderbird 10.0.5                                      
  4003  2012-06-30 18:01:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USB Flash Disks for eCS                             
  4004  2012-07-02 03:35:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation resellers newsletter [2012/07]              
  4005  2012-07-06 23:44:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GenINI version 1.41 released                             
  4006  2012-07-08 15:09:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 11.2 released                                      
  4007  2012-07-09 03:06:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #169                             
  4008  2012-07-10 08:07:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy: Extract files from .iso                           
  4009  2012-07-11 12:20:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Safety of personal and commercial data                   
  4010  2012-07-15 00:00:24 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4011  2012-07-14 19:31:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 Wiki - July Updates                               
  4012  2012-07-14 19:13:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Links to eComStation / OS/2 Warp sites                  
  4013  2012-07-15 09:46:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2012                                        
  4014  2012-07-18 17:15:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, July 24                      
  4015  2012-07-20 23:12:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: odin/java/plugin announcement                            
  4016  2012-07-21 09:16:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2012 update                                 
  4017  2012-07-22 09:30:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Update: odin/java/plugin announcement                    
  4018  2012-07-23 08:40:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package 3.20.04 has been released              
  4019  2012-07-24 05:40:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy: associations setup                                
  4020  2012-07-24 06:00:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Status of USB drivers development                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4021  2012-07-24 16:37:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ERACC Web Shop - ERACC eCS 2.1 Media w/License on CD1    
  4022  2012-07-24 18:26:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of Thinkpad dock-stations                      
  4023  2012-07-26 08:48:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PM Backup Suite - more users, less tears                 
  4024  2012-07-26 19:34:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Are we ready for high pixel density?                     
  4025  2012-08-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4026  2012-07-30 13:20:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #170                             
  4027  2012-08-01 13:20:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Clipview 3.6 released                                    
  4028  2012-08-02 17:44:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Mobile internet in my village                       
  4029  2012-08-02 19:03:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: ERACC Web Shop - Updated PC Quote Form              
  4030  2012-08-06 04:03:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #171                             
  4031  2012-08-14 05:35:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Banner system for eComStation                            
  4032  2012-08-15 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4033  2012-08-14 17:41:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 Wiki - August Updates                             
  4034  2012-08-20 03:37:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #172                             
  4035  2012-08-25 05:25:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 11.3 released                                      
  4036  2012-08-29 16:50:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eComStation: Send and receive SMS                        
  4037  2012-08-30 23:56:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.0.7ESR                                        
  4038  2012-08-31 00:00:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.7.2 10.0.7ESR                                
  4039  2012-08-31 14:29:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Window library Glass PM C++                              
  4040  2012-09-01 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4041  2012-08-31 20:08:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Banners sub-system, version 1.0.0                        
  4042  2012-09-03 09:45:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Thunderbird 10.0.7                                       
  4043  2012-09-03 09:53:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Kompozer 0.8b3                                           
  4044  2012-09-03 10:09:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #173                             
  4045  2012-09-05 07:54:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of laser printers                              
  4046  2012-09-06 17:34:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package 3.21.02 has been released              
  4047  2012-09-08 02:00:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Weasel version 1.81 released                             
  4048  2012-09-15 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4049  2012-09-14 14:17:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Lucide 1.3.5 GA                                          
  4050  2012-09-23 14:39:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd186.zip      
  4051  2012-09-25 07:27:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bootAble v6.9 released                                   
  4052  2012-09-24 12:00:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VisPro/REXX 3.1.1 now freeware                           
  4053  2012-09-26 12:44:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama VESA 2012                                  
  4054  2012-09-26 12:57:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PCM Address Book - the 2-nd chance                       
  4055  2012-09-26 13:11:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of WiFi access points                          
  4056  2012-09-28 07:46:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Yaos 1.9.1 released                                      
  4057  2012-10-01 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4058  2012-10-01 13:48:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #175                             
  4059  2012-10-01 17:39:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Various updates at http://os2ports.smedley.id.au         
  4060  2012-10-09 13:05:29 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World.com Server Down                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4061  2012-10-10 16:23:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New CUPSWIZ release (preview #5)                         
  4062  2012-10-12 23:32:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New Multimac Realtec network driver r8169-0.2.1     
  4063  2012-10-12 14:14:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.09ESR and SeaMonkey 2.7.2 10.09ESR            
  4064  2012-10-15 22:14:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ISC Bind updated to v9.9.2                               
  4065  2012-10-15 22:16:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: cURL port updated to 7.28.0                              
  4066  2012-10-19 22:24:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Thunderbird 10.0.9ESR                                    
  4067  2012-10-23 16:58:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.8.6                                               
  4068  2012-10-27 18:52:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Developers: Upgrade your applications                   
  4069  2012-10-27 18:40:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Warpstock Europe - your participation                   
  4070  2012-10-29 12:19:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #177                             
  4071  2012-10-29 11:55:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.0.10ESR and SeaMonkey 2.7.2 10.0.10ESR        
  4072  2012-11-12 07:02:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eComStation Korean                                       
  4073  2012-11-12 07:05:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #178                             
  4074  2012-11-18 05:37:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Warpstock Europe 2013 -- exhibitors                 
  4075  2012-11-18 09:45:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Thunderbird 10.0.11ESR                                   
  4076  2012-11-18 09:51:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW:  Firefox 10.0.11ESR and SeaMonkey 2.7.2 10.0.11ESR       
  4077  2012-11-18 15:17:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Correction: Firefox 10.0.11ESR and SeaMonkey 2.7.2 10    
  4078  2012-11-18 21:05:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OGFVIEWER / MESHTOOL version 1.0.5                       
  4079  2012-11-18 21:06:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Arachnophilia version 5.5 build 2755                     
  4080  2012-11-18 21:07:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Qtnp version 0.9.8                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4081  2012-11-18 21:08:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Paper version 0.5                                        
  4082  2012-11-18 21:09:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PHPMyAdmin version 3.5.4                                 
  4083  2012-11-18 21:10:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VICE version 2.4                                         
  4084  2012-11-18 21:12:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Wacom Bamboo tablets Driver                         
  4085  2012-11-18 21:13:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Photo version                                    
  4086  2012-11-21 20:53:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MAID 1.5 for OS/2 / eComStation                          
  4087  2012-11-22 18:42:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCo Software: feedback from users                        
  4088  2012-11-22 18:52:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Are you going upgrade to new version of eCS?        
  4089  2012-11-22 19:13:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Warpstock Europe 2013 - check the list of visito    
  4090  2012-11-25 08:30:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Form History Control version                     
  4091  2012-11-25 08:33:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: CopyQ version 1.3.2                                      
  4092  2012-11-25 08:34:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Domination version                               
  4093  2012-11-25 08:35:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: JExpress version 8.0.5                                   
  4094  2012-11-25 08:36:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Arachnophilia version 5.5 build 2763                     
  4095  2012-11-25 08:38:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: jEdit version 5.0.0                                      
  4096  2012-11-25 08:42:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: kee16 version 3                                          
  4097  2012-11-25 08:44:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Jmol version 13.0.9                                      
  4098  2012-11-26 06:30:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #179                             
  4099  2012-11-26 09:58:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, December 4                   
  4100  2012-11-26 20:52:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Why OS/2 failed...                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4101  2012-11-28 16:56:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Week of modern Thinkpad notebooks                   
  4102  2012-11-29 02:03:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package 3.21.03 has been released              
  4103  2012-11-28 18:09:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Reminder how to protect JFS volumes                 
  4104  2012-11-28 18:24:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Warpstock Europe 2013 - Haarlem Train Station           
  4105  2012-11-29 18:55:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New Uniaud release                                  
  4106  2012-11-29 17:16:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama preview release                            
  4107  2012-12-01 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4108  2012-12-15 18:30:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package 3.21.04 has been released              
  4109  2012-12-22 11:31:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Vacuum IM 1.2.0                                          
  4110  2012-12-22 19:36:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Free URW font collections uploaded to Hobbes in WarpI    
  4111  2012-12-23 01:49:05 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Sleighload of updates at http://os2ports.smedley    
  4112  2012-12-24 05:44:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #181                             
  4113  2012-12-24 10:31:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama package 1.02 has been released             
  4114  2012-12-25 09:22:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World.com is back online.                            
  4115  2012-12-25 20:38:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World.com is back Correction                         
  4116  2012-12-27 16:08:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama video driver package 1.03 has been rele    
  4117  2012-12-28 18:58:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: eCom-Santa comes to Finland                         
  4118  2012-12-31 09:01:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: KeePassX for eCS                                         
  4119  2013-01-01 00:00:06 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4120  2012-12-30 17:24:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Warpstock Europe 2013 - bicycles                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4121  2013-01-01 17:10:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: File Manager/2 v3.21 released                            
  4122  2013-01-01 21:19:29 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.8.8                                               
  4123  2013-01-01 22:19:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: VLC media player v2.0.5 for OS/2                         
  4124  2013-01-02 12:00:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: eComStation.RU - tons of joy                        
  4125  2013-01-02 12:26:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 11.5 released                                      
  4126  2013-01-03 10:35:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation version 0.4.1 GA    
  4127  2013-01-03 19:35:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PM123 audio player, New version 1.35                     
  4128  2013-01-04 06:59:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Major Major version 1.67 released                        
  4129  2013-01-06 02:49:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: INIServe version 2.3 released                            
  4130  2013-01-06 13:01:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd188.zip      
  4131  2013-01-07 07:47:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #182                             
  4132  2013-01-08 07:44:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FtpServer version 1.34 released                          
  4133  2013-01-09 08:41:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 10.0.12ESR, SeaMonkey 2.7.2 10.0.12ESR, Thund    
  4134  2013-01-09 15:12:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: New eComStation/OS/2 Warp web-sites                 
  4135  2013-01-11 08:57:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OwnCloud Desktop Sync Client for eCS                     
  4136  2013-01-14 12:29:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.21.06        
  4137  2013-01-14 13:20:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama package for eComStation version 1.04       
  4138  2013-01-15 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4139  2013-01-16 11:00:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, January 22                   
  4140  2013-01-17 09:57:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2013 is coming!                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4141  2013-01-18 11:38:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.21.07        
  4142  2013-01-21 01:37:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus 1.4.2 for OS/2 and eComStation Released          
  4143  2013-01-21 07:53:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 - January 2013 Updates                            
  4144  2013-01-21 13:14:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: netlabs.org newsletter #183                         
  4145  2013-01-22 10:32:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Invest into eCo Software                            
  4146  2013-01-26 06:41:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Vacuum IM and OwnCloud Desktop Client Update             
  4147  2013-01-29 15:30:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Ciritical problems in drivers                       
  4148  2013-01-30 05:25:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy archiver, 7zip and EA                              
  4149  2013-02-01 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4150  2013-02-01 10:55:29 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Firefox web browser, we need your donation!         
  4151  2013-02-03 07:07:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Status and release of eCS 2.2 beta and final product    
  4152  2013-02-04 07:34:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #184                             
  4153  2013-02-05 19:44:29 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Week of UEFI computers                              
  4154  2013-02-05 19:52:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: How to change kernel of eComStation?                
  4155  2013-02-15 00:00:08 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4156  2013-02-18 20:36:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Odin 0.8.9                                               
  4157  2013-02-18 20:43:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Java (OpenJDK) version openjdk6_b27_ga5                  
  4158  2013-02-19 12:46:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #185                             
  4159  2013-02-20 11:29:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, February 26                  
  4160  2013-02-20 18:57:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Short status on USB development                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4161  2013-02-22 05:23:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OwnCloud Desktop Client Update                           
  4162  2013-02-22 17:28:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: WarpSans extended sizes v1.00 released                   
  4163  2013-02-26 10:40:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Spring 2013 Promotion PC - now including eComSta    
  4164  2013-02-26 17:48:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Nice review of eCS 2.2 Beta                             
  4165  2013-03-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4166  2013-03-01 10:44:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation 2.2 Beta, the Legacy of OS/2 Lives On       
  4167  2013-03-03 16:04:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MySQL updated to v5.1.67                                 
  4168  2013-03-03 16:19:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: WPA Supplicant v1.1 build added                          
  4169  2013-03-03 16:22:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache/2 port updated to v2.2.24                         
  4170  2013-03-04 13:39:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #186                             
  4171  2013-03-10 22:35:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS2World Wiki is back                                   
  4172  2013-03-11 16:43:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 - February Updates -                              
  4173  2013-03-13 17:55:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Reviews of Thinkpad laptops                         
  4174  2013-03-13 18:55:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PCI Dock updated                                         
  4175  2013-03-13 19:13:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd189.zip      
  4176  2013-03-15 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4177  2013-03-14 19:22:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FOC: Compatibility with old applications                 
  4178  2013-03-17 17:04:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Correction on message from eCo software on FOC      
  4179  2013-03-19 11:28:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, March 26                     
  4180  2013-03-23 11:32:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: QVim Editor for eCS                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4181  2013-03-24 15:39:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2013 website online...               
  4182  2013-03-25 15:09:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCS 2.2 beta English publicly released                   
  4183  2013-03-25 17:57:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: UPDATE: eCS 2.2 DVD released at 16:00 hours Amsterdam    
  4184  2013-03-26 09:19:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DVD ISO eCS 2.2 beta English                             
  4185  2013-04-01 00:00:16 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4186  2013-03-30 16:08:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Status of eCS 2.2 beta                                   
  4187  2013-04-06 17:58:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy archiver: deep integration to WPS                  
  4188  2013-04-09 05:26:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bootAble 6.9.1                                           
  4189  2013-04-15 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4190  2013-04-15 12:21:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #188                             
  4191  2013-04-15 12:20:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #187                             
  4192  2013-04-15 12:22:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #189                             
  4193  2013-04-29 08:04:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #190                             
  4194  2013-05-01 15:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4195  2013-05-26 06:31:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Warpstock Europe: Changes                               
  4196  2013-05-26 17:59:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox IME multiple clauses test version                
  4197  2013-05-20 15:07:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: More presentations added to the Warpstock Europe 2    
  4198  2013-05-22 09:34:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, May 28                       
  4199  2013-05-17 12:06:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: MultiMac R8169 driver for eComStation version 0.    
  4200  2013-05-18 20:26:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2013, listen to the presentations    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4201  2013-05-12 20:17:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2013 presentations online!           
  4202  2013-05-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4203  2013-05-15 07:56:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: New eComStation 2.2 beta **LIVE** CD released...         
  4204  2013-05-15 09:31:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Status update of eCS 2.2 retail product GA (final ve    
  4205  2013-05-15 11:51:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2013 is coming...                    
  4206  2013-05-15 05:35:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #191                             
  4207  2013-05-16 15:42:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Correction: New eComStation 2.2 beta **LIVE** CD rele    
  4208  2013-05-10 08:15:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd191.zip      
  4209  2013-05-01 17:33:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Release of eComStation 2.2 German and English            
  4210  2013-05-27 11:06:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Less success with MP3 audio stream at Warpstock Eu    
  4211  2013-05-27 06:05:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #192                             
  4212  2013-04-26 11:44:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd190.zip      
  4213  2013-04-21 03:53:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bitwiseworks starts new project to port Mozilla (Fire    
  4214  2013-06-14 16:53:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Installing network services workshop at Warpstock     
  4215  2013-06-15 09:36:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MAID (Modular And Integrated Design) patch for eComSt    
  4216  2013-06-05 12:29:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: AHCI driver package for eComStation version 1.28    
  4217  2013-06-06 00:57:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2013                                        
  4218  2013-06-10 04:39:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #193                             
  4219  2013-06-10 06:09:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FtpServer version 1.35 released                          
  4220  2013-06-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4221  2013-06-02 15:32:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.22.01        
  4222  2013-05-29 20:08:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: hpaio build for HP network/USB scanners updated     
  4223  2013-05-29 19:59:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: libusb 1.0 port added                               
  4224  2013-06-19 14:35:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: AHCI driver package for eComStation version 1.29    
  4225  2013-06-23 21:01:29 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PM123 1.41 available                                     
  4226  2013-06-22 20:01:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Gimp Workshop                                         
  4227  2013-06-24 11:24:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: EDM/2 - June Updates.                                   
  4228  2013-06-28 14:31:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Warpstock CafePress Store                           
  4229  2013-07-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4230  2013-07-01 15:52:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #194                             
  4231  2013-07-03 15:45:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.22.02        
  4232  2013-07-08 05:18:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #195                             
  4233  2013-07-13 21:39:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 (m3-Build:9702)                    
  4234  2013-07-14 10:56:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Correction: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 (m3-Build:9702)        
  4235  2013-07-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4236  2013-07-14 20:30:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USBHC and USBD drivers for eComStation version 1    
  4237  2013-07-16 12:46:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, July 23                      
  4238  2013-07-17 14:20:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 11.6 had been released                     
  4239  2013-07-18 20:33:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eComStation PC: Week of IdeaPad laptops             
  4240  2013-07-22 10:03:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #196                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4241  2013-07-22 23:14:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GCC 4.5.4 build added and CC 4.4.6 build updated         
  4242  2013-07-26 15:15:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Article: Using Git under eComStation                    
  4243  2013-07-26 18:28:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MultiDesk released as Open Source                        
  4244  2013-08-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4245  2013-08-01 11:53:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: AHCI driver package for eComStation version 1.30    
  4246  2013-08-02 05:41:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Scribus 1.4.3 available for OS/2 & eComStation           
  4247  2013-08-05 08:05:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #197                             
  4248  2013-08-09 13:24:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Status of a new Firefox browser version for eCS/OS/2     
  4249  2013-08-12 10:07:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: LesTec MAID New Pricing and Update                       
  4250  2013-08-15 00:00:24 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4251  2013-08-16 20:20:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: PSPRINT (PostScript printer driver) version 30.9    
  4252  2013-08-19 05:45:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #198                             
  4253  2013-08-20 18:55:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, August 27                    
  4254  2013-08-22 07:23:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation for business                                
  4255  2013-08-30 13:05:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: OS/2 and eComStation Open Source Software Catalog / R    
  4256  2013-09-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4257  2013-09-02 12:04:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #199                             
  4258  2013-09-03 00:19:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USB driver for eComStation v.11.02 and 11.03        
  4259  2013-09-04 15:33:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Update: USB driver for eComStation v.11.02 and 1    
  4260  2013-09-08 09:31:18 madodel                            [VOICENWS] Admin: VOICE News content system down                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4261  2013-09-12 08:46:33 madodel                            [VOICENWS] Drivers: New USB host controller drivers: usbhcd195.zip      
  4262  2013-09-15 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4263  2013-09-24 09:43:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Admin: VOICE News content system is back online         
  4264  2013-09-06 19:41:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USBHC and USBD drivers for eComStation version 1    
  4265  2013-09-07 13:02:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: AHCI driver package for eComStation version 1.31    
  4266  2013-09-24 09:44:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PM123 1.41a2 available                                   
  4267  2013-09-28 19:49:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: eComStation: follow your plan                           
  4268  2013-09-30 10:40:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Kon Editor now open source                               
  4269  2013-09-30 16:28:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DeRegistered 0.4 now open source                         
  4270  2013-10-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4271  2013-10-02 10:09:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #200                             
  4272  2013-10-02 10:10:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #201                             
  4273  2013-10-02 17:11:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USB drivers for eComStation version 11.05           
  4274  2013-10-06 12:29:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Login 0.4 now open source                                
  4275  2013-10-06 12:29:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SetPriority 1.03 now open source                         
  4276  2013-10-06 12:31:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Config Apps 1.1.1 now open source                        
  4277  2013-10-06 12:30:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: ZED Editor now open source                               
  4278  2013-10-10 06:01:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: eComStation PC: Week of Flashdisks and NAS          
  4279  2013-10-15 00:02:30 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4280  2013-10-14 09:24:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #202                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4281  2013-10-22 18:11:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DevCon: OpenWatcom for developers                        
  4282  2013-10-22 21:32:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, Oct. 29                      
  4283  2013-10-28 07:37:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #203                             
  4284  2013-11-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4285  2013-11-05 08:10:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 17.0.5 for eCS (OS/2) Beta                       
  4286  2013-11-10 11:05:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: AHCI driver package for eComStation version 1.32    
  4287  2013-11-12 19:01:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SysInfo, new generation                                  
  4288  2013-11-15 11:20:24 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4289  2013-11-11 08:20:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #204                             
  4290  2013-11-13 20:10:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Call for bids - Warpstock 2014                        
  4291  2013-11-18 18:30:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eComStation and label printers                           
  4292  2013-11-22 19:10:27 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy (new generation)                                   
  4293  2013-11-23 13:11:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: LesTec MAID Runtime 1.5 available for download           
  4294  2013-11-25 07:13:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #205                             
  4295  2013-11-27 20:09:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS/2 and eComStation Open Source software catalog Up    
  4296  2013-11-28 14:13:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.22.03        
  4297  2013-11-28 13:57:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama package for eComStation version 1.06       
  4298  2013-12-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4299  2013-12-15 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4300  2014-01-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4301  2014-01-15 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4302  2014-02-01 00:00:24 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4303  2014-02-15 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4304  2014-03-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4305  2014-03-15 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4306  2014-04-01 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4307  2014-04-15 00:00:22 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4308  2014-05-01 00:00:24 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4309  2014-05-15 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4310  2014-06-29 05:40:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: OS/2 Guru Jam Session                                 
  4311  2013-11-23 20:38:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: LesTec MAID Runtime 1.5 available for download           
  4312  2013-11-28 13:57:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: Panorama package for eComStation version 1.06       
  4313  2013-11-22 20:39:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Zippy (new generation)                                   
  4314  2013-11-25 07:13:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #205                             
  4315  2013-11-28 14:13:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.22.03        
  4316  2014-05-21 05:07:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: New OS/2 Company                                        
  4317  2014-04-17 09:19:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, April 22                       
  4318  2014-01-06 09:18:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: netlabs.org newsletter #208                         
  4319  2014-06-23 08:00:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #220                             
  4320  2014-03-02 13:20:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: MovingDesktopObjects - helper package available          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4321  2014-01-22 10:03:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, January 21                     
  4322  2014-03-11 10:20:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMMaps with GPS receiver support                         
  4323  2013-12-09 08:13:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Status of eCS 2.2....                                    
  4324  2014-03-17 08:00:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #213                             
  4325  2013-12-06 14:42:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, December 10                
  4326  2014-04-14 08:37:43 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #215                             
  4327  2013-12-23 14:25:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: USB driver package for eComStation version 11.06    
  4328  2014-06-29 19:13:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: lswitcher 2.80 has been released                         
  4329  2014-03-20 20:39:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, March 25                       
  4330  2014-07-05 18:15:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GCC ports updated                                        
  4331  2014-01-19 18:38:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: DevCon: Modernization of system applications: Sqlite    
  4332  2014-01-23 09:29:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Correction: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, January 28         
  4333  2013-12-08 10:43:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Call for presenters - Warpstock 2014                
  4334  2014-03-03 13:03:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #212                             
  4335  2013-12-23 13:47:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #207                             
  4336  2014-04-21 13:52:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Warpstock Hotel registrations                           
  4337  2014-04-28 07:42:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #216                             
  4338  2014-05-19 09:07:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #217                             
  4339  2014-02-03 10:48:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #210                             
  4340  2014-03-31 06:34:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #214                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4341  2014-04-18 18:20:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Warpstock 2014 Registration is Now Open (almost)        
  4342  2014-02-19 19:19:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, February 25                    
  4343  2014-02-17 11:16:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #211                             
  4344  2014-05-26 07:55:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #218                             
  4345  2014-01-13 08:15:05 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Press Release: New German OS/2 and eCS forum            
  4346  2014-03-15 16:40:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 11.7 released today; fixes and some new    
  4347  2014-06-17 22:58:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, June 24                        
  4348  2014-01-19 18:39:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: HW: Week of PCI serial add-on cards                     
  4349  2014-04-06 15:10:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: File Manager/2 3.22.0 released                           
  4350  2014-02-04 23:10:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: MultiMac R8169 driver for eComStation version 1.    
  4351  2013-12-09 07:03:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #206                             
  4352  2014-06-09 07:34:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #219                             
  4353  2013-12-15 10:38:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: eCS 2.2 beta II now available                            
  4354  2014-03-11 09:44:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: ACPI, quick poll                                        
  4355  2014-05-23 11:12:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2014 Registration Now Open                  
  4356  2014-06-29 22:56:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Major Major mailing list                                 
  4357  2014-07-06 12:43:55 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Fixed: VOICE News mailing list and feed to c.o.o.ann    
  4358  2014-07-06 19:09:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SM 2.14, TB17.0.11pre and FF 17.0.11                     
  4359  2014-07-07 07:12:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #221                             
  4360  2014-07-07 05:35:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GCC 4.9.0 Released                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4361  2014-07-24 11:35:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2014 Presentation Announcement              
  4362  2014-07-21 08:46:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #222                             
  4363  2014-08-01 05:47:12 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4364  2014-08-05 07:25:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: More on new OS/2 developments                           
  4365  2014-08-04 06:32:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #223                             
  4366  2014-08-05 07:28:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Still more on OS/2 development                          
  4367  2014-08-13 20:23:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS/2 GURU Jam Session RESULTS [2/3]                     
  4368  2014-08-13 20:23:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: OS/2 GURU Jam Session RESULTS [1/3]                     
  4369  2014-08-18 06:35:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #224                              
  4370  2014-08-20 11:22:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, August 26                      
  4371  2014-08-22 03:54:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: bww Newsletter                                          
  4372  2014-08-18 10:51:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache OpenOffice for eCS (OS/2)                         
  4373  2014-08-28 08:40:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache OpenOffice for eCS (OS/2) update                  
  4374  2014-08-28 06:37:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMOS/2 updated                                           
  4375  2014-09-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4376  2014-08-29 03:12:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GenINI version 1.6 released                              
  4377  2014-08-29 21:52:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: GenINI updated to version 1.61                           
  4378  2014-09-03 02:57:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FtpServer 2.0 is open source                             
  4379  2014-09-01 06:41:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #225                              
  4380  2014-08-30 07:19:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: INIServe updated to version 2.4                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4381  2014-09-08 18:37:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock presentation announcment:  Jan van Wijk     
  4382  2014-09-10 12:07:10 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4383  2014-09-11 15:34:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 12.1 released: EXFAT support, enhancements and     
  4384  2014-09-15 06:38:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #226                              
  4385  2014-09-17 06:24:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Weasel mail server is now freeware                       
  4386  2014-09-15 14:40:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2014 presentation announcment: Lars Erdm    
  4387  2014-09-16 23:59:55 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, September 23                 
  4388  2014-09-20 22:00:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2014 website updates                        
  4389  2014-09-24 06:05:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Firefox 24.3.0                                           
  4390  2014-09-26 11:23:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Old OS/2 publicity                                  
  4391  2014-09-26 13:37:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4392  2014-10-01 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4393  2014-10-01 17:14:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Presentation Announcing Arca Noae           
  4394  2014-10-06 00:13:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Updated ports at http://os2ports.smedley.id.au           
  4395  2014-10-06 07:02:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #227                              
  4396  2014-10-13 07:59:40 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #228                             
  4397  2014-10-13 16:07:03 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock presentation:  David Azarewicz  (Skype)     
  4398  2014-10-08 12:05:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock presentation announcement:  Paul Smedley    
  4399  2014-10-24 08:00:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Live video streaming of Warpstock 2014                
  4400  2014-10-27 07:15:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #229                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4401  2014-11-01 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4402  2014-11-02 19:18:50 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.21b1 and Thunderbird 24.8.1                  
  4403  2014-11-11 10:11:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4404  2014-11-10 07:12:12 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #230                              
  4405  2014-11-17 10:43:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, November 25                  
  4406  2014-11-19 00:37:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Privacy & Acceptable Use Policies           
  4407  2014-11-20 12:18:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Privacy Policy Update                       
  4408  2014-11-18 20:53:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Arca Noae First Look: Roadmap                           
  4409  2014-11-20 17:45:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Online Store Opening Pains                  
  4410  2014-11-20 02:08:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Online Store Now Open for Business          
  4411  2014-11-21 20:07:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Wiki: ACPI                                  
  4412  2014-11-22 18:07:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] USB Stack update now available               
  4413  2014-11-23 10:07:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: [Arca Noae] Ticketing System                        
  4414  2014-11-22 21:47:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] [solved] Trouble registering for an     
  4415  2014-11-25 05:07:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] So, what would you like to see next?         
  4416  2014-11-24 06:46:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: netlabs.org newsletter #231                             
  4417  2014-11-27 15:40:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] Searching for something? - Try our O    
  4418  2014-11-28 15:38:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] Commercial Edition of Arca Noae's OS/2 &     
  4419  2014-12-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4420  2014-12-04 00:40:53 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] Upgrade entitlement for some third-party     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4421  2014-12-06 08:40:07 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] Where's my stuff?                            
  4422  2014-12-08 14:28:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #232                              
  4423  2014-12-13 00:40:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] New store items: bww bitwise works GmbH s    
  4424  2014-12-16 14:57:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Iron Spring PL/I compiler 0.9.6                          
  4425  2014-12-19 15:13:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Updated roadmap and anticipated changes     
  4426  2014-12-22 11:50:51 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #233                              
  4427  2014-12-20 12:17:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Last chance for  OS/2  magazines                    
  4428  2014-12-24 10:46:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 12.2 released                              
  4429  2015-01-01 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4430  2014-12-30 10:46:04 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4431  2015-01-07 10:53:41 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache OpenOffice for eCS (OS/2)                         
  4432  2015-01-07 12:17:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #234                              
  4433  2015-01-08 13:34:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4434  2015-01-09 05:42:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4435  2015-01-12 20:58:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Feedback to VOICE News                              
  4436  2015-01-15 05:22:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: bww bitwise works GmbH shopping hunt                    
  4437  2015-01-15 15:53:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] USB driver package version 11.09 released    
  4438  2015-01-19 06:31:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #235                              
  4439  2015-01-21 19:43:15 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, January 27                     
  4440  2015-01-23 08:46:45 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Iron Spring PL/I beta version 0.9.7 released             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4441  2015-01-25 08:51:14 Elmo Jensen                        doscall1.dll error!                                                     
  4442  2015-01-26 08:47:25 mark lewis                         doscall1.dll error!                                                     
  4443  2015-01-26 21:46:04 Elmo Jensen                        doscall1.dll error!                                                     
  4444  2015-01-25 10:18:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Drivers: PSPRINT (Enhanced PostScript print driver) v30.9    
  4445  2015-02-01 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4446  2015-02-02 08:05:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #236                              
  4447  2015-02-01 09:21:37 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 12.3 released; Performance improvements            
  4448  2015-02-06 05:21:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FtpServer version 2.2                                    
  4449  2015-02-06 20:30:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Current happenings                          
  4450  2015-02-10 03:10:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Apache OpenOffice for eCS (OS/2)                         
  4451  2015-02-16 07:05:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #237                              
  4452  2015-02-17 18:13:21 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, February 24                    
  4453  2015-02-18 04:30:32 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4454  2015-02-18 09:20:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Re: [BayWarp] BayWarp meeting Tuesday, February 24      
  4455  2015-02-22 19:22:16 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] ACPI package version 3.22.07 released        
  4456  2015-02-23 15:24:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae and Serenity Systems Inter    
  4457  2015-03-01 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4458  2015-03-03 14:35:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #238                              
  4459  2015-03-07 14:02:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae now processes major credit car    
  4460  2015-03-08 16:04:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Bitcoin now accepted                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4461  2015-03-09 20:10:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] USB driver package version 11.10 released    
  4462  2015-03-10 09:31:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4463  2015-03-10 08:59:26 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4464  2015-03-11 03:50:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update (corrigenda)      
  4465  2015-03-11 20:22:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae joins the UEFI Forum as an Ado    
  4466  2015-03-14 22:00:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Warpstock 2015 Registration Now Open                
  4467  2015-03-14 23:58:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.21 beta 3 available                          
  4468  2015-03-17 06:36:17 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Software] Numerical analysis library                    
  4469  2015-03-16 07:03:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #239                              
  4470  2015-03-17 21:46:44 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.21 beta 3 available                          
  4471  2015-03-23 11:33:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: 2014 Videos Online                                    
  4472  2015-03-23 11:38:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2015 Logo                                   
  4473  2015-03-18 10:09:38 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, March 24                     
  4474  2015-03-26 17:35:11 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae: a new name, but with familiar    
  4475  2015-03-28 06:42:48 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Free golf course file for Links for OS/2                 
  4476  2015-03-30 05:53:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #240                              
  4477  2015-04-01 00:00:18 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4478  2015-04-01 06:44:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Major Major 2.0 released                                 
  4479  2015-04-10 09:03:20 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] USB driver package version 11.11 released    
  4480  2015-04-03 10:04:05 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee version 12.4 released today!                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4481  2015-04-08 05:09:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4482  2015-04-13 06:51:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #241                              
  4483  2015-04-27 08:03:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #242                              
  4484  2015-04-19 09:12:06 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2015                                 
  4485  2015-04-23 10:37:52 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, April 28                     
  4486  2015-05-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4487  2015-05-05 01:09:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Major Major is now open source                           
  4488  2015-04-29 06:20:08 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: WebServe version 1.1                                     
  4489  2015-05-05 18:13:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2015 early bird registration reminder       
  4490  2015-05-09 07:30:13 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: WebServe version 1.3 available                           
  4491  2015-05-11 06:43:46 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #243                              
  4492  2015-05-13 00:38:33 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae licenses source code for S    
  4493  2015-05-20 15:03:23 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, May 26                     
  4494  2015-05-16 19:29:47 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Warpstock Europe 2015 update and audio stream...    
  4495  2015-05-21 13:04:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] USB driver package version 11.12 released    
  4496  2015-05-22 00:53:00 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Major Major version 2.2 released                         
  4497  2015-05-23 17:52:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2015 update                          
  4498  2015-05-23 17:53:02 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Audio stream for Warpstock Europe 2015...             
  4499  2015-05-24 13:26:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] Howard Winter joins Arca Noae in Cus    
  4500  2015-05-25 10:12:09 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #244                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4501  2015-05-25 16:29:49 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: File Manager/2 3.23.1 released on Hobbes                 
  4502  2015-05-26 12:33:19 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] Arca Noae at Warpstock Europe 2015      
  4503  2015-05-27 16:04:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Please reserve your Warpstock Europe 2015 access bef    
  4504  2015-05-30 00:13:57 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] New MultiMac NIC driver package (201    
  4505  2015-05-31 12:32:39 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Last day you can book your Warpstock Europe 2015 acc    
  4506  2015-05-31 14:33:35 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Audio and possible video stream for Warpstock Europe    
  4507  2015-06-01 00:00:14 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4508  2015-06-04 18:29:59 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: Change in the Warpstock Europe 2015 schedule for    
  4509  2015-06-08 06:52:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #245                              
  4510  2015-06-17 11:06:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, June 23                      
  4511  2015-06-19 05:18:34 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: FtpServer version 2.3 released                           
  4512  2015-06-18 20:01:42 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: Iron Spring PL/I 0.9.8 released                          
  4513  2015-06-22 06:33:56 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #246                              
  4514  2015-06-24 12:03:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] ACPI package version 3.22.08 released        
  4515  2015-06-26 19:53:54 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock 2015 Last Chance 20% off early registrat    
  4516  2015-06-27 10:10:30 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: PMMail for OS/2 version 3.15 has been released.          
  4517  2015-07-01 00:00:20 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4518  2015-07-03 08:46:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: DFSee 12.5 released                                      
  4519  2015-07-04 11:43:18 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: [Arca Noae] USB driver package version 11.13 released    
  4520  2015-07-07 07:15:36 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Net: Warpstock Europe 2016                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
  4521  2015-07-06 06:55:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #247                              
  4522  2015-07-20 03:40:28 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: netlabs.org newsletter #248                              
  4523  2015-07-22 05:01:24 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: INIServe updated to version 2.6                          
  4524  2015-07-23 11:04:14 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] Event: BayWarp meeting Tuesday, July 28                      
  4525  2015-07-24 09:48:22 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: bww bitwise works GmbH progress update                   
  4526  2015-08-01 00:00:10 Moderator                          TEAMOS2 Echo Rules                                                      
  4527  2015-07-27 01:16:58 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: SeaMonkey 2.28b5r2                                       
  4528  2015-08-12 02:58:31 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] SW: KeyCalc updated to version 1.2                           
  4529  2015-08-16 00:37:01 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: [Arca Noae] AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Worksh    
  4530  2015-08-15 10:00:25 VOICE News Service                 [VOICENWS] General: netlabs.org newsletter #249                         