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English   Information   Debug  
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R20_SF   0/108
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BLUEWAVE   0/2173
CBM   0/46
CDROM   0/20
COMICS   0/15
CONSPRCY   0/899
COOKING   31539
COOKING_OLD1   0/24719
COOKING_OLD2   0/40862
COOKING_OLD3   0/37489
COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
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IC   0/2851
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NORD.CHAT   0/2572
NORD.PROG   0/32
NORD   0/453
Tillbaka till text     (eller ange värde efter LIST= här ovanför)
Det finns 18996 texter i mötet OSDEBATE, 16916-18996 visas, eller välj intervall:
[1-5000]  [5001-10000]  [10001-15000]  [15001-18996]  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16916  2007-03-27 19:12:58 Geo.                               Re: Windows weakness can lead to network traffic hijacks                
 16917  2007-03-27 19:50:50 mike                               Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 16918  2007-03-27 19:51:28 mike                               Re: Where Is Microsoft Search?                                          
 16919  2007-03-27 19:57:14 mike                               Vista's honeymoon is over                                               
 16920  2007-03-27 20:27:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 16921  2007-03-27 21:27:34 Geo.                               Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 16922  2007-03-27 20:50:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Field Trip Teaser                                                   
 16923  2007-03-28 09:41:22 Ad                                 Anti-Riaa form letter.....                                              
 16924  2007-03-28 08:49:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 16925  2007-03-28 09:39:14 Frank Haber                        Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 16926  2007-03-28 10:11:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 16927  2007-03-28 09:48:22 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Anti-Riaa form letter.....                                          
 16928  2007-03-28 21:18:20 Adam                               Re: Anti-Riaa form letter.....                                          
 16929  2007-02-26 22:15:54 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16930  2007-02-26 22:20:04 Mike N.                            Re: Anyone seen anything like this before?                              
 16931  2007-02-27 07:24:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Anyone seen anything like this before?                              
 16932  2007-02-27 07:29:00 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16933  2007-02-27 17:55:16 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16934  2007-02-27 07:22:52 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                       
 16935  2007-02-27 07:28:36 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16936  2007-02-27 08:33:12 Dave Ings                          Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16937  2007-02-27 08:41:06 John Cuccia                        Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16938  2007-02-27 13:29:46 Rich Gauszka                       Adobe 8 DRM nightmare                                                   
 16939  2007-02-27 14:01:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16940  2007-02-27 14:08:20 Frank Haber                        Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16941  2007-02-27 14:10:22 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16942  2007-02-27 14:10:16 Dave Ings                          Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16943  2007-02-27 14:50:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16944  2007-02-27 13:57:56 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 DRM nightmare                                               
 16945  2007-02-27 17:25:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16946  2007-02-27 17:45:56 RobertB                            Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16947  2007-02-27 14:49:20 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16948  2007-02-27 17:49:30 RobertB                            Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16949  2007-02-27 18:00:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16950  2007-02-27 18:10:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16951  2007-02-27 18:13:46 mike                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16952  2007-02-27 18:14:48 mike                               Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16953  2007-02-27 18:18:50 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16954  2007-02-27 17:47:58 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16955  2007-02-27 17:50:42 Rich                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16956  2007-02-27 20:54:22 mike                               This one look sinteresting...                                           
 16957  2007-02-27 20:59:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16958  2007-02-27 21:23:06 Geo.                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16959  2007-02-27 21:26:00 Geo.                               Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16960  2007-02-27 21:27:34 Geo.                               Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16961  2007-02-27 18:32:48 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16962  2007-02-27 21:34:46 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16963  2007-02-27 22:02:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16964  2007-02-27 22:35:02 Rich Gauszka                       Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                                  
 16965  2007-02-27 19:49:08 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16966  2007-03-10 10:59:04 Geo.                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16967  2007-03-10 11:05:04 Geo.                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16968  2007-03-10 11:07:36 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16969  2007-03-10 11:09:50 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16970  2007-03-10 11:23:02 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16971  2007-03-10 08:31:16 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16972  2007-03-10 11:33:14 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16973  2007-03-10 16:45:26 Adam                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16974  2007-03-10 16:46:48 Adam                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16975  2007-03-10 16:49:08 Adam                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16976  2007-03-10 11:49:44 Geo.                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
 16977  2007-03-10 12:00:18 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16978  2007-03-10 12:01:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16979  2007-03-10 12:17:42 Geo.                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16980  2007-03-10 16:39:22 RobertB.                           e-mail server borked?                                                   
 16981  2007-03-10 15:09:10 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16982  2007-03-10 19:03:20 Frank Haber                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16983  2007-03-10 20:24:22 John Cuccia                        Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16984  2007-03-10 20:28:44 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16985  2007-03-10 19:21:20 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16986  2007-03-10 22:39:18 RobertB                            Re: e-mail server borked?                                               
 16987  2007-03-10 22:49:32 Geo.                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16988  2007-03-11 23:11:16 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16989  2007-03-11 07:38:02 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16990  2007-03-11 08:27:40 mike                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16991  2007-03-11 08:31:24 mike                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16992  2007-03-11 08:33:36 mike                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16993  2007-03-11 08:34:52 mike                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16994  2007-03-11 08:44:18 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16995  2007-03-11 08:51:04 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16996  2007-03-11 08:53:06 mike                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
 16997  2007-03-11 10:50:42 John Beamish                       Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16998  2007-03-11 10:49:52 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16999  2007-03-11 10:57:52 mike                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 17000  2007-03-11 10:58:52 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 17001  2007-03-11 11:08:12 mike                               Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                      
 17002  2007-03-11 11:11:56 mike                               Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                                
 17003  2007-03-11 11:15:48 mike                               Apple RFID networking in the works                                      
 17004  2007-03-11 11:21:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17005  2007-03-11 08:26:20 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17006  2007-03-11 17:59:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17007  2007-03-11 12:17:56 Frank Haber                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17008  2007-03-11 11:27:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17009  2007-03-11 12:39:24 John Beamish                       Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 17010  2007-03-11 12:45:54 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17011  2007-03-11 12:45:28 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 17012  2007-03-11 12:49:44 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17013  2007-03-11 13:45:32 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17014  2007-03-11 13:46:56 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17015  2007-03-11 13:53:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17016  2007-03-11 13:56:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17017  2007-03-11 14:35:46 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17018  2007-03-11 13:44:14 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17019  2007-03-11 13:47:52 John Cuccia                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17020  2007-03-11 11:54:34 Rich                               Re: mike miller lies regarding Daylight-Saving Time Woes                
 17021  2007-03-11 15:01:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17022  2007-03-11 15:39:36 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17023  2007-03-11 15:51:42 mike                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17024  2007-03-11 12:54:32 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17025  2007-03-11 12:55:52 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17026  2007-03-11 16:22:20 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17027  2007-03-11 17:11:30 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft antivirus deletes users emails                                
 17028  2007-03-11 17:23:34 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17029  2007-03-11 17:25:50 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17030  2007-03-11 16:30:50 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17031  2007-03-11 17:40:34 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17032  2007-03-11 17:46:58 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17033  2007-03-11 17:50:28 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17034  2007-03-11 18:47:00 Randy                              Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17035  2007-03-11 19:43:32 John Cuccia                        Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17036  2007-03-11 20:29:16 Randy                              Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17037  2007-03-11 21:32:32 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17038  2007-03-11 18:40:20 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17039  2007-03-11 18:41:52 Rich                               Re: Mike miller lies regarding Daylight-Saving Time Woes                
 17040  2007-03-11 23:00:16 mike                               Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                         
 17041  2007-03-11 23:02:58 Geo.                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17042  2007-03-11 23:07:28 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17043  2007-03-11 23:10:00 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17044  2007-03-11 22:11:16 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17045  2007-03-11 23:12:32 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17046  2007-03-11 20:33:28 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17047  2007-03-12 09:07:20 Adam                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 17048  2007-03-12 09:12:08 Adam                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17049  2007-03-12 07:19:30 Mike N.                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17050  2007-03-12 09:50:06 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17051  2007-03-12 10:15:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17052  2007-03-12 12:38:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17053  2007-03-12 19:48:18 RobertB                            Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17054  2007-03-12 20:08:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17055  2007-03-12 21:34:42 John Beamish                       Vista and Rogers/Yahoo                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17056  2007-03-12 18:38:16 John Stoff                         Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17057  2007-03-12 21:45:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista and Rogers/Yahoo                                              
 17058  2007-03-13 12:22:26 Rich Gauszka                       802.11n ratified by Sep 2008?                                           
 17059  2007-03-13 13:10:24 David B                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17060  2007-03-13 14:39:30 Mike N.                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17061  2007-03-13 14:55:30 Frank Haber                        Re: 802.11n ratified by Sep 2008?                                       
 17062  2007-03-13 15:00:20 Frank Haber                        Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17063  2007-03-13 15:04:26 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17064  2007-03-13 15:29:12 Rich Gauszka                       Adobe disables ALM ( sort of )                                          
 17065  2007-03-13 16:29:08 Rich Gauszka                       Dell Linux Survey                                                       
 17066  2007-03-13 17:36:40 mike                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17067  2007-03-13 17:38:48 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17068  2007-03-13 17:43:04 mike                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 17069  2007-03-13 17:46:42 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17070  2007-03-13 17:49:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17071  2007-03-13 17:51:50 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17072  2007-03-13 18:20:16 RobertB                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17073  2007-03-13 18:29:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17074  2007-03-13 19:29:00 mike                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17075  2007-03-13 19:36:00 Rich Gauszka                       Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17076  2007-03-13 20:03:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17077  2007-03-13 22:11:26 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17078  2007-03-13 23:30:22 John Beamish                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17079  2007-03-13 23:44:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17080  2007-03-14 09:22:46 Adam                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17081  2007-03-14 22:57:06 Don Hills                          Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17082  2007-03-14 08:17:42 John Beamish                       Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17083  2007-03-14 08:20:32 John Beamish                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17084  2007-03-14 08:21:52 John Beamish                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17085  2007-03-14 09:47:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17086  2007-03-14 09:56:40 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17087  2007-03-14 09:56:54 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17088  2007-03-14 10:11:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17089  2007-03-14 12:31:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17090  2007-03-14 14:23:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17091  2007-03-14 19:22:50 Adam                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17092  2007-03-14 17:41:20 mike                               4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                                  
 17093  2007-03-14 17:57:18 mike                               Advantage for whom?                                                     
 17094  2007-03-14 18:14:14 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17095  2007-03-14 18:16:12 Frank Haber                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17096  2007-03-14 18:34:32 John Stoff                         Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17097  2007-03-14 23:14:34 Randy                              Re: 4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                              
 17098  2007-03-15 09:45:50 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17099  2007-03-15 09:57:24 John Cuccia                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17100  2007-03-15 14:18:30 Mike N.                            Microsoft Watch Out - One Deactivation Too Many                         
 17101  2007-03-15 14:37:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Watch Out - One Deactivation Too Many                     
 17102  2007-03-15 15:16:16 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft Watch Out - One Deactivation Too Many                     
 17103  2007-03-15 17:24:50 mike                               Re: 4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                              
 17104  2007-03-15 17:25:58 mike                               Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17105  2007-03-15 17:29:34 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17106  2007-03-15 17:37:24 mike                               Rare flaw sighted in OpenBSD kernel                                     
 17107  2007-03-15 17:38:58 Frank Haber                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17108  2007-03-15 17:41:34 Rich Gauszka                       Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                                
 17109  2007-03-15 18:43:18 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17110  2007-03-15 18:38:38 Randy                              For Phil                                                                
 17111  2007-03-15 20:39:02 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17112  2007-03-15 20:39:52 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17113  2007-03-15 21:12:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17114  2007-03-15 19:38:54 Robert Comer                       Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17115  2007-03-16 10:23:00 Adam                               Blimey wot a USP                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17116  2007-03-16 08:13:42 Mike N.                            The Emperor’s New Security Indicators                                   
 17117  2007-03-16 09:57:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17118  2007-03-16 11:02:28 John Beamish                       Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                         
 17119  2007-03-16 12:01:24 Mike N.                            Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 17120  2007-03-16 12:48:14 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17121  2007-03-16 13:23:32 mike                               Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                      
 17122  2007-03-16 13:24:48 mike                               How to run Vista legally without activation ... for at least a year     
 17123  2007-03-16 13:41:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17124  2007-03-16 14:57:12 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17125  2007-03-16 16:25:08 Mike N                             Re: Vista, Barktopus, and google                                        
 17126  2007-03-16 16:32:14 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17127  2007-03-16 16:37:10 mike                               Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17128  2007-03-16 16:39:42 mike                               U.S. Top Selling Computer Hardware for January 2007                     
 17129  2007-03-16 17:10:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17130  2007-03-16 17:40:42 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17131  2007-03-16 17:41:48 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17132  2007-03-16 17:55:06 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17133  2007-03-16 19:00:58 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17134  2007-03-16 19:07:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17135  2007-03-16 19:47:38 mike                               Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17136  2007-03-16 21:53:18 mike                               Top five PC manufacturers fail naked PC test                            
 17137  2007-03-16 22:01:16 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you                         
 17138  2007-03-16 22:15:52 mike                               Re: Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you                         
 17139  2007-03-17 09:36:08 mike                               Microsoft convicted of software piracy                                  
 17140  2007-03-17 08:54:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17141  2007-03-17 10:22:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17142  2007-03-17 13:24:36 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17143  2007-03-17 14:18:16 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17144  2007-03-17 16:16:10 Robert Comer                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17145  2007-03-17 16:30:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17146  2007-03-17 16:40:20 Robert Comer                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17147  2007-03-17 17:45:14 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17148  2007-03-17 17:45:32 Mike N.                            Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17149  2007-03-17 19:05:18 Robert Comer                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17150  2007-03-18 09:30:08 Rich Gauszka                       former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                          
 17151  2007-03-18 09:50:24 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17152  2007-03-18 12:23:28 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17153  2007-03-18 12:44:38 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 17154  2007-03-29 11:50:50 Ad                                 Oh joy...MS to buy DOubleClick?                                         
 17155  2007-03-29 06:56:14 Mike N.                            Re: Oh joy...MS to buy DOubleClick?                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17156  2007-03-29 11:56:50 Ad                                 Drone tech spinoff?                                                     
 17157  2007-03-29 12:30:32 David B                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17158  2007-03-29 17:31:36 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17159  2007-03-29 17:32:36 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17160  2007-03-29 17:33:50 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17161  2007-03-29 17:49:58 Rich Gauszka                       Dell claims overwhelming demand for Linux                               
 17162  2007-03-29 17:57:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17163  2007-03-29 18:08:30 mike                               Re: Dell claims overwhelming demand for Linux                           
 17164  2007-03-29 18:13:52 mike                               Linux to help the Library of Congress save American history             
 17165  2007-03-29 18:19:10 mike                               Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 17166  2007-03-29 18:45:44 mike                               Apple TV hacks hackers                                                  
 17167  2007-03-29 18:47:08 mike                               NPD data shows Mac sales growing 5x market growth rate in February      
 17168  2007-03-29 18:50:20 mike                               Microsoft’s Linux Woes                                                  
 17169  2007-03-29 18:51:06 Geo.                               Re: Linux to help the Library of Congress save American history         
 17170  2007-03-29 18:52:08 Geo.                               Re: Oh joy...MS to buy DOubleClick?                                     
 17171  2007-03-29 21:21:12 David B                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17172  2007-03-29 21:29:26 John Beamish                       Re: Dell claims overwhelming demand for Linux                           
 17173  2007-03-29 21:33:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17174  2007-03-29 21:41:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17175  2007-03-29 22:45:48 Geo.                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17176  2007-03-29 05:30:18 Bob Ackley                         x86 emulator in java                                                    
 17177  2007-03-29 06:08:10 Bob Ackley                         where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 17178  2007-03-30 06:16:50 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17179  2007-03-30 15:59:50 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17180  2007-03-30 17:03:26 mike                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17181  2007-03-30 17:05:40 mike                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17182  2007-03-30 17:10:30 mike                               Microsoft shareholder: Ballmer must go                                  
 17183  2007-03-30 18:45:02 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17184  2007-03-30 18:46:22 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17185  2007-03-30 18:48:46 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17186  2007-03-30 19:15:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17187  2007-03-30 19:40:00 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17188  2007-03-30 19:42:06 Geo.                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17189  2007-03-30 19:44:30 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17190  2007-03-31 14:52:58 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17191  2007-03-31 23:28:52 Adam                               Re: x86 emulator in java                                                
 17192  2007-04-01 01:02:26 Adam                               Timing of Sailor grab.                                                  
 17193  2007-03-31 05:42:44 Bob Ackley                         where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 17194  2007-04-01 07:37:24 mike                               PC Makers to Microsoft: "Vista Is Not a Seller. You Suck"               
 17195  2007-04-01 23:21:22 Doug Bryce                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17196  2007-04-01 22:52:18 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17197  2007-04-02 08:40:30 Rich Gauszka                       EMI drops DRM on iTunes                                                 
 17198  2007-04-02 11:17:18 Gary Britt                         Re: EMI drops DRM on iTunes                                             
 17199  2007-04-02 11:37:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17200  2007-04-02 11:41:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: EMI drops DRM on iTunes                                             
 17201  2007-04-02 12:04:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17202  2007-04-02 14:24:50 Frank Haber                        Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17203  2007-04-02 15:04:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17204  2007-04-02 16:24:06 Rich Gauszka                       PSP Players Get Free Wi-Fi at Starbucks                                 
 17205  2007-04-02 17:31:34 mike                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17206  2007-04-02 19:41:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17207  2007-04-02 20:10:00 Rich Gauszka                       DST change for naught                                                   
 17208  2007-04-02 21:31:40 Mike N.                            Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17209  2007-04-02 21:42:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17210  2007-04-02 21:43:34 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17211  2007-04-02 21:53:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17212  2007-04-02 20:58:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17213  2007-04-02 22:19:52 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17214  2007-04-02 22:21:16 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17215  2007-04-02 22:25:00 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17216  2007-04-02 22:34:02 Mark                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17217  2007-04-02 22:50:30 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17218  2007-04-02 22:56:26 Dave Ings                          Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17219  2007-04-03 05:59:20 Geo.                               Welcome to Cleveland                                                    
 17220  2007-04-03 06:00:22 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17221  2007-04-03 06:01:06 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17222  2007-04-03 08:38:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17223  2007-04-03 08:39:54 Robert Comer                       Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17224  2007-04-03 08:42:10 Dave Ings                          Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17225  2007-04-03 20:26:42 Adam                               1 4 Geo                                                                 
 17226  2007-04-03 18:16:38 RobertB                            Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17227  2007-04-03 19:17:24 Tim Boyer                          Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17228  2007-04-03 19:38:34 JaneL                              Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17229  2007-04-03 21:51:14 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17230  2007-04-03 21:53:20 Geo.                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17231  2007-04-04 06:57:00 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17232  2007-04-04 06:19:18 Geo.                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17233  2007-04-04 11:41:46 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17234  2007-04-04 08:35:02 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17235  2007-04-04 08:53:38 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17236  2007-04-04 09:55:42 RobertB                            Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17237  2007-04-04 11:07:40 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17238  2007-04-04 11:16:02 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17239  2007-04-04 10:50:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17240  2007-04-04 13:12:00 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17241  2007-04-04 20:43:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17242  2007-04-04 13:44:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17243  2007-04-04 14:09:02 Rich Gauszka                       I can learn to hate FedEx                                               
 17244  2007-04-04 15:22:30 Mark                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17245  2007-04-04 15:41:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17246  2007-04-04 16:59:42 Ad                                 Linux UAV                                                               
 17247  2007-04-04 21:10:08 Ad                                 Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17248  2007-04-04 21:11:26 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17249  2007-04-04 21:13:10 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17250  2007-04-04 21:17:50 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17251  2007-04-04 23:23:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17252  2007-04-04 23:26:04 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17253  2007-04-04 17:32:02 mike                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17254  2007-04-04 17:33:30 mike                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17255  2007-04-04 17:35:04 mike                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17256  2007-04-04 18:04:38 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17257  2007-04-04 18:06:08 Geo.                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17258  2007-04-04 18:25:00 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17259  2007-04-04 18:42:18 John Cuccia                        Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17260  2007-04-04 20:18:06 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17261  2007-04-04 21:13:24 mike                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17262  2007-04-03 06:04:58 Bob Ackley                         DST change for naught                                                   
 17263  2007-04-05 07:12:05 Roger Nelson                       DST change for naught                                                   
 17264  2007-04-05 17:15:06 mike                               Survey: most people know about Vista but few intend to upgrade          
 17265  2007-04-05 17:24:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Survey: most people know about Vista but few intend to upgrade      
 17266  2007-04-05 18:55:24 Frank Haber                        Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17267  2007-04-05 19:16:18 RobertB                            Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17268  2007-04-05 19:20:00 RobertB                            Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17269  2007-04-05 21:20:14 Glenn Meadows                      Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17270  2007-04-05 06:21:56 Bob Ackley                         I can learn to hate FedEx                                               
 17271  2007-04-06 00:00:32 Gary Britt                         Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!!!!   
 17272  2007-04-06 00:46:32 John Cuccia                        Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17273  2007-04-06 12:10:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17274  2007-04-06 06:02:54 Geo.                               Re: Survey: most people know about Vista but few intend to upgrade      
 17275  2007-04-06 09:49:16 Frank Haber                        Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17276  2007-04-06 11:16:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17277  2007-04-06 11:33:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17278  2007-04-06 12:25:30 waldo kitty                        webserver attack??                                                      
 17279  2007-04-06 12:32:28 Mike N.                            Re: webserver attack??                                                  
 17280  2007-04-06 12:45:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17281  2007-04-06 15:02:04 waldo kitty                        Re: Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                           
 17282  2007-04-06 15:50:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17283  2007-04-06 16:07:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17284  2007-04-06 16:11:38 waldo kitty                        Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17285  2007-04-06 16:15:26 waldo kitty                        Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17286  2007-04-06 16:26:06 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17287  2007-04-06 16:38:14 waldo kitty                        Re: The first Help Desk                                                 
 17288  2007-04-06 17:03:18 Gary Britt                         1 for Rich and anyoone else                                             
 17289  2007-04-06 22:14:26 Adam                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17290  2007-04-06 22:14:46 Adam                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17291  2007-04-06 17:47:10 mike                               The iPhone Wannabes                                                     
 17292  2007-04-06 20:54:52 waldo kitty                        Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 17293  2007-04-06 21:49:46 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft in spin mode on Zune DRM                                      
 17294  2007-04-07 06:50:18 mike                               Re: Microsoft in spin mode on Zune DRM                                  
 17295  2007-04-07 07:17:00 mike                               Google Voice Local Search                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17296  2007-04-07 10:14:20 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft can't sell the Zune - give it away?                           
 17297  2007-04-07 11:41:02 mike                               Need drives?                                                            
 17298  2007-04-07 14:50:18 waldo kitty                        Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 17299  2007-04-07 15:00:26 waldo kitty                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17300  2007-04-07 21:32:58 mike                               Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                            
 17301  2007-04-07 21:44:44 mike                               Microsoft Threatens Poster of Vista SP1 Info                            
 17302  2007-04-07 21:54:12 mike                               Cursor flaw gives Vista security a black eye                            
 17303  2007-04-07 22:44:18 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft Threatens Poster of Vista SP1 Info                        
 17304  2007-04-07 22:47:28 Mike N.                            Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17305  2007-04-08 07:52:58 Mike N.                            Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17306  2007-04-08 08:59:56 mike                               Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17307  2007-04-08 09:21:34 Mike N.                            Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17308  2007-04-08 11:45:26 mike                               Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17309  2007-04-08 11:54:54 mike                               Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17310  2007-04-08 14:01:52 mike                               Microsoft is dead                                                       
 17311  2007-04-08 11:22:08 Tony Williams                      Saturn                                                                  
 17312  2007-04-09 08:27:14 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft is dead                                                   
 17313  2007-04-09 08:59:16 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17314  2007-04-09 09:06:52 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17315  2007-04-09 09:27:56 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17316  2007-04-09 10:03:16 John Beamish                       Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17317  2007-04-09 12:26:26 Mike N.                            Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17318  2007-04-09 12:33:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17319  2007-04-09 14:19:08 John Beamish                       DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                                  
 17320  2007-04-09 13:29:06 Glenn Meadows                      ExtraMon Software                                                       
 17321  2007-04-09 14:29:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                              
 17322  2007-04-09 14:39:58 John Beamish                       Re: DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                              
 17323  2007-04-09 12:42:48 Tony Williams                      Re: DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                              
 17324  2007-04-09 17:34:14 mike                               Re: Microsoft is dead                                                   
 17325  2007-04-09 17:35:52 mike                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17326  2007-04-09 21:10:48 Rich Gauszka                       Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                            
 17327  2007-04-10 09:12:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                        
 17328  2007-04-10 09:49:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                        
 17329  2007-04-10 10:36:50 Robert Comer                       Re: Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                        
 17330  2007-04-10 11:51:06 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17331  2007-04-10 14:22:28 Glenn Meadows                      "Green" server farms                                                    
 17332  2007-04-10 15:35:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: "Green" server farms                                                
 17333  2007-04-10 15:43:32 Rich Gauszka                       Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution failed'  
 17334  2007-04-10 16:30:52 Gary Britt                         Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution      
 17335  2007-04-10 16:34:08 Geo.                               Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17336  2007-04-10 16:35:26 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17337  2007-04-10 16:37:14 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17338  2007-04-10 16:38:08 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17339  2007-04-10 16:40:38 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17340  2007-04-10 16:50:38 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17341  2007-04-10 17:15:08 Gary Britt                         Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution      
 17342  2007-04-10 17:19:38 mike                               Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17343  2007-04-10 17:21:40 mike                               Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17344  2007-04-10 17:25:10 mike                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17345  2007-04-10 17:45:12 mike                               Better Hope That the ANI Attacks Pass over Your Computer                
 17346  2007-04-10 17:48:32 mike                               Stop me before I run this macro! (0/1)                                  
 17347  2007-04-10 15:05:06 Rich                               Re: /GS                                                                 
 17348  2007-04-10 18:05:42 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17349  2007-04-10 18:11:18 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17350  2007-04-10 19:04:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17351  2007-04-10 20:51:14 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17352  2007-04-10 22:48:06 Rich Gauszka                       Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                              
 17353  2007-04-11 13:05:36 John Beckett                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17354  2007-04-11 13:05:36 John Beckett                       Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17355  2007-04-10 23:39:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17356  2007-04-11 08:15:30 Ad                                 Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17357  2007-04-11 22:04:20 John Beckett                       Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17358  2007-04-11 13:27:46 Geo.                               Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          
 17359  2007-04-11 13:30:40 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17360  2007-04-11 13:35:44 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17361  2007-04-11 13:41:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          
 17362  2007-04-11 13:40:06 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17363  2007-04-11 13:46:58 Rich Gauszka                       HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                           
 17364  2007-04-11 14:03:08 Rich Gauszka                       individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploaders   
 17365  2007-04-11 14:08:22 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17366  2007-04-11 18:54:08 mike                               Re: individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploade 
 17367  2007-04-11 19:06:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploade 
 17368  2007-04-11 19:16:30 Mike N.                            Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17369  2007-04-11 18:40:14 Glenn Meadows                      Re: individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploade 
 17370  2007-04-11 20:36:22 RobertB                            Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17371  2007-04-11 20:52:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17372  2007-04-11 21:25:12 Rich Gauszka                       Vista BIOS hack                                                         
 17373  2007-04-12 06:20:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploade 
 17374  2007-04-12 21:12:16 John Beckett                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17375  2007-04-12 12:20:28 Geo.                               Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17376  2007-04-12 12:23:16 Geo.                               Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          
 17377  2007-04-12 12:24:56 Geo.                               Re: individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploade 
 17378  2007-04-12 12:42:08 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17379  2007-04-12 12:53:38 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17380  2007-04-12 13:11:16 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17381  2007-04-12 12:45:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17382  2007-04-12 15:37:56 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17383  2007-04-12 15:50:32 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17384  2007-04-12 17:28:16 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17385  2007-04-12 17:34:54 mike                               Windows XP to be phased out by year's end despite customer demand       
 17386  2007-04-12 18:31:40 Rich Gauszka                       AMD Dual Core less than $75                                             
 17387  2007-04-12 19:02:30 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17388  2007-04-12 21:15:20 mike                               Microsoft "dead," at a turning point?                                   
 17389  2007-04-13 07:22:24 Ad                                 Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17390  2007-04-13 07:24:44 Ad                                 Re: Windows XP to be phased out by year's end despite customer demand   
 17391  2007-04-13 06:12:42 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17392  2007-04-13 11:39:50 Ad                                 Re: individual high def broadcasts to be watermarked to get any uploade 
 17393  2007-04-13 11:42:20 Ad                                 Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17394  2007-04-13 11:44:10 Ad                                 Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17395  2007-04-13 09:32:18 Frank Haber                        Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17396  2007-04-13 11:06:22 RobertB                            Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17397  2007-04-13 11:46:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17398  2007-04-13 11:48:22 John Beamish                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17399  2007-04-13 11:58:42 John Beamish                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17400  2007-04-13 13:48:26 Rich Gauszka                       Developers                                                              
 17401  2007-04-13 22:37:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Developers                                                          
 17402  2007-04-13 16:11:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Developers                                                          
 17403  2007-04-13 16:47:42 Geo.                               Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          
 17404  2007-04-14 09:35:42 mike                               Re: Developers                                                          
 17405  2007-04-14 09:48:08 mike                               Microsoft: Word 2007 crashes are a feature, not bug                     
 17406  2007-04-14 09:49:40 mike                               Re: Windows XP to be phased out by year's end despite customer demand   
 17407  2007-04-14 09:53:02 mike                               Sun Open Sources Storage Software                                       
 17408  2007-04-14 10:37:40 John Beamish                       Re: Windows XP to be phased out by year's end despite customer demand   
 17409  2007-04-14 10:46:58 John Beamish                       Re: Developers                                                          
 17410  2007-04-14 11:03:06 mike                               Re: Microsoft: Word 2007 crashes are a feature, not bug                 
 17411  2007-04-14 12:38:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft: Word 2007 crashes are a feature, not bug                 
 17412  2007-04-14 14:44:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft: Word 2007 crashes are a feature, not bug                 
 17413  2007-04-14 14:54:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft: Word 2007 crashes are a feature, not bug                 
 17414  2007-04-14 05:04:30 Bob Ackley                         HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                           
 17415  2007-04-15 09:19:16 mike                               Microsoft is Dead: The Cliff Notes                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17416  2007-04-15 11:14:30 mike                               Lenders Misusing Student Database                                       
 17417  2007-04-15 12:28:28 mike                               Re: HD-DVD Blu-ray drives getting FORCED upgrade?                       
 17418  2007-04-15 16:20:52 Geo.                               Re: Windows XP to be phased out by year's end despite customer demand   
 17419  2007-04-16 08:14:42 Ad                                 Vista's nickname...                                                     
 17420  2007-04-16 15:45:44 Ad                                 Sony do it again                                                        
 17421  2007-04-16 12:22:48 Frank Haber                        Neat Impellers                                                          
 17422  2007-04-16 18:30:50 Geo.                               Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17423  2007-04-16 19:22:26 Rich Gauszka                       DST error = 12 days in jail                                             
 17424  2007-04-16 20:17:14 Robert G Lewis                     Re: DST error = 12 days in jail                                         
 17425  2007-04-16 21:35:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DST error = 12 days in jail                                         
 17426  2007-04-17 07:00:06 Ad                                 Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17427  2007-04-17 23:42:10 Geo.                               Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17428  2007-04-18 07:07:38 Ad                                 Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17429  2007-04-18 11:26:58 Rich Gauszka                       Belkin to release USB WiFi 802.11n Hub                                  
 17430  2007-04-18 16:12:50 Rich Gauszka                       The need for 'crapware'?                                                
 17431  2007-04-18 06:24:48 Geo.                               Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17432  2007-04-18 21:58:00 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft Sales convices a CIO to look at Mac                           
 17433  2007-04-18 22:48:16 John Beamish                       Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17434  2007-04-19 07:28:34 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft Sales convices a CIO to look at Mac                       
 17435  2007-04-19 13:03:58 Rich Gauszka                       Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17436  2007-04-19 13:08:36 Rich Gauszka                       80 core cpu - almost TFLOPS while consuming "only" 191.79W              
 17437  2007-04-19 13:27:24 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft altruism or fear of Linux in developing nations?              
 17438  2007-04-19 13:46:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17439  2007-04-19 14:15:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17440  2007-04-19 16:04:14 Gary Britt                         Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17441  2007-04-19 17:29:08 mike                               Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17442  2007-04-19 23:55:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17443  2007-04-20 06:44:40 Ad                                 Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17444  2007-04-20 06:47:12 Ad                                 Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17445  2007-04-20 06:24:16 Geo.                               Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17446  2007-04-20 06:26:06 Geo.                               Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17447  2007-04-20 10:26:48 Frank Haber                        Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17448  2007-04-20 18:08:30 mike                               Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17449  2007-04-20 18:11:44 mike                               Microsoft cut off date for XP shorter than predecessors                 
 17450  2007-04-20 18:13:26 mike                               Dell brings back XP on home systems                                     
 17451  2007-04-20 18:59:16 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft cut off date for XP shorter than predecessors             
 17452  2007-04-21 09:24:52 Adam                               Re: Sony do it again                                                    
 17453  2007-04-21 09:27:58 Adam                               Re: Microsoft cut off date for XP shorter than predecessors             
 17454  2007-04-21 09:22:00 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft cut off date for XP shorter than predecessors             
 17455  2007-04-21 10:06:06 mike                               Japanese Failure Dooms Xbox 360                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17456  2007-04-21 10:10:38 mike                               Microsoft admits Vista failure                                          
 17457  2007-04-21 10:55:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Japanese Failure Dooms Xbox 360                                     
 17458  2007-04-21 14:10:32 mike                               MS Word an online app?                                                  
 17459  2007-04-21 15:49:54 Mike N.                            Re: MS Word an online app?                                              
 17460  2007-04-21 17:45:38 mike                               Re: MS Word an online app?                                              
 17461  2007-04-22 00:39:30 Geo.                               Re: MS Word an online app?                                              
 17462  2007-04-23 09:58:34 Frank Haber                        Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17463  2007-04-23 10:14:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17464  2007-04-23 11:45:42 Mike N.                            Outlook 2007: Less of a downgrade than before                           
 17465  2007-04-23 19:23:06 mike                               Re: Mozilla Thunderbird 2 Released                                      
 17466  2007-04-24 08:59:04 Mike N.                            Re: MS Word an online app?                                              
 17467  2007-04-24 15:12:24 Rich Gauszka                       Spy Act Only Protects Vendors and Their DRM                             
 17468  2007-04-24 17:44:56 Gary Britt                         Re: Spy Act Only Protects Vendors and Their DRM                         
 17469  2007-04-24 18:17:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Spy Act Only Protects Vendors and Their DRM                         
 17470  2007-04-24 18:53:54 Geo.                               Re: MS Word an online app?                                              
 17471  2007-04-24 18:57:36 Geo.                               Re: Spy Act Only Protects Vendors and Their DRM                         
 17472  2007-04-25 11:29:34 John Beckett                       Re: MS Word an online app?                                              
 17473  2007-04-24 21:31:36 Rich Gauszka                         512GB SSD                                                             
 17474  2007-04-24 22:40:34 Geo.                               Re:   512GB SSD                                                         
 17475  2007-04-25 07:25:04 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17476  2007-04-25 07:31:32 Mike N.                            Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17477  2007-04-25 10:57:04 Richard B.                         VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                                  
 17478  2007-04-25 13:47:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17479  2007-04-25 15:05:16 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                     
 17480  2007-04-25 15:02:02 Glenn Meadows                      Lojack for Laptops                                                      
 17481  2007-04-25 15:02:34 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Lojack for Laptops                                                  
 17482  2007-04-25 23:23:36 Adam                               Re: Microsoft cut off date for XP shorter than predecessors             
 17483  2007-04-25 22:51:06 Geo.                               Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17484  2007-04-25 22:53:08 Geo.                               Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17485  2007-04-25 22:54:40 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft cut off date for XP shorter than predecessors             
 17486  2007-04-25 22:55:56 Geo.                               Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17487  2007-04-26 07:16:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17488  2007-04-26 00:30:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17489  2007-04-26 06:21:48 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17490  2007-04-26 06:24:46 Mike N.                            Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17491  2007-04-26 06:27:38 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17492  2007-04-26 11:44:36 Richard B.                         Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17493  2007-04-26 11:46:02 Richard B.                         Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17494  2007-04-26 13:37:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17495  2007-04-26 14:05:02 Rich Gauszka                       IBM to market MySQL                                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17496  2007-04-26 17:04:52 Mike N.                            Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17497  2007-04-26 18:38:18 Geo.                               Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17498  2007-04-26 18:43:00 Geo.                               Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17499  2007-04-26 20:27:04 Rich Gauszka                       AT&T Yahoo mail - experience the ads                                    
 17500  2007-04-26 20:45:54 Glenn Meadows                      0wning Vista from the boot                                              
 17501  2007-04-26 22:47:18 Mike N.                            Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17502  2007-04-26 23:10:16 Mike N.                            Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17503  2007-04-26 23:11:06 Geo.                               Re: 512GB SSD                                                           
 17504  2007-04-26 23:12:58 Geo.                               Re: AT&T Yahoo mail - experience the ads                                
 17505  2007-04-27 12:33:06 Richard B.                         Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17506  2007-04-27 11:56:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17507  2007-04-27 18:15:12 Geo.                               Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17508  2007-04-28 07:17:22 mike                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17509  2007-04-28 07:19:06 mike                               Re: AT&T Yahoo mail - experience the ads                                
 17510  2007-04-28 07:20:10 mike                               Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17511  2007-04-28 07:22:38 mike                               Re: Microsoft troublshooting page needs troubleshooting                 
 17512  2007-04-28 07:26:38 mike                               Re: Spy Act Only Protects Vendors and Their DRM                         
 17513  2007-04-28 07:37:56 mike                               Criminalising the consumer                                              
 17514  2007-04-28 07:39:56 mike                               Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista     
 17515  2007-04-28 07:44:20 mike                               Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17516  2007-04-28 10:20:58 Geo.                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17517  2007-04-28 10:33:02 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17518  2007-04-28 10:35:26 mike                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17519  2007-04-28 10:38:14 mike                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17520  2007-04-28 10:42:56 Geo.                               Re: Criminalising the consumer                                          
 17521  2007-04-28 10:47:58 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17522  2007-04-28 11:25:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: AT&T Yahoo mail - experience the ads                                
 17523  2007-04-28 12:57:06 mike                               Re: AT&T Yahoo mail - experience the ads                                
 17524  2007-04-28 12:19:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17525  2007-04-28 13:25:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Criminalising the consumer                                          
 17526  2007-04-28 13:38:16 Tim Boyer                          Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17527  2007-04-28 13:39:08 RobertB                            Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17528  2007-04-28 13:39:34 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17529  2007-04-28 13:45:28 John Beamish                       Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17530  2007-04-28 14:13:26 Richard B.                         Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17531  2007-04-28 15:43:50 Geo.                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17532  2007-04-28 15:45:14 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17533  2007-04-28 15:51:12 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17534  2007-04-28 15:56:10 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17535  2007-04-28 20:59:30 Adam                               Re: Criminalising the consumer                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17536  2007-04-28 16:00:34 Geo.                               Re: AT&T Yahoo mail - experience the ads                                
 17537  2007-04-28 16:04:04 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17538  2007-04-28 16:11:18 Geo.                               Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17539  2007-04-28 16:12:46 Geo.                               Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17540  2007-04-28 16:16:50 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17541  2007-04-28 16:18:18 John Beamish                       Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17542  2007-04-28 16:55:06 mike                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17543  2007-04-28 16:56:08 mike                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17544  2007-04-28 17:18:26 John Beamish                       Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17545  2007-04-28 17:54:12 Mike N.                            Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17546  2007-04-28 17:57:30 Mike N.                            Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17547  2007-04-28 18:02:30 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17548  2007-04-28 18:08:06 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17549  2007-04-28 20:32:04 Geo.                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17550  2007-04-28 20:34:52 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17551  2007-04-28 20:36:52 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17552  2007-04-28 20:38:28 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17553  2007-04-28 20:46:32 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17554  2007-04-28 20:49:18 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17555  2007-04-28 21:04:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17556  2007-04-28 21:10:14 Geo.                               Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17557  2007-04-28 22:23:00 Mike N.                            Re: VoIP - The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly                              
 17558  2007-04-28 19:33:58 Rich                               Re: Drivers distributed via Windows Update                              
 17559  2007-04-28 22:36:18 Mike N.                            Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17560  2007-04-28 22:41:22 Mike N.                            Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17561  2007-04-28 22:42:18 Mike N.                            Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17562  2007-04-28 20:01:02 Rich                               Re: Protected mode                                                      
 17563  2007-04-28 23:07:32 Mark                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17564  2007-04-28 23:08:52 Mark                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17565  2007-04-28 23:29:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17566  2007-04-28 23:39:50 Rich Gauszka                       ipodifier                                                               
 17567  2007-04-29 00:47:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17568  2007-04-29 01:31:38 Mark                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17569  2007-04-29 01:48:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17570  2007-04-29 07:17:24 mike                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17571  2007-04-29 07:17:50 mike                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17572  2007-04-29 07:19:04 mike                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17573  2007-04-29 07:21:42 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17574  2007-04-29 07:25:34 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17575  2007-04-29 07:26:40 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17576  2007-04-29 07:28:28 mike                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17577  2007-04-29 08:08:56 Robert Comer                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17578  2007-04-29 09:12:36 mike                               PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                     
 17579  2007-04-29 09:42:32 mike                               Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17580  2007-04-29 11:45:12 Robert Comer                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17581  2007-04-29 12:01:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17582  2007-04-29 13:09:38 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17583  2007-04-29 13:20:14 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17584  2007-04-29 13:31:28 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17585  2007-04-29 13:48:48 Robert Comer                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17586  2007-04-29 14:00:30 John Beamish                       An A380 test evacuation                                                 
 17587  2007-04-29 16:10:46 Geo.                               Re: ipodifier                                                           
 17588  2007-04-29 16:24:50 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17589  2007-04-29 16:26:18 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17590  2007-04-29 16:29:32 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17591  2007-04-29 16:38:16 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17592  2007-04-29 16:54:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17593  2007-04-29 17:26:22 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17594  2007-04-29 17:47:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17595  2007-04-29 18:56:08 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17596  2007-04-29 20:07:34 Robert Comer                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17597  2007-04-29 21:06:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17598  2007-04-29 21:55:02 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17599  2007-04-29 22:23:02 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17600  2007-04-29 22:26:22 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17601  2007-04-29 23:20:10 Robert Comer                       Re: 0wning Vista from the boot                                          
 17602  2007-04-30 12:40:06 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: An A380 test evacuation                                             
 17603  2007-04-30 07:07:18 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17604  2007-04-30 08:05:26 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17605  2007-04-30 08:16:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17606  2007-04-30 11:26:20 Rich Gauszka                       EU to Harmonize Anti-Piracy Laws                                        
 17607  2007-04-30 16:41:52 Ad                                 Re: An A380 test evacuation                                             
 17608  2007-04-30 16:43:08 Ad                                 Re: EU to Harmonize Anti-Piracy Laws                                    
 17609  2007-04-30 20:57:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: An A380 test evacuation                                             
 17610  2007-04-30 18:17:12 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17611  2007-04-30 19:48:58 Randy                              Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17612  2007-04-30 23:43:02 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17613  2007-04-30 23:44:50 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17614  2007-04-30 23:45:58 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17615  2007-04-30 23:47:42 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17616  2007-04-30 05:37:24 Bob Ackley                         Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista     
 17617  2007-05-01 09:23:26 Ad                                 Hang the pirates...                                                     
 17618  2007-05-01 07:06:48 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17619  2007-05-01 10:06:52 Frank Haber                        Re: PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                 
 17620  2007-05-01 14:21:02 Rich Gauszka                       Symantec screws up Veritas licenses                                     
 17621  2007-05-01 18:42:24 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17622  2007-05-01 19:00:28 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17623  2007-05-01 19:22:16 Geo.                               Re: PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                 
 17624  2007-05-01 19:27:12 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17625  2007-05-01 19:29:24 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17626  2007-05-01 19:50:32 Rich Gauszka                       Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                      
 17627  2007-05-01 20:28:04 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17628  2007-05-01 20:51:42 Mike N.                            Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17629  2007-05-01 22:39:02 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17630  2007-05-01 23:18:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17631  2007-05-02 06:48:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17632  2007-05-02 08:26:12 Richard B.                         Re: PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                 
 17633  2007-05-02 08:29:18 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17634  2007-05-02 08:30:16 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17635  2007-05-02 08:50:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17636  2007-05-02 09:03:48 Glenn Meadows                      New Micro Mini computer                                                 
 17637  2007-05-02 09:05:46 Glenn Meadows                      USB Turntable!!!!                                                       
 17638  2007-05-02 09:09:22 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17639  2007-05-02 10:17:54 Robert Comer                       Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17640  2007-05-02 10:46:20 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17641  2007-05-02 11:00:30 Frank Haber                        Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17642  2007-05-02 10:15:44 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17643  2007-05-02 11:19:12 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17644  2007-05-02 11:22:50 Robert Comer                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17645  2007-05-02 11:24:34 Mike N.                            Re: USB Turntable!!!!                                                   
 17646  2007-05-02 11:29:30 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17647  2007-05-02 11:32:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17648  2007-05-02 16:33:08 Ad                                 Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17649  2007-05-02 12:10:00 John Beamish                       Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17650  2007-05-02 12:03:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17651  2007-05-02 12:18:34 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17652  2007-05-02 13:18:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17653  2007-05-02 14:02:16 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17654  2007-05-02 14:03:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17655  2007-05-02 14:42:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17656  2007-05-02 14:47:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17657  2007-05-02 14:55:48 Robert Comer                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17658  2007-05-02 15:23:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17659  2007-05-02 16:00:54 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17660  2007-05-02 17:18:26 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17661  2007-05-02 16:53:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17662  2007-05-02 18:02:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17663  2007-05-02 18:08:38 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17664  2007-05-02 23:22:20 Adam                               Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17665  2007-05-02 17:24:22 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17666  2007-05-02 17:33:06 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17667  2007-05-02 18:32:34 Geo.                               Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17668  2007-05-02 18:35:18 Geo.                               Re: PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                 
 17669  2007-05-02 18:41:12 mike                               Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17670  2007-05-02 18:39:52 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17671  2007-05-02 18:42:10 mike                               Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17672  2007-05-02 18:41:26 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17673  2007-05-02 19:29:16 John Beamish                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17674  2007-05-02 19:31:52 John Beamish                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17675  2007-05-02 19:50:56 Robert Comer                       Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17676  2007-05-02 19:50:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Feisty Fawn only good for venison?                                  
 17677  2007-05-02 20:19:58 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17678  2007-05-02 20:23:04 Mike N.                            Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17679  2007-05-02 20:29:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17680  2007-05-02 17:40:52 Joe Hunt                           Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17681  2007-05-02 21:00:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17682  2007-05-02 21:00:34 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17683  2007-05-02 22:21:06 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17684  2007-05-02 19:31:32 Joe Hunt                           Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17685  2007-05-02 23:25:00 Rich Gauszka                       Computer vs Cookie Monster                                              
 17686  2007-05-03 06:46:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17687  2007-05-03 06:54:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Computer vs Cookie Monster                                          
 17688  2007-05-03 06:05:06 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17689  2007-05-03 06:37:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17690  2007-05-03 10:10:24 Rich Gauszka                       IBM speeds up microchips                                                
 17691  2007-05-03 09:34:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17692  2007-05-03 12:08:44 Mike N.                            Re: IBM speeds up microchips                                            
 17693  2007-05-03 12:14:16 Robert Comer                       Re: IBM speeds up microchips                                            
 17694  2007-05-03 14:53:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17695  2007-05-03 15:00:38 Richard B.                         Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17696  2007-05-03 15:05:32 Richard B.                         Re: PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                 
 17697  2007-05-03 15:09:18 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17698  2007-05-03 15:11:26 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17699  2007-05-03 15:15:50 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17700  2007-05-03 15:17:06 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17701  2007-05-03 15:18:56 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17702  2007-05-03 15:21:26 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17703  2007-05-03 15:47:06 Robert Comer                       Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17704  2007-05-03 15:48:44 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17705  2007-05-03 15:56:40 Richard B.                         Re: New Micro Mini computer                                             
 17706  2007-05-03 15:58:18 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17707  2007-05-03 16:17:04 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17708  2007-05-03 16:18:18 Rich Gauszka                       T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                                
 17709  2007-05-03 16:21:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17710  2007-05-03 16:26:56 Rich Gauszka                       Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order             
 17711  2007-05-03 15:27:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17712  2007-05-03 15:42:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17713  2007-05-03 17:00:36 Rich Gauszka                       IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                                   
 17714  2007-05-03 19:05:54 John Beamish                       Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17715  2007-05-03 19:19:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17716  2007-05-03 19:52:08 mike                               Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                                 
 17717  2007-05-03 19:53:52 mike                               Microsoft Talk Fails to Impress                                         
 17718  2007-05-03 04:51:54 Bob Ackley                         Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista     
 17719  2007-05-04 06:51:54 Ad                                 Re: Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order         
 17720  2007-05-04 07:00:20 Ad                                 Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17721  2007-05-04 07:09:50 Ad                                 Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17722  2007-05-04 07:13:10 Ad                                 Re: Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order         
 17723  2007-05-04 10:38:32 Ad                                 Blimey that's a cheap laptop..                                          
 17724  2007-05-04 07:55:56 Mike N.                            Re: Blimey that's a cheap laptop..                                      
 17725  2007-05-04 08:53:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order         
 17726  2007-05-04 09:04:00 John Beamish                       Re: Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order         
 17727  2007-05-04 09:34:34 Richard B.                         Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17728  2007-05-04 09:35:52 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17729  2007-05-04 09:39:12 Richard B.                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17730  2007-05-04 09:51:50 Robert Comer                       Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17731  2007-05-05 01:00:08 Doug Bryce                         Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17732  2007-05-05 01:00:10 Doug Bryce                         USB 'Flash' Drives                                                      
 17733  2007-05-04 21:10:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: USB 'Flash' Drives                                                  
 17734  2007-05-04 21:13:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17735  2007-05-05 08:55:08 mike                               The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17736  2007-05-05 08:56:32 mike                               Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Industry                            
 17737  2007-05-05 09:01:12 mike                               Did Microsoft just patent sudo?                                         
 17738  2007-05-05 09:03:36 mike                               Google surpasses Microsoft as world's most-visited site                 
 17739  2007-05-05 09:05:16 mike                               Vista draining laptop batteries, patience                               
 17740  2007-05-05 09:08:54 mike                               AACS LA: Internet "revolt" be damned, this fight is not over            
 17741  2007-05-05 11:02:24 John Beamish                       Re: The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies                            
 17742  2007-05-05 11:05:08 John Beamish                       Re: Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Industry                        
 17743  2007-05-05 11:18:26 John Beamish                       Re: Vista draining laptop batteries, patience                           
 17744  2007-05-05 11:59:54 mike                               Re: The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies                            
 17745  2007-05-05 13:32:42 RobertB                            Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17746  2007-05-05 13:35:36 RobertB                            Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17747  2007-05-05 14:52:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17748  2007-05-05 16:39:10 John Beamish                       Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17749  2007-05-05 14:11:20 Rich                               Re: Did Microsoft just patent sudo?  No.                                
 17750  2007-05-05 22:24:16 Adam                               Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17751  2007-05-05 17:42:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17752  2007-05-06 10:00:34 Geo.                               Re: AACS LA: Internet "revolt" be damned, this fight is not over        
 17753  2007-05-06 10:03:20 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17754  2007-05-06 10:13:56 mike                               Re: AACS LA: Internet "revolt" be damned, this fight is not over        
 17755  2007-05-06 10:11:30 Geo.                               Re: Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Industry                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17756  2007-05-06 10:23:20 Geo.                               Re: Google surpasses Microsoft as world's most-visited site             
 17757  2007-05-06 10:28:36 Geo.                               Re: IBM speeds up microchips                                            
 17758  2007-05-06 10:32:40 Geo.                               Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17759  2007-05-06 10:43:12 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Talk Fails to Impress                                     
 17760  2007-05-06 10:44:44 Geo.                               Re: PC buyers aim to cut the 'crapware'                                 
 17761  2007-05-06 10:50:18 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17762  2007-05-06 10:50:54 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17763  2007-05-06 10:56:46 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17764  2007-05-06 10:58:18 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17765  2007-05-06 11:01:44 Geo.                               Re: The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies                            
 17766  2007-05-06 11:03:46 Geo.                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17767  2007-05-06 11:08:10 Geo.                               Re: USB 'Flash' Drives                                                  
 17768  2007-05-06 11:10:46 Geo.                               Re: Vista draining laptop batteries, patience                           
 17769  2007-05-06 11:18:06 mike                               Re: Google surpasses Microsoft as world's most-visited site             
 17770  2007-05-06 11:20:10 mike                               Re: Microsoft Talk Fails to Impress                                     
 17771  2007-05-06 11:24:42 mike                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17772  2007-05-06 13:54:56 mike                               Nifty clock utility                                                     
 17773  2007-05-06 14:18:28 Gary Britt                         Capture Program's Window And Place On Desktop                           
 17774  2007-05-06 15:03:00 mike                               Re: Capture Program's Window And Place On Desktop                       
 17775  2007-05-06 15:48:20 Gary Britt                         Re: Capture Program's Window And Place On Desktop                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17776  2007-05-06 23:53:14 Doug Bryce                         Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17777  2007-05-06 23:53:14 Doug Bryce                         Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17778  2007-05-06 23:53:14 Doug Bryce                         Re: USB 'Flash' Drives                                                  
 17779  2007-05-06 23:53:14 Doug Bryce                         Re: USB 'Flash' Drives                                                  
 17780  2007-05-06 19:21:22 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17781  2007-05-06 19:25:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17782  2007-05-06 20:40:16 mike                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17783  2007-05-06 21:13:00 John Beamish                       Re: Firefox claws more users from Microsoft                             
 17784  2007-05-06 21:36:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows       
 17785  2007-05-06 22:59:24 Geo.                               Re: Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order         
 17786  2007-05-06 23:03:00 Geo.                               Re: Will everyone on the net get an MPAA cease and desist order         
 17787  2007-05-06 23:05:42 Geo.                               Re: Capture Program's Window And Place On Desktop                       
 17788  2007-05-06 23:08:06 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Talk Fails to Impress                                     
 17789  2007-05-06 23:11:04 Geo.                               Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
 17790  2007-05-06 23:20:48 Geo.                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17791  2007-05-06 23:22:24 Geo.                               Re: USB 'Flash' Drives                                                  
 17792  2007-05-07 00:21:58 Gary Britt                         Re: Capture Program's Window And Place On Desktop                       
 17793  2007-05-06 23:23:14 Joe Hunt                           Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17794  2007-05-07 06:15:00 Geo.                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17795  2007-05-07 07:21:36 Mike N.                            Re: Survey: 30% Of Businesses Have No Plans To Upgrade To Windows Vista 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17796  2007-05-07 09:48:48 John Beamish                       Drupal                                                                  
 17797  2007-05-07 10:14:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Drupal                                                              
 17798  2007-05-07 20:09:22 George Sherwood                    Re: Nifty clock utility                                                 
 17799  2007-05-07 11:47:36 Richard B.                         Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17800  2007-05-07 17:24:34 mike                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17801  2007-05-07 17:34:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17802  2007-05-07 18:17:52 Frank Haber                        Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17803  2007-05-07 18:51:32 RobertB                            Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17804  2007-05-07 18:52:44 RobertB                            Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17805  2007-05-07 18:54:04 RobertB                            Re: Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Industry                        
 17806  2007-05-07 23:48:40 Doug Bryce                         Re: USB 'Flash' Drives                                                  
 17807  2007-05-07 22:10:34 Geo.                               Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17808  2007-05-07 22:11:40 Geo.                               Re: Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Industry                        
 17809  2007-05-07 22:14:10 Geo.                               Re: Drupal                                                              
 17810  2007-05-07 22:16:42 Geo.                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17811  2007-05-07 22:37:18 Mike N.                            Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17812  2007-05-07 22:45:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17813  2007-05-07 22:56:18 Rich Gauszka                       Cringely's 5 predictions for 2007                                       
 17814  2007-05-08 09:33:50 Richard B.                         Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17815  2007-05-08 09:45:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17816  2007-05-08 11:14:46 Mike N.                            Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17817  2007-05-08 12:26:50 Rich Gauszka                       Motorola patents self-powered displays                                  
 17818  2007-05-08 14:25:06 Rich Gauszka                        Apple hosts US crimefighting seminar                                   
 17819  2007-05-08 14:17:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17820  2007-05-08 17:09:46 Mike N.                            ID Theft                                                                
 17821  2007-05-08 16:18:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17822  2007-05-08 17:23:34 Rich Gauszka                       Verison forgets to handle your payment?                                 
 17823  2007-05-08 18:09:00 mike                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17824  2007-05-08 19:08:40 Randy                              Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17825  2007-05-09 10:09:10 RobertB                            Re: Apple's iPhone Rocks the Cell Phone Industry                        
 17826  2007-05-09 10:10:24 RobertB                            Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17827  2007-05-09 10:12:06 RobertB                            Re: Apple hosts US crimefighting seminar                                
 17828  2007-05-09 10:13:22 RobertB                            Re: Cringely's 5 predictions for 2007                                   
 17829  2007-05-09 09:19:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple Reinvents Consumer Electronics                                
 17830  2007-05-09 11:12:30 Rich Gauszka                       Mac share of web surfers doubles in 8 months                            
 17831  2007-05-09 11:20:10 Rich Gauszka                       double the capacity of lithium batteries?                               
 17832  2007-05-09 17:26:44 mike                               Re: Mac share of web surfers doubles in 8 months                        
 17833  2007-05-09 17:29:14 mike                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17834  2007-05-09 18:34:42 Rich Gauszka                       Comcast Shows Off 150 Megabits Per Second Download                      
 17835  2007-05-09 19:37:04 Rich Gauszka                       VMware workstation 6 released                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17836  2007-05-09 22:14:06 Randy                              Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17837  2007-05-10 06:54:52 Ad                                 Re: VMware workstation 6 released                                       
 17838  2007-05-10 10:01:52 Ad                                 Re: double the capacity of lithium batteries?                           
 17839  2007-05-10 09:27:28 Richard B.                         Re: IDG censorship: PC World editor quits                               
 17840  2007-05-10 09:07:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17841  2007-05-10 12:10:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: double the capacity of lithium batteries?                           
 17842  2007-05-10 13:06:38 mike                               Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17843  2007-05-10 15:18:54 Frank Haber                        Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17844  2007-05-10 15:21:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Comcast Shows Off 150 Megabits Per Second Download                  
 17845  2007-05-10 15:39:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: T-Mobile plans phones that can use Wi-Fi                            
 17846  2007-05-11 10:29:40 Rich Gauszka                        iTunes income substantial for music partners                           
 17847  2007-05-11 10:32:58 Rich Gauszka                       yet another 802.11 upgrade (2.0)                                        
 17848  2007-05-11 16:21:24 Adam                               Any good recomends for a linux based asdl router?                       
 17849  2007-05-11 14:27:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Any good recomends for a linux based asdl router?                   
 17850  2007-05-11 16:10:24 Frank Haber                        Re: Any good recomends for a linux based asdl router?                   
 17851  2007-05-12 12:06:04 Geo.                               Re: Comcast Shows Off 150 Megabits Per Second Download                  
 17852  2007-05-12 12:09:10 Geo.                               Re: Mac share of web surfers doubles in 8 months                        
 17853  2007-05-12 11:47:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: iTunes income substantial for music partners                        
 17854  2007-05-12 11:57:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: iTunes income substantial for music partners                        
 17855  2007-05-12 13:18:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iTunes income substantial for music partners                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17856  2007-05-12 13:43:02 Rich Gauszka                       Intel Santa Rosa - mediocre review                                      
 17857  2007-05-12 13:43:12 RobertB                            Re: Mac share of web surfers doubles in 8 months                        
 17858  2007-05-12 13:45:00 RobertB                            Re: Vista Reboot Madness!                                               
 17859  2007-05-12 13:54:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista Reboot Madness!                                               
 17860  2007-05-12 13:58:20 Gary Britt                         Re: iTunes income substantial for music partners                        
 17861  2007-05-12 14:37:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iTunes income substantial for music partners                        
 17862  2007-05-12 14:59:22 Mike N.                            Re: Vista Reboot Madness!                                               
 17863  2007-05-12 14:01:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: iTunes income substantial for music partners                        
 17864  2007-05-12 15:05:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista Reboot Madness!                                               
 17865  2007-05-12 22:14:48 Rich Gauszka                       Apple, Microsoft sued for not using enough DRM?                         
 17866  2007-05-12 23:54:34 Geo.                               Re: Apple, Microsoft sued for not using enough DRM?                     
 17867  2007-05-13 13:42:04 mike                               Asustek confirms distaste for Microsoft Vista                           
 17868  2007-05-13 14:05:38 Rich Gauszka                       Vista problems? - just generate 500 user reports                        
 17869  2007-05-13 15:26:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple, Microsoft sued for not using enough DRM?                     
 17870  2007-05-13 22:58:02 mike                               It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...         
 17871  2007-05-13 23:10:50 Geo.                               Re: Apple, Microsoft sued for not using enough DRM?                     
 17872  2007-05-14 00:26:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17873  2007-05-14 11:00:54 Ad                                 Japan Gov 2 Linux?                                                      
 17874  2007-05-14 07:29:34 Mike N.                            Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17875  2007-05-14 08:35:56 John Beamish                       Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17876  2007-05-14 08:36:58 mike                               Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17877  2007-05-14 08:38:36 mike                               Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17878  2007-05-14 14:06:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17879  2007-05-14 22:58:36 Adam                               Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17880  2007-05-14 20:08:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17881  2007-05-14 21:38:32 mike                               Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17882  2007-05-14 21:40:26 mike                               Vista's vexing moments tied to security, music                          
 17883  2007-05-14 21:41:50 mike                               Apple website traffic up 42%                                            
 17884  2007-05-14 22:11:06 Mark                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17885  2007-05-14 22:24:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17886  2007-05-14 22:27:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17887  2007-05-14 22:28:30 Mark                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17888  2007-05-14 22:31:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17889  2007-05-14 22:35:50 Mark                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17890  2007-05-14 22:39:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17891  2007-05-14 22:50:34 Geo.                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17892  2007-05-14 22:51:44 Geo.                               Re: It's a shame that Microsoft can't compete in the marketplace...     
 17893  2007-05-14 22:53:54 Geo.                               Re: Vista's vexing moments tied to security, music                      
 17894  2007-05-14 23:04:08 Mark                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17895  2007-05-15 06:51:02 Ad                                 Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17896  2007-05-15 06:09:38 Geo.                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17897  2007-05-15 07:27:42 Mike N.                            Re: Vista's vexing moments tied to security, music                      
 17898  2007-05-15 10:51:30 RobertB                            Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17899  2007-05-15 13:04:08 Richard B.                         Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17900  2007-05-15 14:02:12 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                           
 17901  2007-05-15 18:35:40 Mark                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17902  2007-05-15 19:04:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17903  2007-05-15 22:27:54 Geo.                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17904  2007-05-15 22:29:18 Geo.                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17905  2007-05-15 22:41:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17906  2007-05-15 22:50:12 Robert Comer                       Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17907  2007-05-15 22:54:30 Mark                               Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17908  2007-05-16 08:57:38 Ad                                 WRT MS , Open Stds, Linux etc.                                          
 17909  2007-05-16 09:01:42 Richard B.                         Re: Apple website traffic up 42%                                        
 17910  2007-05-16 10:41:18 Rich Gauszka                        iPhone is largest  product launch in history?                          
 17911  2007-05-16 12:18:12 RobertB                            Re: iPhone is largest  product launch in history?                       
 17912  2007-05-16 12:21:54 RobertB                            Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 17913  2007-05-16 12:56:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iPhone is largest  product launch in history?                       
 17914  2007-05-16 16:01:22 Rich Gauszka                       Apple's internal mail system spoofed?                                   
 17915  2007-05-16 18:13:44 mike                               Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17916  2007-05-16 18:18:06 mike                               Gates claims 40 million Vista sales a success                           
 17917  2007-05-16 19:47:12 Rich Gauszka                       pclinuxos  - good livecd                                                
 17918  2007-05-16 20:12:22 mike                               Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17919  2007-05-16 20:43:28 mike                               Re: Gates claims 40 million Vista sales a success                       
 17920  2007-05-16 21:00:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17921  2007-05-16 22:41:54 Rich Gauszka                       good article on ultrawideband                                           
 17922  2007-05-16 22:55:40 Geo.                               Re: Gates claims 40 million Vista sales a success                       
 17923  2007-05-16 23:02:18 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 17924  2007-05-17 07:24:38 Ad                                 Your next PC is... a phone                                              
 17925  2007-05-17 11:10:16 Ad                                 Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17926  2007-05-17 08:10:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17927  2007-05-17 10:28:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17928  2007-05-17 10:38:40 RobertB                            Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 17929  2007-05-17 10:40:20 RobertB                            Re: iPhone is largest  product launch in history?                       
 17930  2007-05-17 09:54:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17931  2007-05-17 12:23:40 Rich Gauszka                       Yet another review - Hitachi 1 tb drive                                 
 17932  2007-05-17 13:14:08 Richard B.                         Re: Gates claims 40 million Vista sales a success                       
 17933  2007-05-17 14:40:00 Rich Gauszka                       DRM's Demise Accelerates                                                
 17934  2007-05-17 16:33:24 Mike N.                            Re: good article on ultrawideband                                       
 17935  2007-05-17 16:38:34 Mike N.                            iPhone marketing disappointment                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17936  2007-05-17 17:20:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iPhone marketing disappointment                                     
 17937  2007-05-17 22:48:30 Adam                               Re: good article on ultrawideband                                       
 17938  2007-05-17 18:10:28 mike                               Re: iPhone marketing disappointment                                     
 17939  2007-05-17 18:14:26 mike                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17940  2007-05-17 18:16:22 mike                               Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17941  2007-05-17 18:19:06 mike                               Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 17942  2007-05-17 18:28:36 mike                               Latest AACS revision defeated a week before release                     
 17943  2007-05-17 18:30:18 mike                               Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployment   
 17944  2007-05-17 18:47:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17945  2007-05-17 19:42:54 mike                               Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17946  2007-05-17 19:46:32 Rich Gauszka                       Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterday?   
 17947  2007-05-17 19:46:54 mike                               Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district              
 17948  2007-05-17 19:50:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17949  2007-05-17 19:55:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district          
 17950  2007-05-17 20:13:34 Rich Gauszka                       Gates predicts death of the office phone                                
 17951  2007-05-17 20:27:50 mike                               Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 17952  2007-05-17 20:28:48 mike                               Re: Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district          
 17953  2007-05-17 20:30:20 mike                               Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17954  2007-05-17 21:41:52 Mark                               Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 17955  2007-05-17 22:16:48 Mark                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17956  2007-05-17 22:31:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17957  2007-05-17 22:59:14 Geo.                               Re: Gates claims 40 million Vista sales a success                       
 17958  2007-05-17 23:04:56 Mark                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17959  2007-05-17 23:16:38 Geo.                               Re: Latest AACS revision defeated a week before release                 
 17960  2007-05-17 23:22:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17961  2007-05-17 23:21:06 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17962  2007-05-17 23:24:32 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 17963  2007-05-17 23:27:52 Geo.                               Re: pclinuxos  - good livecd                                            
 17964  2007-05-17 23:36:34 Mark                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17965  2007-05-17 23:35:50 Geo.                               Re: Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district          
 17966  2007-05-17 23:39:20 Geo.                               Re: Yet another review - Hitachi 1 tb drive                             
 17967  2007-05-17 21:28:14 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17968  2007-05-18 07:54:00 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17969  2007-05-18 07:56:20 Ad                                 Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17970  2007-05-18 07:57:54 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17971  2007-05-18 07:59:40 Ad                                 Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 17972  2007-05-18 08:01:06 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17973  2007-05-18 08:03:50 Ad                                 Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17974  2007-05-18 08:16:40 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17975  2007-05-18 06:03:16 Geo.                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17976  2007-05-18 06:04:42 Geo.                               Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 17977  2007-05-18 06:07:32 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17978  2007-05-18 06:11:48 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17979  2007-05-18 06:59:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17980  2007-05-18 07:03:22 Robert Comer                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17981  2007-05-18 13:44:14 Ad                                 Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17982  2007-05-18 13:45:12 Ad                                 Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 17983  2007-05-18 13:45:48 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17984  2007-05-18 13:48:18 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17985  2007-05-18 13:50:52 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17986  2007-05-18 09:07:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17987  2007-05-18 10:03:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17988  2007-05-18 09:25:02 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17989  2007-05-18 09:38:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17990  2007-05-18 09:49:28 Glenn Meadows                      Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                               
 17991  2007-05-18 08:53:52 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17992  2007-05-18 08:56:06 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17993  2007-05-18 14:39:28 waldo kitty                        Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 17994  2007-05-18 14:44:00 mike                               Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 17995  2007-05-18 14:45:28 waldo kitty                        Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17996  2007-05-18 21:46:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17997  2007-05-18 14:51:08 waldo kitty                        Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 17998  2007-05-18 13:51:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 17999  2007-05-18 14:54:10 waldo kitty                        Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18000  2007-05-18 14:15:32 John Cuccia                        Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18001  2007-05-18 16:47:38 Mike N.                            Re: Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district          
 18002  2007-05-18 16:48:56 Mike N.                            Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 18003  2007-05-18 17:07:10 Mike N.                            Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18004  2007-05-18 17:26:24 mike                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18005  2007-05-19 09:32:56 Don Hills                          Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18006  2007-05-18 18:53:42 Robert Comer                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18007  2007-05-18 23:58:26 Adam                               Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 18008  2007-05-18 19:39:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 18009  2007-05-18 19:46:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 18010  2007-05-19 10:30:02 Adam                               Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 18011  2007-05-19 10:30:50 Adam                               Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 18012  2007-05-19 10:35:48 Adam                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18013  2007-05-19 22:30:56 Don Hills                          Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18014  2007-05-19 09:31:04 Geo.                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18015  2007-05-19 09:32:34 Geo.                               Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18016  2007-05-19 09:36:32 Geo.                               Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 18017  2007-05-19 09:42:08 mike                               Report - AV companies hiding credit card charges                        
 18018  2007-05-19 09:41:56 Geo.                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18019  2007-05-19 09:55:40 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft claims it only wants to protect me?                       
 18020  2007-05-19 09:56:56 Geo.                               Re: Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district          
 18021  2007-05-19 09:58:36 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18022  2007-05-19 10:00:36 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18023  2007-05-19 10:02:26 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18024  2007-05-19 07:06:54 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18025  2007-05-19 09:31:18 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18026  2007-05-19 13:09:20 mike                               Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs               
 18027  2007-05-19 13:30:32 Mike N.                            Re: Report - AV companies hiding credit card charges                    
 18028  2007-05-19 13:56:18 Rich Gauszka                       Wanna be an iPhone Engineer in Paris?                                   
 18029  2007-05-19 14:27:00 RobertB                            Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18030  2007-05-19 14:29:52 RobertB                            Re: Worm attacked voter database in notorious Florida district          
 18031  2007-05-19 14:32:14 RobertB                            Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18032  2007-05-19 21:39:50 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18033  2007-05-19 21:41:30 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18034  2007-05-19 21:43:02 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft Announces New Vista SKU Specifically for Virtual Deployme 
 18035  2007-05-19 17:27:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18036  2007-05-19 17:28:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18037  2007-05-19 17:33:24 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18038  2007-05-19 17:41:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18039  2007-05-19 20:16:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18040  2007-05-19 21:29:04 Randall Parker                     Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                              
 18041  2007-05-19 21:31:26 Randall Parker                     Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?      
 18042  2007-05-19 21:39:00 Randall Parker                     Do phones have any display resolutions standards?                       
 18043  2007-05-19 21:42:18 Randall Parker                     Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18044  2007-05-19 21:47:58 Randall Parker                     Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18045  2007-05-19 21:59:18 Randall Parker                     Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18046  2007-05-20 06:21:30 Mike N.                            Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18047  2007-05-20 06:25:12 Mike N.                            Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18048  2007-05-20 14:06:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18049  2007-05-20 14:10:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18050  2007-05-20 07:42:14 mike                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18051  2007-05-20 07:50:36 mike                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18052  2007-05-20 07:58:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18053  2007-05-20 08:04:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18054  2007-05-20 06:23:38 Robert Comer                       Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18055  2007-05-20 06:30:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18056  2007-05-20 10:04:28 mike                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18057  2007-05-20 10:36:08 Mark                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18058  2007-05-20 11:08:28 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18059  2007-05-20 11:16:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18060  2007-05-20 11:30:40 mike                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18061  2007-05-20 09:03:10 Randall Parker                     Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18062  2007-05-20 09:10:32 Randall Parker                     Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18063  2007-05-20 12:12:00 Mark                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18064  2007-05-20 09:15:50 Randall Parker                     Does anyone here use a Blackberry or equivalent device?                 
 18065  2007-05-20 09:20:56 Randall Parker                     Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18066  2007-05-20 09:32:00 Randall Parker                     Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18067  2007-05-20 09:46:00 Randall Parker                     See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                            
 18068  2007-05-20 13:00:54 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18069  2007-05-20 13:04:08 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18070  2007-05-20 13:10:26 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18071  2007-05-20 13:16:58 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18072  2007-05-20 13:20:00 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18073  2007-05-20 13:20:58 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18074  2007-05-20 12:34:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18075  2007-05-20 13:38:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18076  2007-05-20 12:39:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                        
 18077  2007-05-20 13:35:38 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18078  2007-05-20 13:37:56 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18079  2007-05-20 12:41:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18080  2007-05-20 13:41:34 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18081  2007-05-20 12:45:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18082  2007-05-20 12:46:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18083  2007-05-20 12:47:50 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18084  2007-05-20 13:49:38 Geo.                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18085  2007-05-20 13:53:14 Geo.                               Re: See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                        
 18086  2007-05-20 13:56:26 Geo.                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18087  2007-05-20 13:01:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Does anyone here use a Blackberry or equivalent device?             
 18088  2007-05-20 13:05:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18089  2007-05-20 13:07:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                        
 18090  2007-05-20 14:10:02 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18091  2007-05-20 11:11:20 Robert Comer                       Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18092  2007-05-20 14:16:24 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18093  2007-05-20 15:48:30 Geo.                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18094  2007-05-20 15:16:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18095  2007-05-20 16:33:14 John Beamish                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18096  2007-05-20 14:18:50 Randall Parker                     Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18097  2007-05-20 18:51:16 Mark                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18098  2007-05-20 19:03:50 mike                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18099  2007-05-20 19:04:34 mike                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18100  2007-05-20 19:29:34 Frank Haber                        Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                    
 18101  2007-05-20 19:33:00 Frank Haber                        Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18102  2007-05-20 19:44:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18103  2007-05-20 19:28:10 John Cuccia                        Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18104  2007-05-20 19:41:36 Randy                              Re: Does anyone here use a Blackberry or equivalent device?             
 18105  2007-05-20 21:09:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18106  2007-05-20 22:35:52 Frank Haber                        Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18107  2007-05-20 22:46:10 Geo.                               Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18108  2007-05-20 22:47:26 Geo.                               Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18109  2007-05-20 22:50:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18110  2007-05-20 22:52:28 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18111  2007-05-20 22:55:24 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18112  2007-05-20 22:57:46 Geo.                               Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18113  2007-05-20 22:58:44 Geo.                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18114  2007-05-20 22:34:36 John Cuccia                        Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18115  2007-05-21 06:38:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18116  2007-05-20 20:41:10 Rich                               Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18117  2007-05-20 20:48:54 Rich                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18118  2007-05-21 07:28:56 Ad                                 Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18119  2007-05-21 09:39:10 Ad                                 MS linux & patents.....                                                 
 18120  2007-05-21 09:50:32 Ad                                 Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18121  2007-05-21 09:51:36 Ad                                 Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18122  2007-05-21 09:52:44 Ad                                 Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18123  2007-05-21 09:53:32 Ad                                 Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 18124  2007-05-21 10:05:14 Ad                                 Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18125  2007-05-21 10:13:04 Ad                                 Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18126  2007-05-21 10:15:40 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18127  2007-05-21 10:24:00 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18128  2007-05-21 10:28:06 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18129  2007-05-21 23:25:02 Don Hills                          Re: See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                        
 18130  2007-05-21 09:17:16 Mike N.                            Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18131  2007-05-21 09:19:38 Mike N.                            Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18132  2007-05-21 09:20:20 Mike N.                            Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18133  2007-05-21 09:56:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18134  2007-05-21 09:05:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Media Streaming Server Suggestions Please                           
 18135  2007-05-21 22:19:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18136  2007-05-21 17:06:10 Richard B.                         Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 18137  2007-05-21 17:09:36 mike                               Lots of potential...                                                    
 18138  2007-05-21 17:59:44 mike                               Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18139  2007-05-21 18:02:12 mike                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18140  2007-05-21 22:45:16 Rich Gauszka                       iPhone to be available at 2000 store fronts on launch                   
 18141  2007-05-21 22:46:48 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18142  2007-05-21 22:50:40 Geo.                               Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18143  2007-05-21 22:51:56 Geo.                               Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18144  2007-05-21 22:53:14 Geo.                               Re: Gates predicts death of the office phone                            
 18145  2007-05-21 22:57:30 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18146  2007-05-21 23:02:24 Geo.                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18147  2007-05-21 23:03:40 Geo.                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18148  2007-05-22 06:24:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
 18149  2007-05-22 06:29:16 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18150  2007-05-21 21:50:06 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18151  2007-05-21 21:51:40 Rich                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18152  2007-05-21 21:53:48 Rich                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18153  2007-05-22 06:57:54 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18154  2007-05-22 01:13:54 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18155  2007-05-22 11:08:14 Ad                                 Re: Estonia the Spanish Civil War for...                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18156  2007-05-22 20:35:46 John Beckett                       Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18157  2007-05-22 23:51:12 Don Hills                          Re: See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                        
 18158  2007-05-22 12:49:50 Mike N.                            Re: See caller ID in closed clamshell cellphone?                        
 18159  2007-05-22 15:46:10 Rich Gauszka                       notebook drives to 250gb                                                
 18160  2007-05-22 17:27:40 Rich Gauszka                       watered down anti-spyware bill passes House                             
 18161  2007-05-22 17:31:36 mike                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18162  2007-05-22 17:40:32 mike                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18163  2007-05-22 19:21:56 John Beamish                       Re: notebook drives to 250gb                                            
 18164  2007-05-22 19:24:10 John Beamish                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18165  2007-05-22 19:39:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: notebook drives to 250gb                                            
 18166  2007-05-22 19:49:48 mike                               One of the best HDD utilities is free                                   
 18167  2007-05-22 18:42:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18168  2007-05-22 21:44:28 Gary Britt                         Re: notebook drives to 250gb                                            
 18169  2007-05-22 21:49:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: notebook drives to 250gb                                            
 18170  2007-05-22 22:00:52 John Beamish                       Re: notebook drives to 250gb                                            
 18171  2007-05-22 22:09:02 John Beamish                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18172  2007-05-22 22:28:34 Rich Gauszka                       AT&T Apple 5 year exclusive iPhone deal                                 
 18173  2007-05-22 22:36:56 mike                               Re: watered down anti-spyware bill passes House                         
 18174  2007-05-22 22:39:54 mike                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18175  2007-05-22 22:39:32 Geo.                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18176  2007-05-22 22:40:50 Geo.                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18177  2007-05-22 22:43:20 Geo.                               Re: watered down anti-spyware bill passes House                         
 18178  2007-05-22 22:44:14 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18179  2007-05-22 20:59:12 Rich                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18180  2007-05-22 21:12:54 Rich                               Re: Symantec false positive cripples thousands of Chinese PCs           
 18181  2007-05-23 00:58:08 Randy                              Re: AT&T Apple 5 year exclusive iPhone deal                             
 18182  2007-05-23 07:20:46 Mike N.                            Re: AT&T Apple 5 year exclusive iPhone deal                             
 18183  2007-05-23 04:24:50 Robert Comer                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18184  2007-05-23 12:36:50 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18185  2007-05-23 12:38:36 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18186  2007-05-23 07:55:10 John Beamish                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18187  2007-05-23 07:56:26 John Beamish                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18188  2007-05-23 12:57:16 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18189  2007-05-23 11:08:22 RobertB                            Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18190  2007-05-23 11:10:42 RobertB                            Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18191  2007-05-23 08:15:30 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18192  2007-05-23 11:23:42 Richard B.                         Re: watered down anti-spyware bill passes House                         
 18193  2007-05-23 12:25:12 John Cuccia                        Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18194  2007-05-23 15:28:26 John Beamish                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18195  2007-05-23 16:00:56 Rich Gauszka                       Major revision planned for Sarbanes-Oxley                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18196  2007-05-23 18:14:06 mike                               Fun stuff...                                                            
 18197  2007-05-24 00:04:34 Adam                               Good example of the ip backlash/response                                
 18198  2007-05-23 20:10:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Good example of the ip backlash/response                            
 18199  2007-05-23 22:30:04 Geo.                               Re: watered down anti-spyware bill passes House                         
 18200  2007-05-24 07:21:34 Ad                                 Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18201  2007-05-24 07:26:46 Ad                                 Re: Likes and dislikes on cell phone features?                          
 18202  2007-05-24 07:30:10 Ad                                 Re: Good example of the ip backlash/response                            
 18203  2007-05-24 09:38:46 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18204  2007-05-24 09:43:50 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18205  2007-05-24 07:29:36 Mike N.                            Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18206  2007-05-24 07:55:36 Rich                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18207  2007-05-24 12:36:38 Rich Gauszka                       Dell ships Ubuntu PCs                                                   
 18208  2007-05-24 16:22:38 Rich Gauszka                       Bad Bunny targets OpenOffice                                            
 18209  2007-05-24 17:36:08 mike                               Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18210  2007-05-24 20:14:04 Mike N.                            Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18211  2007-05-24 20:27:42 mike                               Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18212  2007-05-24 19:31:30 Randy                              So much for eating your own dogfood: iPod Amnesty Bins @ MSFT           
 18213  2007-05-24 20:48:24 mike                               Re: So much for eating your own dogfood: iPod Amnesty Bins @ MSFT       
 18214  2007-05-24 20:49:38 mike                               Microsoft Vista fails to set PC market on fire                          
 18215  2007-05-24 20:53:26 mike                               Where is our Vista upgrade?                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18216  2007-05-24 21:21:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
 18217  2007-05-24 23:05:34 Geo.                               Re: Dell ships Ubuntu PCs                                               
 18218  2007-05-24 23:07:36 Geo.                               Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18219  2007-05-24 23:08:22 Geo.                               Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18220  2007-05-24 23:16:30 Geo.                               Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
 18221  2007-05-25 09:05:08 Rich Gauszka                       Nissan - sorry your cellphone ate your car key                          
 18222  2007-05-25 06:19:58 Robert Comer                       Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18223  2007-05-25 12:11:34 Frank Haber                        Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18224  2007-05-25 12:16:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell ships Ubuntu PCs                                               
 18225  2007-05-25 14:14:56 Rich Gauszka                       Apple's iPhone. Is it really well protected by patents?                 
 18226  2007-05-25 14:27:18 mike                               Re: Dell ships Ubuntu PCs                                               
 18227  2007-05-25 14:28:18 mike                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18228  2007-05-25 15:34:20 waldo kitty                        Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18229  2007-05-25 16:25:34 waldo kitty                        Re: webserver attack??                                                  
 18230  2007-05-26 15:47:12 John Beckett                       Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
 18231  2007-05-26 08:49:04 mike                               Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to Make Historic Joint Appearance at the Fift 
 18232  2007-05-26 11:49:24 Rich Gauszka                       so much for Microsoft search                                            
 18233  2007-05-26 12:10:16 mike                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18234  2007-05-26 13:31:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18235  2007-05-26 13:39:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18236  2007-05-27 10:38:04 John Beckett                       Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
 18237  2007-05-26 22:32:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
 18238  2007-05-26 10:06:40 Geo.                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18239  2007-05-27 10:42:52 Geo.                               Re: Fun stuff...                                                        
 18240  2007-05-27 10:49:38 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18241  2007-05-27 10:51:26 Geo.                               Re: Nissan - sorry your cellphone ate your car key                      
 18242  2007-05-27 10:53:24 Geo.                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18243  2007-05-27 11:09:08 Geo.                               Re: Where is our Vista upgrade?                                         
 18244  2007-05-27 13:08:34 mike                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18245  2007-05-27 13:07:42 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18246  2007-05-27 14:05:22 waldo kitty                        Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18247  2007-05-28 10:21:00 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18248  2007-05-28 14:12:20 Geo.                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18249  2007-05-28 14:13:48 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18250  2007-05-28 14:16:16 Geo.                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18251  2007-05-28 17:10:42 Gregg N                            Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18252  2007-05-28 18:29:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18253  2007-05-28 18:49:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18254  2007-05-28 19:04:48 Rich Gauszka                       Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                               
 18255  2007-05-28 20:07:54 mike                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18256  2007-05-29 13:18:46 Don Hills                          Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18257  2007-05-29 06:08:48 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18258  2007-05-29 06:11:44 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18259  2007-05-29 06:15:56 Geo.                               Re: Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                           
 18260  2007-05-29 23:23:32 Don Hills                          Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18261  2007-05-29 08:10:00 Frank Haber                        Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18262  2007-05-29 09:31:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                           
 18263  2007-05-29 10:41:08 RobertB                            Re: Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                           
 18264  2007-05-29 10:43:00 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18265  2007-05-29 10:56:58 waldo kitty                        Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
 18266  2007-05-29 11:00:58 waldo kitty                        Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18267  2007-05-29 11:01:52 waldo kitty                        Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18268  2007-05-29 15:22:02 Richard B.                         Re: Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                           
 18269  2007-05-29 15:22:54 Richard B.                         Re: Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                           
 18270  2007-05-29 15:24:06 Richard B.                         Re: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to Make Historic Joint Appearance at the  
 18271  2007-05-29 17:58:26 mike                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18272  2007-05-29 21:05:48 Rich Gauszka                       Intuit Quickbooks forcing subscription                                  
 18273  2007-05-29 22:23:16 Randy                              A new Computer Language-LOLCODE                                         
 18274  2007-05-30 05:58:30 Geo.                               Re: Cellphones as app development platform for web and other purposes?  
 18275  2007-05-30 06:00:52 Geo.                               Re: Did Anyone Else Notice that Apple Lost $4 Billion in Value Yesterda 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18276  2007-05-30 06:05:20 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18277  2007-05-30 06:06:22 Geo.                               Re: Michigan man arrested for using free WiFi                           
 18278  2007-05-30 17:16:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: A new Computer Language-LOLCODE                                     
 18279  2007-05-30 10:18:26 Rich Gauszka                       Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table      
 18280  2007-05-30 15:44:22 Ad                                 Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee        
 18281  2007-05-30 11:37:18 RobertB                            Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18282  2007-05-30 11:38:12 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18283  2007-05-30 12:54:28 John Beamish                       Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18284  2007-05-30 13:38:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18285  2007-05-30 14:04:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18286  2007-05-30 16:19:50 Richard B.                         Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18287  2007-05-30 17:10:06 Rich Gauszka                       do you want to switch your service provider?                            
 18288  2007-05-30 17:27:46 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18289  2007-05-30 17:28:32 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18290  2007-05-30 17:29:48 mike                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18291  2007-05-30 16:40:26 John Cuccia                        Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18292  2007-05-30 17:46:56 Geo.                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18293  2007-05-30 18:02:10 Geo.                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18294  2007-05-30 18:04:22 Geo.                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18295  2007-05-30 18:07:30 Geo.                               Re: do you want to switch your service provider?                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18296  2007-05-30 18:30:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: do you want to switch your service provider?                        
 18297  2007-05-30 20:22:30 John Beamish                       Re: do you want to switch your service provider?                        
 18298  2007-05-30 21:29:40 mike                               Re: do you want to switch your service provider?                        
 18299  2007-05-30 21:30:34 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18300  2007-05-30 21:31:50 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18301  2007-05-30 21:34:40 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18302  2007-05-30 22:46:18 Rich Gauszka                       Germany outlaws password recovery tools?                                
 18303  2007-05-31 09:02:02 Adam                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee        
 18304  2007-05-31 10:21:30 Adam                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18305  2007-05-31 10:26:16 Adam                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18306  2007-05-31 23:45:26 Don Hills                          Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee        
 18307  2007-05-31 23:54:36 Don Hills                          Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18308  2007-05-31 14:28:02 Adam                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18309  2007-05-31 14:32:46 Adam                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18310  2007-05-31 14:47:36 Adam                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18311  2007-05-31 18:44:26 Rich Gauszka                       86 Mac Plus Vs. 07 AMD DualCore.                                        
 18312  2007-05-31 18:48:24 Rich Gauszka                       Fire Fox update                                                 
 18313  2007-05-31 19:49:10 Mike N.                            Re: webserver attack??                                                  
 18314  2007-05-31 21:37:38 John Beamish                       Re: Fire Fox update                                             
 18315  2007-05-31 21:47:14 John Beamish                       Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18316  2007-05-31 21:55:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Fire Fox update                                             
 18317  2007-05-31 22:05:00 RobertB                            Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18318  2007-05-31 22:08:06 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18319  2007-05-31 22:53:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18320  2007-06-01 15:13:52 John Beckett                       Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18321  2007-06-01 06:56:12 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18322  2007-06-01 07:02:40 Ad                                 Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18323  2007-06-01 06:18:00 Geo.                               Re: 86 Mac Plus Vs. 07 AMD DualCore.                                    
 18324  2007-06-01 11:18:32 Ad                                 Pentest hack..                                                          
 18325  2007-06-01 11:22:24 Ad                                 Re: Pentest hack..                                                      
 18326  2007-06-01 11:24:46 Ad                                 Re: Pentest hack..                                                      
 18327  2007-06-01 10:27:54 RobertB                            Re: 86 Mac Plus Vs. 07 AMD DualCore.                                    
 18328  2007-06-01 10:28:42 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18329  2007-06-01 10:59:10 Richard B.                         Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18330  2007-06-01 10:03:56 John Cuccia                        Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18331  2007-06-01 11:22:02 Frank Haber                        Re: Fire Fox update                                             
 18332  2007-06-01 16:32:54 Ad                                 Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee        
 18333  2007-06-01 10:40:10 John Cuccia                        Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18334  2007-06-01 20:20:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Pentest hack..                                                      
 18335  2007-06-01 20:21:44 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18336  2007-06-01 14:15:28 Rich Gauszka                       Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                             
 18337  2007-06-01 15:05:52 Rich Gauszka                       10 crazy PC case mods                                                   
 18338  2007-06-01 16:56:24 Rich Gauszka                       Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                           
 18339  2007-06-01 23:07:12 Adam                               Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18340  2007-06-01 18:22:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18341  2007-06-01 18:45:46 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18342  2007-06-01 18:48:10 mike                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18343  2007-06-02 11:26:16 Don Hills                          Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18344  2007-06-02 12:25:46 Don Hills                          Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18345  2007-06-01 20:50:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18346  2007-06-01 20:58:54 John Beamish                       Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18347  2007-06-01 21:01:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18348  2007-06-01 21:02:42 John Beamish                       Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18349  2007-06-01 21:24:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18350  2007-06-01 22:16:28 Gary Britt                         Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18351  2007-06-01 22:58:58 Geo.                               Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18352  2007-06-01 23:02:14 Geo.                               Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18353  2007-06-01 23:05:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18354  2007-06-01 23:07:18 Geo.                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18355  2007-06-01 23:12:12 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18356  2007-06-01 23:15:40 Geo.                               Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18357  2007-06-01 23:18:58 Geo.                               Re: Pentest hack..                                                      
 18358  2007-06-01 23:22:54 Geo.                               Re: Your next PC is... a phone                                          
 18359  2007-06-02 15:14:34 Don Hills                          Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18360  2007-06-02 15:36:48 Don Hills                          Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18361  2007-06-02 00:30:54 Gary Britt                         Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18362  2007-06-02 09:43:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18363  2007-06-02 10:34:42 Adam                               Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18364  2007-06-02 10:41:48 Adam                               Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18365  2007-06-02 22:33:40 Don Hills                          Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18366  2007-06-02 09:24:00 mike                               Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18367  2007-06-02 09:24:14 mike                               Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18368  2007-06-02 09:27:24 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18369  2007-06-02 09:29:12 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18370  2007-06-02 09:51:28 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18371  2007-06-02 10:19:26 Frank Haber                        Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18372  2007-06-02 10:25:58 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18373  2007-06-02 10:25:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18374  2007-06-02 09:32:50 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18375  2007-06-02 10:34:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18376  2007-06-02 11:25:44 Glenn Meadows                      Web page help..                                                         
 18377  2007-06-02 12:33:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18378  2007-06-02 11:37:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Web page help..                                                     
 18379  2007-06-02 14:10:36 John Beamish                       Re: 10 crazy PC case mods                                               
 18380  2007-06-02 22:07:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18381  2007-06-02 16:38:26 mike                               HP readies corporate notebook refresh                                   
 18382  2007-06-02 17:14:04 mike                               Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18383  2007-06-02 15:39:54 Rich                               Re: HP readies corporate notebook refresh                               
 18384  2007-06-02 19:07:20 Rich Gauszka                       The Ultimate Reset Button                                               
 18385  2007-06-02 21:35:44 Mike N.                            Re: Web page help..                                                     
 18386  2007-06-02 21:46:42 RobertB                            Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18387  2007-06-02 21:47:36 RobertB                            Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18388  2007-06-02 21:48:38 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18389  2007-06-02 21:23:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Web page help..                                                     
 18390  2007-06-02 22:30:38 mike                               Jobs and ice water                                                      
 18391  2007-06-02 22:59:42 mike                               Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                                
 18392  2007-06-02 23:01:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18393  2007-06-02 23:07:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                            
 18394  2007-06-02 23:21:42 mike                               Analysts' Schadenfreude Über Apple                                      
 18395  2007-06-03 07:47:44 Mike N.                            Re: Jobs and ice water                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18396  2007-06-03 08:26:44 mike                               Re: Jobs and ice water                                                  
 18397  2007-06-03 15:39:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Web page help..                                                     
 18398  2007-06-03 15:42:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                            
 18399  2007-06-03 08:44:12 mike                               Why Microsoft's innovation is only Surface deep                         
 18400  2007-06-03 10:37:04 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18401  2007-06-03 10:40:38 Geo.                               Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18402  2007-06-03 12:06:54 Rich Gauszka                       the value of a vulnerability                                            
 18403  2007-06-03 12:17:50 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Web page help..                                                     
 18404  2007-06-03 19:55:46 Geo.                               Re: HP readies corporate notebook refresh                               
 18405  2007-06-03 20:09:32 Rich                               Re: HP readies corporate notebook refresh                               
 18406  2007-06-04 09:57:58 Ad                                 Re: Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                            
 18407  2007-06-04 10:02:22 Ad                                 Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee        
 18408  2007-06-04 09:02:16 Robert Comer                       Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18409  2007-06-04 11:03:58 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18410  2007-06-04 11:33:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18411  2007-06-04 19:29:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                            
 18412  2007-06-04 19:30:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Apple releases touch phone - Microsoft releases touch coffee table  
 18413  2007-06-04 18:19:08 mike                               Re: Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                            
 18414  2007-06-04 18:24:10 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18415  2007-06-04 18:25:02 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18416  2007-06-04 18:46:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18417  2007-06-04 19:00:36 Rich Gauszka                       Dell XPS m1330 ultraportable w SSD drive                                
 18418  2007-06-04 20:18:54 Rich Gauszka                       RIAA accused of using Extortion                                         
 18419  2007-06-04 20:54:50 Mike N.                            Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18420  2007-06-04 21:16:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18421  2007-06-04 21:28:54 John Beamish                       Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18422  2007-06-04 20:46:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18423  2007-06-04 22:26:24 Rich Gauszka                       Xandros licenses Microsoft IP                                           
 18424  2007-06-05 13:41:14 Don Hills                          Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18425  2007-06-04 22:43:52 Mark                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18426  2007-06-04 22:54:24 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18427  2007-06-04 22:56:58 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18428  2007-06-04 22:58:32 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18429  2007-06-04 23:09:58 Geo.                               Re: RIAA accused of using Extortion                                     
 18430  2007-06-05 06:29:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Instructions for Users of Word 2007/DOCX                            
 18431  2007-06-04 17:07:04 Ad                                 More phone tech                                                         
 18432  2007-06-05 07:01:14 Ad                                 Re: RIAA accused of using Extortion                                     
 18433  2007-06-05 07:02:30 Ad                                 Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18434  2007-06-05 07:07:10 Ad                                 Re: Xandros licenses Microsoft IP                                       
 18435  2007-06-05 06:18:44 Geo.                               Re: More phone tech                                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18436  2007-06-05 06:20:24 Geo.                               Re: RIAA accused of using Extortion                                     
 18437  2007-06-05 12:41:38 Ad                                 Re: More phone tech                                                     
 18438  2007-06-05 10:15:06 RobertB                            Re: RIAA accused of using Extortion                                     
 18439  2007-06-05 10:19:28 RobertB                            Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18440  2007-06-05 10:27:52 RobertB                            Web host recommendations                                                
 18441  2007-06-05 10:58:10 Frank Haber                        Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18442  2007-06-05 11:14:36 Frank Haber                        Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18443  2007-06-05 10:20:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18444  2007-06-05 16:17:58 Shawn Highfield                    Web host recommendations                                                
 18445  2007-06-05 15:20:08 Richard B.                         Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18446  2007-06-05 21:06:54 Adam                               Re: so much for Microsoft search                                        
 18447  2007-06-05 17:17:08 Mike N.                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18448  2007-06-05 17:18:14 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18449  2007-06-05 17:22:54 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18450  2007-06-05 17:23:54 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18451  2007-06-05 17:25:12 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18452  2007-06-05 17:32:36 mike                               Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                      
 18453  2007-06-05 23:00:58 Adam                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18454  2007-06-05 17:20:24 John Cuccia                        Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18455  2007-06-05 21:46:56 Rich Gauszka                       SanDisk launches 64GB SSD drive                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18456  2007-06-05 21:49:20 Rich Gauszka                       PQI shows 256GB SSD drive                                               
 18457  2007-06-05 22:43:34 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18458  2007-06-05 22:44:44 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18459  2007-06-05 22:45:54 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18460  2007-06-05 22:50:26 Geo.                               Re: Apple, iTunes & Steganography                                       
 18461  2007-06-05 22:58:52 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18462  2007-06-05 23:00:18 Geo.                               Re: More phone tech                                                     
 18463  2007-06-05 23:15:30 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18464  2007-06-06 19:38:00 John Beckett                       Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18465  2007-06-06 07:35:38 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18466  2007-06-06 15:46:28 Ad                                 Go on china...                                                          
 18467  2007-06-06 15:48:24 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18468  2007-06-06 10:53:14 RobertB                            Re: Go on china...                                                      
 18469  2007-06-06 10:54:06 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18470  2007-06-06 10:54:36 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18471  2007-06-06 10:55:58 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18472  2007-06-06 11:04:38 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18473  2007-06-06 11:33:44 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18474  2007-06-06 11:36:32 RobertB                            Re: More phone tech                                                     
 18475  2007-06-06 12:21:34 Richard B.                         Re: Go on china...                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18476  2007-06-06 12:31:16 Richard B.                         Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18477  2007-06-06 22:17:56 Adam                               Your new PC....ummm phone?                                              
 18478  2007-06-06 22:19:18 Adam                               Re: Your new PC....ummm phone?                                          
 18479  2007-06-06 22:52:04 Adam                               Re: Your new PC....ummm phone?                                          
 18480  2007-06-06 18:11:50 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18481  2007-06-06 18:20:36 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18482  2007-06-06 18:28:22 mike                               Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18483  2007-06-06 18:12:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18484  2007-06-06 22:28:48 Rich Gauszka                       Get Perpendicular                                                       
 18485  2007-06-06 23:10:48 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18486  2007-06-06 23:15:10 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18487  2007-06-06 23:25:48 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18488  2007-06-06 22:34:02 Randy                              Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                      
 18489  2007-06-07 09:13:32 Shawn Highfield                    Web host recommendations                                                
 18490  2007-06-07 09:45:58 Adam                               Re: Go on china...                                                      
 18491  2007-06-07 09:49:14 Adam                               Re: Go on china...                                                      
 18492  2007-06-07 19:07:12 John Beckett                       Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18493  2007-06-07 07:31:58 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18494  2007-06-07 08:36:40 Richard B.                         Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18495  2007-06-07 08:46:14 Richard B.                         Re: Go on china...                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18496  2007-06-07 08:49:50 Richard B.                         Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18497  2007-06-07 10:04:32 Frank Haber                        Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18498  2007-06-07 10:17:12 Frank Haber                        Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18499  2007-06-07 10:54:54 Rich Gauszka                       Apple Removes '2 Year Contract Required' Note from iPhone Ads?          
 18500  2007-06-07 11:06:42 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18501  2007-06-07 11:07:36 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18502  2007-06-07 11:08:44 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18503  2007-06-07 11:11:04 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18504  2007-06-07 11:12:16 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18505  2007-06-07 11:13:12 RobertB                            Re: Go on china...                                                      
 18506  2007-06-07 20:37:14 George Sherwood                    Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18507  2007-06-07 11:44:04 Richard B.                         Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18508  2007-06-07 18:55:30 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18509  2007-06-07 12:38:20 Rich Gauszka                       DivX Pro free - today only                                              
 18510  2007-06-07 12:59:16 Gary Britt                         Re: DivX Pro free - today only                                          
 18511  2007-06-07 13:03:56 Gary Britt                         Cool Firefox Add-on                                                     
 18512  2007-06-07 13:35:34 Mike N.                            Re: Apple Removes '2 Year Contract Required' Note from iPhone Ads?      
 18513  2007-06-07 20:41:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: DivX Pro free - today only                                          
 18514  2007-06-07 13:05:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18515  2007-06-07 16:12:50 Richard B.                         Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18516  2007-06-07 16:19:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18517  2007-06-07 16:25:22 Richard B.                         Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18518  2007-06-07 16:27:40 Rich Gauszka                       Three screened laptop                                                   
 18519  2007-06-07 16:30:30 Robert Comer                       Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18520  2007-06-07 16:59:52 Richard B.                         Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18521  2007-06-07 17:05:12 Robert Comer                       Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18522  2007-06-07 18:06:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18523  2007-06-07 18:06:56 Gary Britt                         Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18524  2007-06-07 18:25:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18525  2007-06-07 18:37:48 mike                               Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18526  2007-06-08 10:16:24 Don Hills                          Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18527  2007-06-07 18:38:24 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18528  2007-06-07 18:44:44 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18529  2007-06-07 18:46:08 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18530  2007-06-07 18:51:52 mike                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18531  2007-06-07 18:58:48 mike                               Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire                   
 18532  2007-06-07 20:14:08 Gary Britt                         Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18533  2007-06-07 20:22:38 Gary Britt                         Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18534  2007-06-07 20:29:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18535  2007-06-07 21:12:42 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18536  2007-06-07 22:12:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18537  2007-06-07 22:13:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18538  2007-06-07 22:53:20 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV bombing in Europe?                                         
 18539  2007-06-07 22:57:42 Geo.                               Re: DivX Pro free - today only                                          
 18540  2007-06-07 23:05:36 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18541  2007-06-08 01:25:34 Rich Gauszka                       death knell for home electrical outlet?                                 
 18542  2007-06-08 07:16:56 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft threatens its Most Valuable Professional                  
 18543  2007-06-08 10:23:24 Ad                                 Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18544  2007-06-08 10:38:52 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18545  2007-06-08 10:52:14 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18546  2007-06-08 10:53:16 Ad                                 Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18547  2007-06-08 06:04:24 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18548  2007-06-08 06:05:56 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18549  2007-06-08 06:09:44 Geo.                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18550  2007-06-08 06:11:32 Geo.                               Re: Three screened laptop                                               
 18551  2007-06-08 06:14:10 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18552  2007-06-08 06:16:22 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18553  2007-06-08 06:19:26 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18554  2007-06-08 12:48:28 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18555  2007-06-08 15:15:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18556  2007-06-08 15:18:48 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18557  2007-06-08 09:24:04 Richard B.                         Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18558  2007-06-08 09:28:10 Richard B.                         Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18559  2007-06-08 09:29:18 Richard B.                         Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18560  2007-06-08 09:33:16 Richard B.                         Re: Cool Firefox Add-on                                                 
 18561  2007-06-08 09:37:58 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18562  2007-06-08 09:39:32 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18563  2007-06-08 09:41:16 Richard B.                         Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18564  2007-06-08 09:44:46 Richard B.                         Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18565  2007-06-08 09:57:48 Robert Comer                       Re: Revealed: The Secret Life of a cat                                  
 18566  2007-06-08 10:03:56 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18567  2007-06-08 10:06:08 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18568  2007-06-08 16:28:52 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18569  2007-06-08 16:29:42 Ad                                 Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18570  2007-06-08 12:14:36 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18571  2007-06-08 12:17:42 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18572  2007-06-08 12:20:40 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18573  2007-06-08 12:22:12 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18574  2007-06-08 13:03:04 Gary Britt                         Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18575  2007-06-08 13:35:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18576  2007-06-08 13:39:44 Rich Gauszka                       EVGA - refusal to honor warranty is confidential?                       
 18577  2007-06-08 16:30:08 mike                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18578  2007-06-08 16:33:28 mike                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18579  2007-06-08 16:40:32 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18580  2007-06-08 16:58:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18581  2007-06-08 18:57:10 mike                               Kaffeeklatsch PC                                                        
 18582  2007-06-09 10:10:00 John Beckett                       Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18583  2007-06-09 10:43:50 John Beckett                       Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18584  2007-06-09 10:43:52 John Beckett                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18585  2007-06-08 20:58:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18586  2007-06-08 21:32:44 Robert Comer                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18587  2007-06-08 21:50:00 Rich Gauszka                       cell phone chip ban aides iPhone?                                       
 18588  2007-06-08 22:50:04 Mike N.                            Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18589  2007-06-08 23:34:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18590  2007-06-09 13:57:24 John Beckett                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18591  2007-06-09 00:11:02 Geo.                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18592  2007-06-09 00:16:36 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18593  2007-06-09 00:40:44 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Surface: The Fine Clothes of a Naked Empire               
 18594  2007-06-09 00:42:18 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18595  2007-06-09 00:48:06 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18596  2007-06-09 00:50:08 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18597  2007-06-09 00:53:06 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18598  2007-06-09 12:28:28 Don Hills                          Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18599  2007-06-09 05:04:24 Geo.                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18600  2007-06-09 08:02:28 Mike N.                            Microsoft Photosynth                                                    
 18601  2007-06-09 09:07:04 mike                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18602  2007-06-09 09:08:54 mike                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18603  2007-06-09 09:23:46 mike                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18604  2007-06-09 09:39:58 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft yet another seismic shift in strategy?                        
 18605  2007-06-09 10:30:16 mike                               Ardour                                                                  
 18606  2007-06-09 10:32:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18607  2007-06-09 10:38:56 mike                               Democracy player                                                        
 18608  2007-06-09 10:45:14 mike                               GParte - live CD                                                        
 18609  2007-06-09 10:53:36 mike                               Re: Microsoft yet another seismic shift in strategy?                    
 18610  2007-06-09 11:12:26 mike                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18611  2007-06-09 12:45:54 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18612  2007-06-09 12:48:06 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18613  2007-06-09 12:50:14 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18614  2007-06-09 12:51:04 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18615  2007-06-09 13:40:46 mike                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18616  2007-06-09 14:19:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Ardour                                                              
 18617  2007-06-09 15:41:46 Mike N.                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18618  2007-06-09 16:52:46 mike                               Re: Ardour                                                              
 18619  2007-06-09 20:27:28 Mike N.                            Microsoft takes a Flying Leap...forward                                 
 18620  2007-06-10 10:45:06 John Beckett                       Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18621  2007-06-09 22:25:50 Rich Gauszka                       Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                                
 18622  2007-06-09 23:48:30 Geo.                               Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18623  2007-06-09 23:58:36 Geo.                               Re: Democracy player                                                    
 18624  2007-06-10 00:12:10 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18625  2007-06-10 00:20:10 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18626  2007-06-10 00:27:36 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18627  2007-06-10 14:54:30 John Beckett                       Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18628  2007-06-10 14:54:30 John Beckett                       Re: death knell for home electrical outlet?                             
 18629  2007-06-10 14:54:30 John Beckett                       Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18630  2007-06-10 18:25:46 John Beckett                       Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18631  2007-06-10 07:22:20 Mike N.                            Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18632  2007-06-10 08:01:22 Bill Lucy                          Totally munged                                                          
 18633  2007-06-10 08:28:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18634  2007-06-10 08:44:14 mike                               Re: Microsoft takes a Flying Leap...forward                             
 18635  2007-06-10 08:51:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18636  2007-06-10 09:20:02 Mike N.                            Re: Totally munged                                                      
 18637  2007-06-10 10:41:00 mike                               Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18638  2007-06-10 11:09:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18639  2007-06-10 11:13:48 Rich Gauszka                       Google's privacy practices worst?                                       
 18640  2007-06-10 12:02:12 Rich Gauszka                       iPhone BroadbandReports.com benchmark courtesy of Google                
 18641  2007-06-10 11:49:52 Glenn Meadows                      Digital Movie Theatres                                                  
 18642  2007-06-10 13:03:10 RobertB                            Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18643  2007-06-10 13:11:16 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18644  2007-06-10 13:14:36 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18645  2007-06-10 13:16:20 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18646  2007-06-10 13:23:30 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18647  2007-06-10 13:24:08 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18648  2007-06-10 12:40:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18649  2007-06-10 14:17:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18650  2007-06-10 14:36:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18651  2007-06-10 14:44:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18652  2007-06-10 15:03:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18653  2007-06-10 15:35:06 mike                               Re: Digital Movie Theatres                                              
 18654  2007-06-10 16:22:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18655  2007-06-10 17:09:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Digital Movie Theatres                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18656  2007-06-10 19:28:10 Bill Lucy                          Re: Totally munged                                                      
 18657  2007-06-10 22:47:48 Geo.                               Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18658  2007-06-10 22:52:58 Geo.                               Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18659  2007-06-10 22:56:06 Geo.                               Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18660  2007-06-11 16:00:42 Don Hills                          Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18661  2007-06-11 06:40:30 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft takes a Flying Leap...forward                             
 18662  2007-06-11 12:25:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   W2003 server help needed                                                
 18663  2007-06-11 06:14:32 Geo.                               Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18664  2007-06-11 11:25:26 Ad                                 Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18665  2007-06-11 07:09:46 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft takes a Flying Leap...forward                             
 18666  2007-06-11 07:20:58 Mike N.                            Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18667  2007-06-11 10:19:30 RobertB                            Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18668  2007-06-11 11:25:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18669  2007-06-11 11:26:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18670  2007-06-11 19:10:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18671  2007-06-11 14:14:40 Rich Gauszka                       Jobs on Leopard versions                                                
 18672  2007-06-11 14:19:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
 18673  2007-06-11 14:23:10 Rich Gauszka                       iPhone Web 2.0 + AJAX apps                                              
 18674  2007-06-11 14:28:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
 18675  2007-06-11 14:33:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18676  2007-06-11 13:35:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
 18677  2007-06-11 14:45:08 Rich Gauszka                       Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                            
 18678  2007-06-11 14:11:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18679  2007-06-11 15:54:02 Mike N.                            Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18680  2007-06-11 15:56:38 Mike N.                            Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18681  2007-06-11 22:18:18 Adam                               Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18682  2007-06-11 22:19:30 Adam                               Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18683  2007-06-11 18:38:54 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                         
 18684  2007-06-11 19:07:54 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18685  2007-06-11 19:11:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18686  2007-06-12 14:44:10 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18687  2007-06-11 22:48:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18688  2007-06-12 00:41:14 Gary Britt                         Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                                
 18689  2007-06-12 18:38:34 John Beckett                       Re: Bush policy shift: Hands off Microsoft!!                            
 18690  2007-06-12 18:38:34 John Beckett                       Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18691  2007-06-12 06:25:34 Geo.                               Re: Google's privacy practices worst?                                   
 18692  2007-06-12 07:12:32 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18693  2007-06-12 08:48:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18694  2007-06-12 10:13:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18695  2007-06-12 12:02:50 RobertB                            Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18696  2007-06-12 12:03:42 RobertB                            Re: Safari on Windows?                                                  
 18697  2007-06-12 12:04:16 RobertB                            Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18698  2007-06-12 12:11:30 Robert Comer                       Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
 18699  2007-06-12 19:30:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18700  2007-06-12 12:32:02 Gary Britt                         Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18701  2007-06-12 12:42:06 Rich Gauszka                       Apple Safari for Win - pre-Alpha not Beta?                              
 18702  2007-06-12 12:56:52 Mike N.                            Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18703  2007-06-12 16:23:32 Rich Gauszka                       Did Apple lie to Mac gamers at the WWDC?                                
 18704  2007-06-12 17:45:22 Rich Gauszka                       iTunes account will be required for iPhone use                          
 18705  2007-06-12 23:32:56 Adam                               Your new wifi router?                                                   
 18706  2007-06-12 21:30:24 mike                               Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18707  2007-06-12 21:31:30 mike                               Re: Safari on Windows?                                                  
 18708  2007-06-12 21:32:26 mike                               Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18709  2007-06-12 21:33:52 mike                               Re: Digital Movie Theatres                                              
 18710  2007-06-12 21:46:16 Mike N.                            Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18711  2007-06-12 22:24:24 mike                               Re: Apple Safai 3 beta - now for Windows and Mac                        
 18712  2007-06-12 22:50:58 Gary Britt                         Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18713  2007-06-12 22:52:54 waldo kitty                        Re: webserver attack??                                                  
 18714  2007-06-12 22:58:32 waldo kitty                        Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18715  2007-06-13 06:19:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Your new wifi router?                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18716  2007-06-12 23:48:40 Geo.                               Re: Lots of potential...                                                
 18717  2007-06-12 23:54:58 Geo.                               Re: Totally munged                                                      
 18718  2007-06-12 23:58:18 Geo.                               Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18719  2007-06-13 00:00:54 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18720  2007-06-13 00:06:42 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18721  2007-06-13 00:09:04 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18722  2007-06-13 00:10:30 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18723  2007-06-13 07:14:14 Ad                                 Re: Your new wifi router?                                               
 18724  2007-06-13 17:57:52 John Beckett                       Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18725  2007-06-13 06:13:54 Geo.                               Re: Your new wifi router?                                               
 18726  2007-06-13 09:03:58 Ad                                 Why Don't Sun & Apple get together?                                     
 18727  2007-06-13 07:38:44 John Beamish                       Re: Why Don't Sun & Apple get together?                                 
 18728  2007-06-13 12:39:56 Ad                                 Yet another USB toy for the hotter months of the year                   
 18729  2007-06-13 13:05:56 Ad                                 Re: Why Don't Sun & Apple get together?                                 
 18730  2007-06-13 09:13:44 Richard B.                         Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18731  2007-06-13 11:17:34 RobertB                            Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
 18732  2007-06-13 11:48:00 Robert Comer                       Re: Jobs on Leopard versions                                            
 18733  2007-06-13 23:24:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18734  2007-06-13 23:25:26 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Your new wifi router?                                               
 18735  2007-06-13 23:26:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Your new wifi router?                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18736  2007-06-13 23:32:44 Antti Kurenniemi                   I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers           
 18737  2007-06-13 16:48:44 Richard B.                         Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18738  2007-06-13 20:00:26 mike                               Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18739  2007-06-14 12:24:44 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft now wishes your kitchen to phone home                     
 18740  2007-06-14 00:49:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18741  2007-06-14 08:15:24 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18742  2007-06-14 05:49:24 Geo.                               Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18743  2007-06-14 05:50:22 Geo.                               Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18744  2007-06-14 05:51:52 Geo.                               Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18745  2007-06-14 05:54:16 Geo.                               Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18746  2007-06-14 05:57:06 Geo.                               Re: Your new wifi router?                                               
 18747  2007-06-14 21:32:08 Don Hills                          Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18748  2007-06-14 07:11:40 Mike N.                            Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18749  2007-06-14 09:38:06 Richard B.                         Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18750  2007-06-14 09:40:36 Richard B.                         Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18751  2007-06-14 11:44:50 RobertB                            sending big files?                                                      
 18752  2007-06-14 11:48:52 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18753  2007-06-14 11:49:20 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18754  2007-06-14 12:22:32 Gary Britt                         Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18755  2007-06-14 12:27:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: sending big files?                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18756  2007-06-14 18:04:14 Adam                               Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18757  2007-06-14 12:44:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18758  2007-06-14 20:03:30 Adam                               effing nutty yank judges                                                
 18759  2007-06-14 17:41:42 Richard B.                         Re: effing nutty yank judges                                            
 18760  2007-06-14 23:33:56 Geo.                               Re: effing nutty yank judges                                            
 18761  2007-06-14 23:34:56 Geo.                               Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18762  2007-06-14 23:35:42 Geo.                               Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18763  2007-06-14 23:37:32 Geo.                               Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18764  2007-06-14 23:42:38 Geo.                               Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18765  2007-06-15 11:03:10 Richard B.                         DNS tools                                                               
 18766  2007-06-15 19:33:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18767  2007-06-15 19:37:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: W2003 server help needed                                            
 18768  2007-06-15 13:53:28 RobertB                            Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18769  2007-06-15 13:53:54 RobertB                            Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18770  2007-06-15 13:54:16 RobertB                            Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18771  2007-06-15 13:54:34 RobertB                            Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18772  2007-06-15 13:55:28 RobertB                            Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18773  2007-06-15 14:19:48 Frank Haber                        Re: I'm on Vista - woohoo and toot toot and oh shite dang buggers       
 18774  2007-06-15 14:21:02 Mike N.                            Re: DNS tools                                                           
 18775  2007-06-15 14:34:50 Gary Britt                         Re: sending big files?                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18776  2007-06-15 23:27:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   10k SATA disk - fast!                                                   
 18777  2007-06-15 17:26:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Avast Pro Goes Bonkers??                                            
 18778  2007-06-15 17:49:18 Rich Gauszka                       VLC and Vista                                                           
 18779  2007-06-15 18:04:30 RobertB                            Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18780  2007-06-15 18:06:50 RobertB                            Re: Web host recommendations                                            
 18781  2007-06-15 18:07:24 Gary Britt                         Re: sending big files?                                                  
 18782  2007-06-15 18:16:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18783  2007-06-15 18:29:08 Geo.                               Re: DNS tools                                                           
 18784  2007-06-15 21:30:16 Mike N.                            Re: DNS tools                                                           
 18785  2007-06-15 21:33:02 Mike N.                            Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18786  2007-06-15 22:26:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18787  2007-06-15 23:10:56 Gary Britt                         Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18788  2007-06-15 23:41:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18789  2007-06-15 23:50:44 Geo.                               Re: DNS tools                                                           
 18790  2007-06-15 23:52:56 Geo.                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18791  2007-06-16 00:04:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18792  2007-06-16 00:17:14 Gary Britt                         Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18793  2007-06-16 00:28:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18794  2007-06-16 00:38:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18795  2007-06-16 08:35:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18796  2007-06-16 07:31:38 Mike N.                            Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18797  2007-06-16 07:32:08 Mike N.                            Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18798  2007-06-16 07:46:26 Mike N.                            Re: DNS tools                                                           
 18799  2007-06-16 07:57:04 Mike N.                            Apple Reignites the Browser Wars?                                       
 18800  2007-06-16 08:34:04 Frank Haber                        Re: 10k SATA disk - fast!                                               
 18801  2007-06-16 08:44:20 mike                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18802  2007-06-16 08:44:56 mike                               Re: 10k SATA disk - fast!                                               
 18803  2007-06-16 08:47:50 mike                               Microsoft Enlists Allies for Apple Fight                                
 18804  2007-06-16 08:52:36 mike                               Sony and Microsoft have failed to understand our market - Nintendo      
 18805  2007-06-17 00:43:24 Don Hills                          20 years on, we're no better off                                        
 18806  2007-06-16 08:56:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18807  2007-06-16 08:57:08 mike                               Bad Signals on Apple TV                                                 
 18808  2007-06-16 09:03:56 mike                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18809  2007-06-16 09:35:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Bad Signals on Apple TV                                             
 18810  2007-06-16 10:40:02 mike                               Re: Bad Signals on Apple TV                                             
 18811  2007-06-16 10:04:54 Glenn Meadows                      Interesting perspective on Apple TV                                     
 18812  2007-06-16 11:50:42 Mike N.                            Vista's Weak Link: The Driver Store                                     
 18813  2007-06-16 13:02:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's Weak Link: The Driver Store                                 
 18814  2007-06-16 11:01:06 Rich                               Re: INFCACHE.1                                                          
 18815  2007-06-16 14:21:48 Gary Britt                         Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18816  2007-06-16 14:27:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18817  2007-06-16 14:29:38 mike                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18818  2007-06-16 14:37:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: INFCACHE.1                                                          
 18819  2007-06-16 15:38:56 Rich Gauszka                       ZoneAlarm and Vista                                                     
 18820  2007-06-16 13:34:14 Rich                               Re: INFCACHE.1                                                          
 18821  2007-06-16 17:21:10 mike                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18822  2007-06-16 17:39:42 mike                               Motorola Q with Windows Mobile                                          
 18823  2007-06-16 18:24:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Motorola Q with Windows Mobile                                      
 18824  2007-06-16 23:49:08 Randy                              Re: Motorola Q with Windows Mobile                                      
 18825  2007-06-17 00:56:04 Geo.                               Re: 20 years on, we're no better off                                    
 18826  2007-06-17 00:58:32 Geo.                               Re: Bad Signals on Apple TV                                             
 18827  2007-06-17 01:02:16 Geo.                               Re: DNS tools                                                           
 18828  2007-06-17 01:06:26 Geo.                               Re: Interesting perspective on Apple TV                                 
 18829  2007-06-17 01:09:16 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Q with Windows Mobile                                      
 18830  2007-06-17 01:15:36 Geo.                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18831  2007-06-17 01:19:56 Geo.                               Re: VLC and Vista                                                       
 18832  2007-06-17 17:46:18 Don Hills                          Re: 20 years on, we're no better off                                    
 18833  2007-06-17 15:39:14 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 10k SATA disk - fast!                                               
 18834  2007-06-17 16:29:30 Antti Kurenniemi                   Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                        
 18835  2007-06-17 10:18:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18836  2007-06-17 11:33:40 Robert Comer                       Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
 18837  2007-06-17 14:29:50 Mike N.                            Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
 18838  2007-06-17 21:58:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
 18839  2007-06-17 15:16:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
 18840  2007-06-17 17:07:04 Geo.                               Re: 20 years on, we're no better off                                    
 18841  2007-06-17 17:15:08 Geo.                               Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
 18842  2007-06-17 21:51:50 Rich                               Re: File tags                                                           
 18843  2007-06-18 06:32:16 Geo.                               Re: File tags                                                           
 18844  2007-06-18 21:56:20 Don Hills                          Re: 20 years on, we're no better off                                    
 18845  2007-06-18 06:57:26 Rich                               Re: File tags                                                           
 18846  2007-06-18 10:16:46 Frank Haber                        Re: Well that didn't take long - I'm off Vista again                    
 18847  2007-06-18 08:20:00 Bob Ackley                         effing nutty yank judges                                                
 18848  2007-06-18 14:30:22 Rich Gauszka                       Data entry errors and thinkpad build delays                             
 18849  2007-06-18 17:38:00 Rich Gauszka                       DX 10 benchmarks - not looking good                                     
 18850  2007-06-18 18:56:40 mike                               Microsoft doesn't like a transparent electronic voting process          
 18851  2007-06-18 19:15:28 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18852  2007-06-18 22:45:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18853  2007-06-18 22:53:02 mike                               Report: Apple developing navigation system for Mercedes                 
 18854  2007-06-18 22:54:16 mike                               Canonical guys                                                          
 18855  2007-06-18 23:04:20 Geo.                               Re: 20 years on, we're no better off                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18856  2007-06-19 06:17:48 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Up button                                                           
 18857  2007-06-19 06:18:30 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Up button                                                           
 18858  2007-06-18 23:25:02 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18859  2007-06-18 23:36:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18860  2007-06-19 00:03:38 Gregg N                            Re: Up button                                                           
 18861  2007-06-18 21:29:26 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18862  2007-06-18 21:34:32 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18863  2007-06-19 07:28:00 Ad                                 USB monitor...                                                          
 18864  2007-06-19 06:14:56 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18865  2007-06-19 06:15:58 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18866  2007-06-19 06:29:30 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18867  2007-06-19 21:54:56 Don Hills                          Re: 20 years on, we're no better off                                    
 18868  2007-06-19 10:19:46 Frank Haber                        Re: USB monitor...                                                      
 18869  2007-06-19 07:34:52 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18870  2007-06-19 07:42:40 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18871  2007-06-19 11:01:22 Frank Haber                        Re: Up button                                                           
 18872  2007-06-19 12:13:14 RobertB                            need DNS help                                                           
 18873  2007-06-19 12:28:42 RobertB                            DNS Help again                                                          
 18874  2007-06-19 13:09:32 RobertB                            Re: Apple Reignites the Browser Wars?                                   
 18875  2007-06-19 13:38:20 Rich Gauszka                       Sony one-ups Apple TV in stupidity                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18876  2007-06-19 20:46:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: USB monitor...                                                      
 18877  2007-06-19 15:16:40 Dave Ings                          Re: Apple Reignites the Browser Wars?                                   
 18878  2007-06-19 16:23:12 Mike N.                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18879  2007-06-19 15:43:46 Glenn Meadows                      Opera Mini Beta takes on iPhone browser                                 
 18880  2007-06-19 22:01:16 Adam                               Re: Apple Reignites the Browser Wars?                                   
 18881  2007-06-19 22:01:48 Adam                               Re: USB monitor...                                                      
 18882  2007-06-19 22:02:30 Adam                               Re: USB monitor...                                                      
 18883  2007-06-19 17:27:16 Ad                                 Prediction coming true                                                  
 18884  2007-06-19 17:46:00 RobertB                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18885  2007-06-19 17:48:30 RobertB                            Re: Up button                                                           
 18886  2007-06-19 16:53:32 Randy                              Re: Opera Mini Beta takes on iPhone browser                             
 18887  2007-06-19 17:55:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18888  2007-06-19 17:16:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Opera Mini Beta takes on iPhone browser                             
 18889  2007-06-19 18:43:48 Geo.                               Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18890  2007-06-19 19:11:30 Randy                              Re: Opera Mini Beta takes on iPhone browser                             
 18891  2007-06-19 20:31:58 John Beamish                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18892  2007-06-19 19:30:38 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18893  2007-06-19 23:37:00 Geo.                               Re: Prediction coming true                                              
 18894  2007-06-19 23:40:02 Gary Britt                         How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                        
 18895  2007-06-19 23:39:44 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18896  2007-06-19 23:42:26 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18897  2007-06-19 23:43:48 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18898  2007-06-19 21:25:28 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18899  2007-06-20 07:52:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
 18900  2007-06-20 03:04:30 Gary Britt                         Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
 18901  2007-06-20 08:57:32 Ad                                 Remember when 640x480 was enough....how about xga?                      
 18902  2007-06-20 06:16:26 Geo.                               Re: effing nutty yank judges                                            
 18903  2007-06-20 06:19:58 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18904  2007-06-20 08:31:54 Robert Comer                       Re: Prediction coming true                                              
 18905  2007-06-20 08:37:38 Frank Haber                        Re: Up button                                                           
 18906  2007-06-20 09:22:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
 18907  2007-06-20 09:44:58 Frank Haber                        Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18908  2007-06-20 10:38:18 Gary Britt                         Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
 18909  2007-06-20 12:31:50 RobertB                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18910  2007-06-20 12:34:44 RobertB                            Re: Up button                                                           
 18911  2007-06-20 13:31:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18912  2007-06-20 20:53:12 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
 18913  2007-06-20 14:02:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
 18914  2007-06-20 12:27:46 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18915  2007-06-20 20:29:32 Adam                               Re: How good is Apple's Safari Browser For Windows??                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18916  2007-06-20 15:54:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18917  2007-06-20 16:34:16 Mike N.                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18918  2007-06-20 17:43:06 mike                               Please, please, pretty please buy Windows Vista...                      
 18919  2007-06-20 17:44:24 mike                               Microsoft does embarrassing double-backflip                             
 18920  2007-06-20 17:45:48 mike                               Microsoft 'tweaks Vista' for Google desktop search goodness             
 18921  2007-06-20 18:28:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft 'tweaks Vista' for Google desktop search goodness         
 18922  2007-06-20 18:52:32 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft does embarrassing double-backflip                         
 18923  2007-06-20 19:13:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft does embarrassing double-backflip                         
 18924  2007-06-20 19:53:42 mike                               Windows Vista SP1 beta by end of the year...                            
 18925  2007-06-20 20:30:14 mike                               Re: Windows Vista SP1 beta by end of the year...                        
 18926  2007-06-20 20:40:30 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft does embarrassing double-backflip                         
 18927  2007-06-21 06:23:08 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft does embarrassing double-backflip                         
 18928  2007-06-21 06:22:04 Geo.                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18929  2007-06-21 08:14:18 Rich Gauszka                       AT&T succumbs to MPAA to block content                                  
 18930  2007-06-21 13:28:32 Ad                                 WRT USB monitor....                                                     
 18931  2007-06-21 08:48:58 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft does embarrassing double-backflip                         
 18932  2007-06-21 17:11:00 Antti Kurenniemi                   Anyone here know C#?                                                    
 18933  2007-06-21 07:35:34 Rich                               Re: Up button                                                           
 18934  2007-06-21 10:48:42 RobertB                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18935  2007-06-21 10:50:22 RobertB                            Re: Up button                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18936  2007-06-21 11:25:40 Mike N.                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18937  2007-06-21 11:27:56 Mike N.                            Re: Anyone here know C#?                                                
 18938  2007-06-21 12:32:00 Frank Haber                        Re: WRT USB monitor....                                                 
 18939  2007-06-21 15:36:30 Rich Gauszka                       Dell no Ubuntu for business users?                                      
 18940  2007-06-21 16:10:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Up button                                                           
 18941  2007-06-21 18:48:46 Geo.                               Re: AT&T succumbs to MPAA to block content                              
 18942  2007-06-21 20:00:28 mike                               Microsoft Surface                                                       
 18943  2007-06-21 20:02:54 mike                               Why Does Microsoft Hate Its Customers?                                  
 18944  2007-06-21 20:04:10 mike                               Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone                                     
 18945  2007-06-21 20:28:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone                                 
 18946  2007-06-21 20:52:06 Rich Gauszka                       Quicken's secret backdoor?                                              
 18947  2007-06-21 21:58:50 John Beamish                       Re: Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone                                 
 18948  2007-06-21 22:09:22 John Beamish                       Windows Office keystroke needed                                         
 18949  2007-06-21 22:20:14 RobertB                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18950  2007-06-21 21:28:34 Randy                              Re: Microsoft Surface                                                   
 18951  2007-06-21 22:42:12 mike                               Re: Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone                                 
 18952  2007-06-21 22:43:22 mike                               Re: Microsoft Surface                                                   
 18953  2007-06-21 22:34:56 Douglas Smith                      Re: Windows Office keystroke needed                                     
 18954  2007-06-21 23:35:44 mike                               The Best and Worst ISPs                                                 
 18955  2007-06-22 11:25:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Windows Office keystroke needed                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18956  2007-06-22 11:50:58 Ad                                 Re: WRT USB monitor....                                                 
 18957  2007-06-22 08:00:24 Mike N.                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18958  2007-06-22 08:35:08 John Beamish                       Re: Windows Office keystroke needed                                     
 18959  2007-06-22 08:36:06 John Beamish                       Re: Windows Office keystroke needed                                     
 18960  2007-06-22 09:57:04 Frank Haber                        Re: The Best and Worst ISPs                                             
 18961  2007-06-22 11:40:30 RobertB                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
 18962  2007-06-22 11:48:28 RobertB                            Re: Up button                                                           
 18963  2007-06-22 11:49:50 RobertB                            Re: The Best and Worst ISPs                                             
 18964  2007-06-22 11:50:36 RobertB                            Re: Gartner to IT: Avoid Apple's iPhone                                 
 18965  2007-06-22 11:51:40 RobertB                            Re: Microsoft Surface                                                   
 18966  2007-06-22 13:44:50 Rich Gauszka                       iPhoned 4 CPUs/GPUs                                                     
 18967  2007-06-22 14:00:44 Rich Gauszka                       iPhone $175 AT&T  termination fee                                       
 18968  2007-06-22 22:02:06 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Anyone here know C#?                                                
 18969  2007-06-22 14:30:52 Randy                              Re: Microsoft Surface                                                   
 18970  2007-06-22 14:34:08 Randy                              Re: iPhone $175 AT&T  termination fee                                   
 18971  2007-06-22 15:52:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iPhone $175 AT&T  termination fee                                   
 18972  2007-06-22 15:23:20 Randy                              Re: iPhone $175 AT&T  termination fee                                   
 18973  2007-06-22 17:49:08 Mike N.                            Re: iPhone $175 AT&T  termination fee                                   
 18974  2007-06-22 17:50:50 John Beamish                       Kinda makes ...                                                         
 18975  2007-06-22 17:52:50 Mike N.                            Re: need DNS help                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18976  2007-06-22 18:08:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iPhone $175 AT&T  termination fee                                   
 18977  2007-06-22 18:30:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18978  2007-06-22 19:02:34 John Beamish                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18979  2007-06-22 19:33:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18980  2007-06-22 21:23:30 John Beamish                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18981  2007-06-22 22:05:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18982  2007-06-23 17:46:28 Don Hills                          Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18983  2007-06-23 09:39:28 mike                               Vista: They took five years for this?                                   
 18984  2007-06-23 09:41:10 mike                               Ohio data protection policy an accident waiting to happen               
 18985  2007-06-23 09:43:38 mike                               From the ‘I’m glad I’m not a Vista salesperson’ files                   
 18986  2007-06-23 09:46:38 mike                               Windows: Top 5 Licensing Questions                                      
 18987  2007-06-23 11:08:34 Geo.                               Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18988  2007-06-23 11:11:10 Geo.                               Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18989  2007-06-23 14:04:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista: They took five years for this?                               
 18990  2007-06-23 14:34:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista: They took five years for this?                               
 18991  2007-06-23 15:56:02 John Beamish                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18992  2007-06-23 15:57:58 John Beamish                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18993  2007-06-23 15:59:02 John Beamish                       Re: Kinda makes ...                                                     
 18994  2007-06-23 21:09:34 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista: They took five years for this?                               
 18995  2007-06-23 21:34:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista: They took five years for this?                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 18996  2007-06-23 22:15:14 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista: They took five years for this?                               